>americans need an example with burgers to finally get what net neutrality is about
Americans need an example with burgers to finally get what net neutrality is about
why anime picture is fat?
gonna play with that girls belly
Just imagine how soft it is.
Not fat! She's the perfect pillow
Bumping while I watch the video
These people are actors. And they aren't explaining the fact that google and the other tech giants are paying less than the plebs for more whoppers faster while showing the plebs making up the difference on the cost.
I thought the left hated big business? Shouldn't they be suspicious that (((Burger King))) wants them to support net neutrality?
>I thought the left hated big business?
The left supports capitalism. The left is against crony capitalism. The left is against the evil that corporations naturally engage in because they can get away with it. The left thinks people should be paid more, CEOs and executives paid less.
They don't want capitalism, they want everything to be a government controlled monopoly as they believe that'll allow big corporations to be kept in check by the people, while also being more efficient as it's only one company doing everything which reduces redundancy.
They engage in corporatism but think the government (if run by their politicians) is too benevolent to fall for corporatism.
>mfw when I'm bored I take pictures of fat anime girls and make them slimmer in photoshop
Chubby chasers are the worst.
>mfw when I'm bored I take pictures of fat anime girls and make them slimmer in photoshop
Why? Do you save them?
post em
even with a burger, they didn't understand. they didn't understand because they didn't care. They didn't care because it was a waste of their time, they were in a hurry and just wanted a burger.
They're scatted all over my hard drives, I should find them and put them in a folder one day
>they want everything to be a government controlled monopoly
That's not even remotely true. You've fallen for a meme.
>They don't want capitalism
That's just a made-up strawman that the right likes to masturbate to. It's not true either.
Capitalism is literally a necessary evil. It's an economic system that enriches the capital owners. By design, it does nothing to advance the interests of society and it's a moral hazard to people. So it needs to be well regulated.
In capitalism, all corporations see one thing: to Maximize profits. Profit is maximized when the least amount of good or service is delivered at the highest possible price (what the market will bear). Is this really how you want your health care priced? Your cable TV? Because large corporations are very efficient at eliminating their competition and raising prices. Then their armies of lobbyists flood Congress with campaign cash in exchange for quid-pro-quo legislation that de-regulates them and builds barriers to their competition.
>fat chicks
>disgusting without further explanation
Pick one and only one.
>he needs a reason
They have no self-control, they're lazy, they stink, they take up too much space, they're unhealthy etc.
Fat people are basically niggers.
at least post the folder, I need proof you actually do this user
Only one of the things you said is an inherent fact about fat people, and that's that they're unhealthy.
It's not a meme, we actually love burgers.
I want to give her a raspberry
Her whole shtick is she always has sweeets.
>Is this really how you want your health care priced?
Yes. In capitalism you can only make money if you give someone what they want, or convince them (or trick them) into thinking that they want it. Politicians do the same thing, but in the free market you are penalized if you spend stupidly, discouraging bad decisions on consumers.
Fake. Paid actors, the nigger would've chimped out if it was real.
Burger King is just trying to virtue signal about net neutrality in order to sell whoppers. Fucking lame.
So capitalism is a necessary evil, yet the government always falls to corporatism. Yet if only we got some politicians together to create a regulation, the government that has already fallen to corporatism will never be corporatist again.
If you're asking for a revolution, then why set up the same structures you're eternally battling against? You agree that the government is better at running things and that only private businesses can corrupt it.
>regulation creates competition, de-regulation stifles it
How does raising the bar to entry allow a small business to compete against an international corporation? Also a monopoly that is heavily regulated is the same as a government-run monopoly. Because of the heavy regulation an entrepreneur could never jump through all the hoops required, keeping the monopoly safe from competition. Regulation IS the legislation monopolies lobby for to build barriers to their competition.
>be american
>have shitty life
>get bombarded with net neutrality on all media and social media
>want to relax and eat a burger
>but in the free market you are penalized if you spend stupidly,
What are bailouts? Socialism perpetually rescuing capitalism? Literally monetary rewards for operational mismanagement and fiscal crimes. Those penalties only exist when businesses are relatively small. Large corporations with armies of lobbyists get bailouts.
Why do you even have chubby anime pics user?
>You agree that the government is better at running things and that only private businesses can corrupt it.
The "government" is a pact between the people and itself, a reflection of the will of the people. Corporations are created and dissolved with the stroke of a pen. Guess which has superior constitutional rights? If you're a Baptist and your corporation is Muslim-owned, it can force you to remain silent/motionless during the daily prayers. How did this happen? Hobby Lobby decision.
>You agree that the government is better at running things
Some things, the things that people share. The most common situation is the water supply. Do you have clean, drinkable water? That's because the government has prevented corporations from dumping toxic waste into the rivers and blocked pipelines from being built directly over the aquifer. The gov't also limits the amount of water each entity can draw so that all get an equitable share.
If it were up to the corporations, they would block the springs entirely so no one downstream gets any. They would bottle the water and sell it to you for astronomical prices. Farms would disappear overnight. Corporations with cost-limited water supplies would rapidly poison the local wells trying to get rid of their toxic waste. Just google private water utilities and read the horror stories.
>Regulation IS the legislation monopolies lobby for to build barriers to their competition.
Not all regulations are the same. So we need more of the regulations that keep little kids pajamas from going up in flames, and a lot more of the regulations that keep vulture capital corporations from becoming too big to fail.
because he has a subrior taste.
Saudi Arabia? Are you a proxyfag?
no, i'm not a proxyfag.
What are you doing in Arabia then? What's it like out there?
"Net Neutrality"
>ywn have a qt 3.16 2d anime waifu that you can go eat lots of fast food with
Why live?
Also I didn't watch your faggot video. Someone give me a quick run down instead.
M8, you do realize you're arguing with an American there about obesity?
remember when Redditors said the world would end with the end of net neutrality and that we would get "internet packages" and "internet prices would increase tenfold"? Notice how none of those things has happened yet since the end of net neutrality? Almost as if it was a jew vs. jew fight between companies like Netflix and ISPs and a non-issue for consumers.
That level of body fat is good. Enough to grab onto, give her a nice softness/padding and is distributed well.
>disgusting without further explanation
Well I guess there's really some people than need to be explained why two plus two equals four.