I know Kathryn Winn was brilliant but never this brilliant as to get a sexual predator lead the opposition party.
Conservative leader victim of #metoo
looks like another 4 years of wynne
Oh the irony
Wow just Wow.
I'm glad I was around to see this happen in a province I take full advantage of as an immigrant.
I'm glad Wynne will have my back so I can practice my culture and traditions in public at public expense since it is my right and if anyone disagrees then you are a bigot and racist and will be skewered in the court of public opinion.
Enjoy the loss PC losers!
There's no way wynne will win again, and if she does Ontario is beyond fucked
Wynn left her kids and husband to scissor random women.
why do people do that
Another conservative politician goes down to a smear campaign.
I don't get why would you resign if you know your not guilty, fucking cucks I swear to God literally nobody but soyboys care about what some fucking insane woman claims from 20 years ago
Patrick Brown was literally the only one who had a fighting chance against Wynne. The PCs were leading in the polls before this scandal popped up.
Hope you like four more years of her!
wow sounds like she has this in the bag
These fucking motherfuckers. Patrick Brown was lowkey /ourguy/. These lying whores need to be stopped.
awesome liberals getting gifted another election
am I seriously going to have to vote nigger dp
FFS Leafs I'm trying to eat breakfast
Like...literally a nightmare
Complete fucking sterotype
>Hello? Central casting?
>Yes. Please send up a man faced Canadian bull dike lesbian politician.
>Coming right up!
Brown fought for Islam and bringing in more refugees. Brown wasn’t /ourguy/ you retard
any chance of investigating katherine wynne's involvement in the hijab hate crime hoax?
This. People that do that are either guilty or a giant pussy and shouldn't be leader anyway.
No he didn't. He actively turned the Toronto kebabs, poos, and chinks against the carpet munching dyke party. It was really a brilliant move.
The guy's from Barrie. Southwest/Central Ontario is the most hardcore conservative area in the province. He played the moderate to win and then was about to go back to pulling hard right. If he was sold out they wouldn't have tried so hard to shill against him for cuckservative Christine Elliot in the leadership election.
Our guy managed to hide his power level and was about to dethrone the carpet munching dyke and now they fucking stole it. These fucking whores.
they're literally called """""""""""""progressive""""""""""""""" conservatives
true conservatism is dead
This is what they were afraid of.
They've had that name since the 40's you dope. Federally they didn't cuck until the 1970's and provincially they didn't cuck until 1999. Patrick Brown was dragging them away from the cuckservative garbage.
You can thank white women for once again destroying white mens ambitions and impeding advancement of the white race.
White women are literally worse than kikes.
You’re both completely delusional and stand for nothing. All of 2016 and ‘17 he fought against anti-Islamophobia. He even demanded those in the Conservative party support the anti-Islamophobia bill. He had zero platform and didn’t want to change one thing Wynne has done to Ontario. He even said he wanted to put our budget back in the red. Brown is a liberal through-and-through. Fuck him. Fuck Dykstra. Fuck Stanley. Glad the head of the snake was cut off, now we can rebuild in that shitty province.
Agreed. Even if he hadn't stepped down white "conservative" women would have turned out in hordes to reelect Wynne.
They voted for both Trudeaus because they're "SO DREAMY OMG". They destroy Conservative politicians by voting based on their fucking feelies and backstabbing their husbands in the voting booth. White women are traitors to us.
>I'm glad I was around to see this happen in a province I take full advantage of as an immigrant.
Go back to Asia Chang I'll call you out every day and get away with it you fuckboy.
>Nova Scotia PC Leader Jamie Baillie forced out over allegations of 'inappropriate behaviour'
I didn't even see this fucking bullshit. Forced to resign after (((((allegations)))))
I am so god damn fucking mad
>No he didn't. He actively turned the Toronto kebabs, poos, and chinks against the carpet munching dyke party. It was really a brilliant move.
Nah fuck you normalfaggot. Brown was shit but Wynne is even worse.
God forbid the fucking NDP win, I'll personally be voting Trillium if they run in my riding.
I met Brown a few years ago before he became party leader. Believe me. He was our fucking guy. He just knew how to play the game in the modern political climate.
>another 4 years of wynne
Welp lads, it's been fun but I'm outta this country fuck this place is cooked
They're just going to do this to every conservative leader in every upcoming election because they can. This is fucking war.
>meanwhile liberals are full blown pedophiles
fucking fuck this place fuck
>full blown pedophiles
>3 dykes hell bent on collapsing the west
what the fuck can we do
I am so angry
this shit cannot go to the media when there is no proof other than the word of some random fucking roastie
lmao pick 1
Hes still huge cuck, but his guys in the party were the farther right faction, the establishment and shitbird state media shilled so hard for the thot running against him
Besides provinces don't control immigration, all he was doing was shilling for votes, chinks and indians actually vote for conservatives sometimes here
this is canada..chick says you looked at her wrong way, you're fucked..take it from me, you're better off just getting it over with quickly, they have no intention of listening to you
They are forced out, and this is the public face they put on it. Resigned instead of fired.
You should try coming out from that rock more often.
because there is an election coming up soon and it's not exactly easy to win an election in the middle of sexual assault allegations on your leader.. not that it stopped trump though
the only positive I can see is that more people are becoming redpilled on this daily. read the normiebook comments about this.
I will move back home to NS.
Between her and Trudeau, they have fucked this country beyond repair.
High taxes, High Provincial taxes on top, highest Energy rates, $14/min wage, and now The carbon tax goes into effect.
Anyone want to come open a nice business in Ontario???
All while paying 1.3mil/ave/house price, and about $1200/month for a 1BDR.
>over $5 a gallon for gas
>over 50% tax on all alcohol / beer
>$13/g for weed
what a place
The only thing that can save Ontario now is a nuclear clean slate. Ground zero in the heart of Toronto.
I plan to move from Ontario to NS and buy some land as soon as I am able
I came from Sydney. Been in Toronto for 17 years. Came for the money, but I have 3 kids now, and I am starting to think money isn't everything.
Kids still play outside in Sydney, 95% white, great people, affordable.
You can still buy homes there for 40k.
money definitely isn't everything, far from it
just want some land to build a house, grow food, and live with my family
I have a very good friend that lives in Sydney
better quality of this?
maritimefag here, So what now? who replaces him?
I win again
And drinking conservative tears.
Brown is a cuck. He is also the leader in my riding
DO not try and get laid if you're a man in politics.
I wonder if we scrutinized the sexual activity of Wynne? How many freaky lesbo drug fests has she been to? What about George Smitherman, who ran for mayor as an admitted former meth addict and "sex partier"? Why was his past beyond criticism but Brown tried to fuck some qts ten years ago and hes a rapist?
Yes but it did almost ruin trump. H would have won a lot easier without the bs allegations.
I run a business here and though my income has been the same i can literally watch my standard of living fall year after year. It's getting bad now I want to go to the US
Fucking hell. The only thing that can save us is an asteroid wiping out Toronto while Wynn is wasting his time here.
Theyre reporting on AM 640 right now that "brown envelopes" were excanged and this was an inside job to get Brown out.
Hopefully a woman. Might have a chance to win.
This is brutal. We shouldn't have to run virtue signalling women and minorities just to have a chance.
I know, it’s incredible. She looks like more of a man than some of our male politicians. Rachel Notley might not be Alberta’s favourite premier, but at least she looks like a woman.
Hi Ontariofag here can someone please please please nuke Toronto and the GTA thank you god bless.
>low key
>our guy
Because placating the left is such an effective tactic.
This is what controlled opposition kikes still think we believe.
One more asshole gone.
One woman said the incident happened more than 10 years ago when she was a high school student in Barrie, according to CTV.
The woman then said she met Brown at a local bar, had alcohol (even though she was underage) and then went back to his place. She said he exposed himself to her and asked her to perform oral sex, which she did for a short time, according to the CTV story.
This is a section of a Global news article. Notice the wording. "she was in high school" He gave her alcohol "though she was underage" No mention that she was 18 and while underage for alcohol, it clearly tries to paint her as underage for consent which is 16 here.
>both NS and Ontario PC leaders resign
Alternative theory:
They were in bed with kikes and got caught in the /storm/.
Whatever, Ontario is basically commiefornia at this point.
Good. The man was clearly not up to snuff if that's all it take to bring him down.
Holy fuck Patrick Brown was not /ourguy/ or based or anything like that. The guy had the second smallest backbone in the entire province right next to John Tory and spent his time trying to alienate social conservatives from the party so that he could appeal to "muh broad range" of people. What kind of conservative wants a carbon tax and 75% off child care? Hell, he didn't even promise to trash the sex-ed curriculum.
The guy was a shit choice and I'm glad he's gone, although he didn't deserve what happened to him.
So basically #metoo hit jobs on every Republican to steal the house and literal people fall for this somehow... ?!
It disgusts me just how vapid and easy it really is.
Who's the third person in this image?
I hope the liberals win a majority again and fuck up the province even more
Fuck Ontario
Move out
Also just going to point out that if you think the same party that was willing to waste $1.1 billion of taxpayer money to win an election and is willing to sue their political opponents on multiple occasions would not make up sexual assault allegations against their opponent you are delusional.
like to faceberg comments?
Toronto thinks that's holy. The left don't admit that they have made their own religion called progressivsm.