Stop denying the holocaust you cucks

>My Grandfathers on both sides were SS

>One was part of the Einsatzgruppen and told me in detail how he executed well over 100 jews in Poland

>One was briefly at a death camp before dying in the defence of Berlin, tod my grandmother about what took place in the camp

> Both were proud national socialists who were sick of jewish undermining of the Fatherland, their roe in prostitution, media, plays etc.

>My Grandfather who was part of the Einsatzgruppen was an alcoholic and suffered because of the actions he did. He however was glad to of been part of the attempt to rid the west of international Jewry.

> The jews are our enemy, they seek to undermine traditional life, push demographic collapse of our societies and promote degeneracy and race mixing and have been behind all these anti-white movements

>Pretending it didn't happen isn't fooling the public, is weak and ultimately cowardly, we did it, we had every right to do it and only a cuck is scared to say it

>14/88 No mercy then, no mercy now, cucks get the bullet too.

The jew is a cunning and insidious demon, the jewish mind seeks to uproot and lay waste to all tradition, all but that of its tribe.

It calls for altruism as it practices usury, calls for peace as it wages economic war on our peoples.

The jew is fit for an oven a pit or a work camp, not for an ally!

what the fuck hapenned to pol

You're a liar. Show your flag, I guarantee you're a mestizo in America or a fucking kike. Either way sage.

My Opa was conscripted for the Heer at age 16 in Nov/44, POW in the west. Never spoke about the horrors he witnessed. Most real soldiers never do. Fuck off larper.

Your granddad was an aliied faggot who like the rest of his dumb fuck countrymen, spilled their blood for the kike.

If we were not against the entire world we would of beat you EuroMutts into dust.

Also soldiers talk about war all the time, my daddy fought in Rodhesia and he talks about it, so did my grandparents about their time in the war.

Only faggot Yanks love the hollywood depiction of soldiers and cops who brood and dont talk about the time they killed someone and how deep and mysterious that makes you.

Stop being a degenerate faggot cucking for the kikes.

Yea I wouldn't speak about it either if I was killing the last defenders of western society

If you had to execute over a hundred niggers, including women and children, to purify a confederate America in the future, think that might have some affects on you mentally, you dumb American swine?

God I hate you zionist shills.

>executing jewish partisans means 6 gorillion died in camps

Nice larp, OP

You're fucking gay.

Actually, you should probably just kill yourself to end the guilt


>murder innocent women and children
>we are getting rid of international Jewry in the west
based omg!!

This is like when /r/TD say shit like the democrats are the real racists. No retards, the democrats are pro white genocide.

We had enough of the kikes, we banned them from public life, from economic life, we had pogroms, we forced the vermin into Ghettos. We had them perform labour in camps. Then we just stopped there..... Jesus the cuckery is almost stormfag levels.

Drop this weak faggoty christian view of morality, either be a white nationalist and embrace the morality of survival, or fuck off and become a jesusfag.

Apparently my relatives were lying, the German officers who testified were lying, the documentation was forged, David Irving once he got access to the German records started lying.

You fucking cuckold. Move to Israel if you love our eternal enemy so much.

did happen didn't happen doesn't matter...what matters is that it WILL happen/happen again unless they can walk back the subversion and let it idle for another generation or two

No one says 6 million kikes died in the camps you mongoloid.

Nice LARP fag

What the hell are german mestizo?
Talking about the russian rape babies currently inhabiting germany?


they executed jews and poles involved in the murders of ethnic germans,it's documented and the kikes deserved it.

>>My Grandfather who was part of the Einsatzgruppen was an alcoholic and suffered because of the actions he did. He however was glad to of been part of the attempt to rid the west of international Jewry.
Well, its hard when you think of them as human beings, thus the alcoholism, however they were not, they were commie jews, absolutely not humans. If someone had told him that he would never suffer as he did. Poor guy...

By the way he killed more than 100 or was that his division? You see, there is a great difference depending on what you answer.

My Grandfather was in Einsatzgruppen and killed over a hundred undesirables, mostly jews, some Romany and a few communists etc.

The details of his service:

Einsatzgruppe I, commanded by SS-Standartenführer Bruno Streckenbach, acted with 14th Army

Is this the new angle /leftypol/ is going with?

There were no gas chambers.

Nobody is denying that kikes were getting killed. And did your grandfather say how many of those kikes were Partisan (terrorists)?

You should know better, Ivane.

Ugh all these low IQ, non Aryan idiots desperate to believe in these conspiracies so they can be the few in the know.

My fucking Grandfathers took part in the heroic attempt to destroy the zionist stranglehold on the Fatherland.

Apparently they, the thousands of SS men who gave testimony, the thousands of filthy kikes who survived, everyone is lying.

Seriously go ask a former SS man, they will either tell you it happened and they were only following orders, or it happened and they thought it was justified.

The reason these stormfags lie is because they are tied to christian archetypes of morality and unlike true nationalists, they think killing jews is immoral.

We always get the same old quote my family member told me quote and they were there unquote. However all publicly known Witnesses have been completely discredited. As have their stories been completely discredited by physical proof.

Apparently my great grandpa was the Ortsgruppenleiter of my village, other great grandpa fell in russia.
Sadly I lost the photo of my OGL grandpa in his office, I could probably get a new copy if I would go to the city archives.

name a single publicly known Witness who was free to dispute the official story and chose to confirm it

You sound like the type of low IQ cracker who makes the national socialist community cringe.

Stop just saying everything has been discredited. It isn't real, it makes you look dumb. You have two choices. Embrace your JesusFaggery and become a zionist, or embrace reality, understand German romantacism, understand the damage jews have done to the fatherland and grasp why, exterminating these racial enemies, is completely moral, from a national socialist perspective.

Stop denying reality, because it gives us terrible optics, it makes us look like a bunch of inbred KKK trailer trash.

your dad was likely caught giving blowjobs in a train station to niggers so he had to enlist. He was no here. He spent most of the was still sucking whatever dick he could find.

So I guess the soviet prisoners who told western intelligence about the gulags and about the famines were all liars, they made up that stuff?

Are you this low IQ, I mean really?

Bruns: "The trenches were 24 meters long and about 3 meters wide. They had to lie down like sardines in a can, with their heads toward the middle. At the top, there were six marksmen with submachine guns who then shot them in the back of the neck. It was already full when I arrived, so the ones who were still alive had to lie on top, and then they got shot. They had to lie there in neat layers so that it wouldn't take up too much space. Before this happened, they had to turn in their valuables at another station. The edge of the forest was here, and in here there were the three trenches on that Sunday, and here there was a line that stretched for one-and-a-half kilometers, and it was moving very slowly. They were standing in line to be killed. When they got closer, they could see what was going on inside. Roughly at this spot, they had to hand over their jewelry and their suitcases. A little farther along, they had to take off their clothes, all except their shirts and underpants. It was just women and little children, like two-year-olds."

Brun was never tried, however he like many in his generation, gave interviews to news agencies, authors and historians about what he had seen.

literally thousands of German soldiers, who were never tried, have given interviews since the 40 onwards.

If you didn't suffer from moral fagging and confirmation bias, you would of seen them in your "research" lol