>burning in hell
Burning in hell
hitchslapping belzzebub no doubt
>"God is a fiction; I am here to spread the truth of rationality being the ideological premise of all civilisation and morality; If God was real, he would smite me for my disbelief!"
>*gets cancer*
cause smoking doesn't give you cancer
not shitposting but: literally who?
Peter Hitchens' irrelevant dead brother, champion of fedoras and promoter of foreign wars and neoliberalism
There is no afterlife.
Yes, it does... but the Bible is against degeneracy like smoking, drugs and excessive drinking... Bitchens would still be alive if he followed the book
That's what the Jew wants you to believe repent before the end is near
A literal piece of shit cunt who was islamophobic/christianphobic smug. Nigga wasn't even against judaism tho, I wonder why
His mother was jewish... always have the tricks... attack all religions but themselves (like Ben Shapiro)
>one atheist died of the second most common disease
>ignoring all the religious people who die painfully every year and have starved since the ages
Isn't it ironic that he got throat cancer and could no longer blaspheme God in his last days?
This is one reason of many why I can never accept religion, I'd have to be associated with brainlets like you.
Christopher was richer and mor popular than Peter. Peter literally wrote about this.
Except the time he made a mockery out of a rabbi for defending mutilation.
2/10 yet hooked several suckers. And it's not even summer...
>smoked and drank a shitload
>got throat cancer
>implying religious fags are not the new fedoras
The pendulum swung, you're the modern internet fedoras today.
The Atheist movement went low on funds by the time he died anyway.
The Democrats stopped funding them around that time.
So he was alive through their fun years, and was spared from seeing his movement turn into retarded social justice warriors.
spottwd the 17 year old contrarian christcuck
how many times did the vicar feel you up?
>implying worldly status is a good measure of character.
To his dying breath he defending the invasion and occupation of Iraq for the sake of Jewish interests.
A decade and a half later and we've accomplished nothing. Iraq is a mess. Afghanistan is a mess. Libya was utterly destroyed and is now a stronghold for ISIS terrorists, and a brand new market for African slaves.
Thousands of Americans have died. Thousands more have been made amputees. Thousands have suffered irreparable brain injuries. Hundreds have been paralyzed and turned into brain dead comatose vegetables.
Hundreds of billions of dollars spent, so many lives lost, so many years gone by, and nothing to show for it but chaos spreading even farther.
This soulless animal claimed it was all worth it just to remove Sadam.
I'd choose being a fat fedora wearer any day over being a jew worshipping semitic pedophile apologist
I'm clearly talking about his "relevance". Reading comprehension skills.
Fact: There are no atheists in hell.
Think about this one for a sec. Deep.
Throat cancer no less.
God truly hates the sophist blasphemer
Denett was never on the same level as the other 3. He got his ass torn by D'Souza in a debate and never recovered.
Dawkins was initially brave, but eventually turned into an old weak cuck who caved in to the feminists who excommunicated him.
Harris is very sensible though.
>people die
Not Christians faggot.
if you read books he called judaism the root of all religious evil
>Harris is sensible
He is a double-standard jew like Ben Shapiro but on the other end of the spectrum... attacks all religions but Judaism is best out of all of the fictional religions... type of nigga to convert back to Judaism on his death bed.
Hey, I got a secret for you.
It was.
His response was "I've blasphemed god with more than my mouth"
He is a race realist. That's all I need really.
Here is his take on IQ and race: youtube.com
What.. did he jizz on a Bible or something? What a loser.
I nearly forgot, one of the things I hate about Dawkins is how he plants some of his own Atheists into the audience/conference.
During the Q&A, they would then feed him certain questions which he had prepared answers for beforehand, which usually resulted in some good "ownage", so to speak.
He doesn't have anywhere near the debate capability as Hitchens and Harris. So he had to resort to such underhanded means.
REMINDER: stop using astriks to imply action in a fucking green text
leave that normie shit in twitter roastie
Incredible autism detected. How can something so minor trigger you so much... kek.
He attacked every abrahamic religion. Culturally he accepted the importance of religion, but logically he showed it for how retarded it is.
Otherwise people start using site functions improperly like niggers.
Get fucked, OP. Hitch was /ourguy/
>Peter Hitchens' irrelevant
You could have stopped right there
>Atheist movement
Trying to paint the A+ crowd or random fedoras as representative of the aggregation of all atheists is as disingenuous as claiming all religious people are just like the Westboro Baptists.
He was unironically a commie.
>is as disingenuous as
Not really. They controlled your money source, they controlled your conventions, they controlled your movement.
They even managed to put duct tape on Dawkin's mouth.
The Atheist movement isn't what you thought it was.
He truly didn't believe in a God, then he just extincted. Hell is when you Believe in God, and choose iniquity.
>Hey goyim! Throw away your identity and heritage to try this cod Buddhism I'm shilling? Also, buy my book!
Yeah, Harris is sensible.
He is. Very sensible and rational.
Also see
He's sensible in that he's a kike shilling for kikes. The implication though was that it would be sensible for whites to listen to him.
I hope not. He believed in truth, which could be enough.
Now THAT is a kike who needs to be speared from his anus up through his mouth.
>They controlled your money source,
Like the moneychangers who wrote the bible?
>they controlled your conventions,
Like the moneychangers who wrote the bible?
>they controlled your movement.
Like the endless list of monarchs who followed the bible?
>They even managed to put duct tape on Dawkin's mouth.
That's literally Russian propaganda:
>The Atheist movement isn't what you thought it was.
The evidence proves it's nothing like you claim it is, either.
>That's literally Russian propaganda:
>proceeds to link to some 2017 article
How new are you?
The events that collapsed the Atheists and banishment of Dawkins happened in 2011, not 2017.
The Russians didn't have anything to do with this, you retarded cunt.
He is right. Are you a shill for Persian Muslims? Eurgh.
All muslims need a spear up through their ass.
But the Jews deserve 3 of them.
Ew, are there still atheists in 2018? They certainly are going extinct fast. Must be all the nihilism.
Reminder that Richard Dawkins only had one daughter despite being married three times.
>When you are an evolutionary failure despite being an evolutionary biologist.
It seems likely but we do not know. I would recommend not trying to make the claim of those in Hell.
Hitchens was mainly a man of rhetoric to my knowledge, his arguments hardly ever held fast, but he is most definitely a man who tried to maintain some sense or morality.
>only the traditional families I know of are going to be grandparents in their lifetime
His edge gave him cancer
I take that disgruntled cat. Take my mine in fair exchange.
This thread is surely lacking any quality and is most likely a slide thread or a designated shitposting thread.
>Goes against the essence of western cultural thought, not head strong against the establishment that corrupted it
fucking pleb
What do think sin is? Sin is not striving for the greatest good within and without. A smoking habit is just one manifestation of a disordered life.
>saving thumbnail rather than actual pic
look at the state of you, Hans, the rapefugees have muddled your brain!
there is no hell,period
Are you kidding me? Dawkins is definitely /ourguy/
>The Russians didn't have anything to do with this,
Dawkins was right. The movement was wrong. The Russians are blaming Dawkins and the simpletons are falling for it. Doesn't have anything to do with the inherent atheism of man.
>there is no hell
>that pic exists
Only one of these can be true
kek... based mutt
If you're past 20 and still think Hitch was intelligent, you should hang yourself. Dennett and sometimes Harris were the only two worth even considering in a metaphysical sense. The other two are retarded utopianists.
10 years ago he was the shit. We laughed at conservatives, more yet, we fucking tormented them, the religous nuts, the racist hicks, the KKK larpers - they were intelelctually tormented by "new atheists" and seen as white trash to be laughed at. Now you see them crawling from their basements, putting on Khaki pants and polo shirts...even getting a haricut. But I fuckin they will be put down like the dogs they are.
Based (you)
That cuck who denies free will?
Dawkins has been reduced to a cuck who sucks feminist cunt now. He even tried to reach out to them and apologize.
Just stop, you were clearly retarded and did not know what had happened.
>making fun of people for not believing in adult fairy tale skydaddy
I like Jesus and his teachings but Christcucks will always make me laugh with their retarded belief in supernatural.
He has a point, niggerFAGGOT.
You don't need to use asterisks to add meaning to your words here.
>Dawkins has been reduced to a cuck who sucks feminist cunt now. He even tried to reach out to them and apologize.
He probably should dial it down to reach a wider audience, but he didn't sacrifice honesty or principle.
>A biological reminder that the JEWISH GENOME has long since INFECTED Britain; just as it did Russia, where even the BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY are crypto-juden just like this fat alcoholic degenerate.
Nigger. Times have changed. Nigger.
lel I bet he’s forced to drink cheap scotch and smoke poor tasting cigs for all eternity