Make and/or request some art
Previous thread
Requesting Maika showing off her lewd butt wearing a sexy French maid version of her maid uniform. She is seen from behind bending down and looking at the audience with a smug look on her face, her short French maid skirt revealing her cute butt and black panties.
Anchor post for the user who was drawing Char
Thread is gonna be dead for a bit because it doesn't pop up when people search for "draw"
I noticed that too. Anyone surfing through the catalog will probably see it but if it dies early, next time we'll leave out the Sup Forums part.
Was it not uploaded to the booru?
Requesting this noire painted
Karina at a fast food place (like with her friends or whatever) holding an onion ring and imaging being married to Kotetsu (Wild Tiger) and even having it on her ring finger. And to request Blue Rose, her wearing the virgin killer sweater or something to do with her ice powers.
Well, not yet, I thought it's a WIP because it sounded like user wants to work on it a bit more