So why isn't he /our guy/?
Is it because most of you are Americanised cucks?
So why isn't he /our guy/?
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Because he is a jew-lakej and a muslim lover. You can take the agent out of KGB but never KBG out of the agent. He is poisonous.
Russia has had muslims on its territory since before the Tsardom of Russia.
what has he done to you to be /your guy/?
But they were kept in check in a completely different way. Today they have been given legitimacy and Putin has turned Moscow into the European Mecca.
Diversified the Russian capital and other cities.
>supports Assad
>actively defends white Christianity
>anti nato(jew)
>anti faggot
How is he not /our guy/
Why do Russiaboos always use this excuse to wave off their Muslim problem? We've had niggers on our land for 250 years, does that mean they're model citizens?
>cherry picking this hard
>false equivalence
The muslims have been in Russia for the same amount of time as christians while niggers were brought to america
Not picking cherry, Putin's Russia is Africa tier shithole.
Putin has been in power for 18 years.
How so?
Picrel: Moscow, 1971
>same as the United States in some cases
>supports Assad
Only because he stands against the US
>actively defends white Christianity
Being this disillusioned
>anti nato(jew)
Guy's a jew lackey himself
>anti faggot
>respecting culture means you're a jew
Refute this as well, retard. What's more hilarious is when the opposition you hate so much - Navalny is more of a nationalist than Putin and his plutocrat stooges
And the cherry on top, well, you seem to suck his dick very much so you must understand Russian as well?
I'll make it easy for you - it's his party's poster
>hurr Africa is the same as the United States
Russkie bots like you will post any lie.
This, He sucks Kadyrovs cock in order for them not to chimpout.
Heck denying the holohoax itself is illegal in Russia because of this man.
He does have some good points but he is definantly not our guy.
>Memeflaglarping cuck who hides his flag
It's ok anglo fag. Keep letting turks and arabs rape and murder you, we'll save you.
Corrupted apparatchik is our guy now. How cool is that?
I thought Sweden was the European mecca
Do you like Mugabe and his literal genocide against whites?
Do you like socialism?
Then their sponsor is /your guy/
Wew some many memeflags talking shit kek.
Ofc he's not /yourguy/, he's a politician realpolitikian and not some basement dweller with radical thoughts. Russia's a delicate county to manage. Either way it's none of your business.
>So why isn't he /our guy/?
He's a narcissistic mafia don. He's got a solid track record of anti-Western treachery. His KGB was behind the cultural marxism that was supposed to demoralize and destabilize the West. Now his FSB is running Web Brigade operations to demoralize and destabilize the West. Nothing has changed except the shocking ignorance level of Sup Forums
inb4 putinbots call me kike
Because Slavs are a plague upon the world that needs to be exterminated
T. Shlomo Shekelstein
>T. Shlomo Shekelstein
t. Putinbot
Putinbot? I don't support him wtf u on about?
Just because i don't want Slavs to be exterminated that does not make me a Putinbot.
Because he is Russian and they allies to Serbs whom we all hate
America has had nigs since the Thirteen Colonies.
He fucked over the kike NWO.
Because he runs a corrupt, anti-democratic """"government"""" and subverts Western interests. Because his gang cucked the Republic of Moldavia so hard it is now a puppet-state, my country has more chances of forming a union with its mortal enemy (Hungary) at this point than rebuilding Greater Romania.
Russians are the only slavs I can call vodkaniggers, they are violent warmongers that brought communism and destruction to Europe. The only good thing that came out of Russia are the classic literature and music.
Putin is a much stronger leader than your leaders.
You do realise it's not likely he exercises this power on his own, right ? Putin is not one person, (((Putin))) is probably a gang of ex-KGB schemers planted in important positions of the Russian institutions. It's a political cartel, that's probably why it seems that he runs the show so well.
Chill, uncle Sam. Unironically #notallSlavs.
Best leader the world had seen in decade's, hail career!
>Because he runs a corrupt, anti-democratic """"government"""" and subverts Western interests
This is different from every western """government""" how, exactly?
Well played. Well played indeed. Putin does subvert western interests to strengthen Russia and himself. Western government leaders subvert western interests to consolidate power for the western communists in power.
I like him because I am a Russian bot
Start here then you can figure out on your own
Most countries have a "Corruption in X" wikipage but Russia's is the most elaborated.
Russians LARP as neo-nazis and claim that their alt-right is supported partially by the government and still end up get arrested in the end.
France and Germany for example have problems with multiculturalist agendas, not with bribery, political abuses and general rampant corruption.
Even Romania's government managed to water down corruption in the last 10 years. The only European country with corruption problems is Bulgaria and maybe Macedonia.
Bullshit. Whole EU aparatus is corrupted bribe taking mob
>supports Assad
holy shit how delusional are you sandnigger
no one gives a fuck about assad, jesus christ
you're a traitor to your country
go fucking move to russia, piece of garbage
>Russians LARP as neo-nazis and claim that their alt-right is supported partially by the government and still end up get arrested in the end.
Thats because its true. The russian government sponsors all sorts of groups because it helps them to undermine genuine opposition.
vassal be serfin
i hope putin and every russian faggot on this board drops dead today, or something bad happens to their loved ones. i genuinely mean this, i'm sending bad vibes