Sun bathing,half naked whores working on their tan to increase their sexual desirability for casual sex partners

>sun bathing,half naked whores working on their tan to increase their sexual desirability for casual sex partners
>women wearing trash bags

Whoever wins, we lose

I am unironically attracted to Muslim women. help me desu

Absolutely fucking correct

>getting vitamin d
>an issue
user drink bleach and die.

The whole thing is going down.

This is the end of the beginning of the end

>not liking ass
there is being a degenerate and there is being a prude retard

How, you can't see them?

We're hairless monkeys that learned to talk.

if you want vitamin d eat a lot of fish and dairy, and stop waving tits out in the public, you whore


>Whoever wins, we lose
Unless we win

>Whoever wins, we lose


Meanwhile, in a country that isn't shit.

I win with the western option because I, unlike you, don't experience rebuke every time I interact with women.

>Not courting a modest conservative christian qt


Does any guy even like tans anymore?
I mostly see women competing with eachother about it while men make fun of them.

Rape is making a comeback boys.
Do your part, and we can win this war.
Don't fall for the Incel Jew.

Don’t let the jews hear about it and ruin your political career.

Chaste courting of a virgin is literally the ONLY thing kikes consider degenerate

> muslim women walk through brothel
Oh my god i guess they arent so bad because the only other option is clearly prostitutes! Thanks OP!

maybe they make fun watching them do it but when you're looking for a bar slut at 1am, I bet you pick the moderately tanned one.

I consider a lot of things about muslim faith to be extreme but they are not so wrong about women in general. It's true that these women are dressed in a bikini to be in the sun and possibly swim or something but what about modesty? Can you honestly look at her and respect her as much as a woman who does not reveal ~97% of her body to strangers?

the ones I can see. that don't cover their faces. there is an Arab grocery store and the girl that works the counter is the cutest thing I have ever seen. She is so polite and respectful. Probably never drank alcohol or swore in her life guaranteed still a virgin as well.

Please elaborate.

You're attracted to trash bags?

Pale skin is the best.

It's hilarious actually, white women turn themselves into leather while every other race tries to bleach their skin.

I can't look at the woman in the rucksack and respect her at all. She's not even human in one of those. Meanwhile, I'd fuck the shit out of one of the half naked ones.

Dick respect is better than no respect.

why pay for it if you can get it for free from the sun?

In Karachi, prostitutes wear burka and wait in the streets and regular girls don't wear burka.

That's how you know the difference between a hoe ready for some show and a non-hoe.

no the ones that just wear the head scarf over their hair.

>be canadian.
>attracted to muslim women.
>two choices: convert and get Achmed to give me the most plain of his daughters or attempt to date them as an infidel.
>If convert: no pork, alcohol, or porn for life
>If date as an infidel, my qt 3.14 muslim gf may suddenly get acid through in her face ruining her aesthetic.

Either way you loose.


>user drink bleach and die.
Don't talk to me or to my wife's son ever again


How can you fuckers live around those people and be ok with it? They could self-destruct at any moment

There is a difference between liking ass in the privacy of your home and liking whores showing their asses in public.

This. Are bitches so retarded that they don't know that sun exposure prematurely ages the skin. Just get Vit D in the diet, you dumb bitch.

Black polyester. Those things must stink so bad.

always made me wonder why the arab guys get to wear white but they make the women wear black ninja suits. it must get fucking hot as fuck wearing one of those

>political career.
Hmm even if I did, I don't see any problem there.
It's not like I'm setting a bad example by not saving for marriage myself.
But yea, kikes would try and use it.

Also even if I did marry someone who was below the "age of consent" law and her father was fine with it and so was she, who's going to press charges?


The man who marries the virgin girl, wins.

They are made to tour true and to prevent escape. I'm not kidding.

Replace all those Biocunts!!!


go for it dude. i've fucked 3 muslims, they go crazy for the crusader cock

>getting vitamin d
You mean Dick?

Muslim girls fuck crazy because all their dads, brothers and cousins rape them from an early age as their culture dictates.

Truly the only white women who are worthy of praise and respect are the Japanese.

>be me 21, marry a Jew
>can't eat pork in front of her
>can't eat a fucking cheeseburger
>can't eat BACON (yeah I know I already said pork but it's a class of its own)
>notice every jewish holiday is about being forced to eat shitty, bland food
>stop giving a fuck behind her back but overcompensate, gorging on excessive amounts of bacon and cheeseburgers every chance I get especially during holidays
>eventually stop giving a fuck in front of her too. I make bacon and cheeseburgers in my house
>loudly take the lord's name in vane during services at synagogue - she stopped asking me to go.
>Life is good now that I converted to "don't give a shitism" - Not Christian, Not Jewish, not muslim, not cultmember, not atheist - I just don't give a shit. Best religion ever.

Trust me leaf. Muslim girls are freaks. As soon as their dads can't see, they will suck your dick. Just become her friend and she will fuck you. You don't even have to work for it.

I respect people with values far more than narcissistic sausages on a grill

t. Nigger

I'll take your words for it Sven, considering they're the only girls left which you can date if possible.

>marry a kike at 21
what the fuck were you thinking you idiot?

No no no, you can't date them. Their dads will kill you. You can only fuck them.

my dick was doing the thinking.

>If convert: no pork, alcohol, or porn for life
I agree, no pork sucks, but the other ones can go to hell.

Flag checks out.

Explain to me how we lose with a patriarchy again? Because those trashbags are the most apt dress for a trash gender.

I can't imagine the amount of sweat under that costume...

>catching a tan indoor

you didn’t fuck her before you married her?

sounds to me like you’re dad let you make a really stupid decision at such a young age

You could just tell her you aren't converting. :-p

It's a shit religion anyway. Both of you converting to Mormonism and completely ignoring every tenant of it in the process would be an improvement.

>Life is good now that I converted to "don't give a shitism" - Not Christian, Not Jewish, not muslim, not cultmember, not atheist - I just don't give a shit. Best religion ever.

~tips fedora~

My feelings exactly, OP.
We need WHITE SHARIA, anything to stop our women from behaving like raging unbridled whores. And we need to remove all these shitskins from our lands.

you makin fun of mah religions nigger?

>not having 1000 CFL bulbs and foil as a makeshift tanning bed

I wonder what it's like to be a burkha wearing mudslime woman walking through a degerate plantation like that.

I shit you not if you google this question there will be dumb bitches saying that black robes during the stinking hot summer help keep you cool.

mon nègre.

What we need is for white men to kill niggers kikes and shitskins and then take control of culture banking media and academia. Adopting aspects from a satan worshipping religion is not necessary

typical leaf


you lose. I get laid. Everyone here commits this fallacy
>girls wanna fuck around loads and then when they're dried up and old they settle for a beta.
Just fuck girls younger than you lol, until YOU are dried up, and then settle for a woman who is also dried up.

i.e. when you're in your mid 20s, fuck 19-21 year olds, when you're 30, fuck early 20 year olds, when you hit 45 settle for a 31 year old who's bio clock is scaring them and lock them down to have kids. We already know they're going to sleep around anyway, there's no stopping that now, we aren't going back to the 1940s. So you may as well fuck as many attractive girls as possible and then settle when the girls you're after finally get old enough that they want to settle.

In the 1940s if they knew you could fuck around with impunity and only have to have kids once you're in your 40s and have money, they would kill for that shit lol.

Why would you want to "settle for a woman who is also dried up"?
It's perfectly normal to court younger women, who will also be more fertile and able to have more offspring. Court them young, marry them and have as many kids as possible.

you are fucking pathetic, get out of here, kevin spacey

I will give it a shot. I will get cleaned up and go in later to buy some random crap and ask her if she wants to go for a coffee sometime

kek - her head looks like a shuttlecock

So inexperienced, I can tell.

The vast majority of women only hookup with guys very close to their own age.

Women are so messed up in their thinking, the "baby rabies" starts at age 35 and goes to almost 50. They want the cock carousel to go on longer than you think.

There are women in my office over 50 still doing the thing with new sex partners all the time.

However, there are good girls out there. Just very few. You don't go to bars. Go to meetup groups, churches, etc. I had a girlfriend who was 31 and had only been with one other guy.

If you keep looking for a relationship in a population of women with 35+ sex partners you aren't ever going to find anyone worth marrying or having children with.

If you can find a unicorn who wants to have kids in their early 20s, go for it, but there's a good chance that ends in divorce. Early 20 year olds are dumb kids still anyway. If you date a girl who's gone to university she's probably going to be at brainwashing age, if you date a girl who didn't she's probably a dumb fuck who you wouldn't want to have kids with. You can't know that she's mother material until she hits at least like 25-26.

And I mean "relatively dried up". Like, don't date a 30 year old when you're 30, there's nothing WRONG with them but you don't want to be 50 dating a 50 year old. If you date a 30 year old at 45 and have kids, at 55 you'll still have a 40 year old, which is a good fit.
lol if you think that you shouldn't be dating to the lower bracket of your half age + 7 you're already losing the battle, dumbass. Girls are attracted to older guys, guys are attracted to younger girls. I'm not saying fuck a kid, I'm saying fuck someone as young as you can socially acceptably date, you'd have to be retarded not to. Men peak in their 30s, women peak at like 20.

Muslims are religious followers, but I catch your drift.
Its a fetish that wears off when you've met enough Arabs and other middle easterbers you will realize that the have the same ratio as ugly to hot as white Christian women. Go to church and find yourself a nice white girl that can cook. They exist still and are more lonely now than ever.

>lol if you think that you shouldn't be dating to the lower bracket of your half age + 7 you're already losing the battle, dumbass. Girls are attracted to older guys, guys are attracted to younger girls. I'm not saying fuck a kid, I'm saying fuck someone as young as you can socially acceptably date, you'd have to be retarded not to. Men peak in their 30s, women peak at like 20.
I meant that you're pathetic for being so sensitive to what people say about your reddit-spacing even in advance of anyone saying anything
I agree about a cunt's age vs your age

>date Muslim woman
>convince her to convert to christianity
>help her escape her horrible Muslim country and marry her in your western country so she's safe from honor killings
>will never happen because you brought the third world into your country
Nice job.

Yeah fair, maybe I'm underthinking it, I'm 26 atm and I just date a string of people between 19 and 23, I have a regular fuck buddy who's 24 though. Either way, as time goes on it's getting easier and easier to get laid, I don't see me peaking for ages, and I know girls my age and a little older who have started settling now. I've seen plenty of like 28-29 girls suddenly trying to get hitched and get pregnant after never wanting kids before. I would take that deal if I was in my 40s.

t. rachid

I unironically respect them more in OP's image. I reflexively perceived a nobility and dignity in the veiled women that was, unsurprisingly, completely absent in my perception of the half naked ones. No wonder Muslims rape them and are then baffled when society tells them it's not OK

nah I'm not a hypocrite, I occasionally call people out on it so I see it worst in my own posts. I think the main thing people miss with reddit spacing though is that





>Sup Forums

because reddit's unicoding turns double carriage return into single carriage return, and single carriage return into no newline.

Leaving lines in between lines isn't reddit spacing but people still call each other on it, especially when it goes against the conventional Sup Forumspinion. As much as we like to pretend Sup Forums isn't a hugbox, there's definite ways to make it easier for someone to instantly call out a differing opinion as shareblue or leddit. No point making an argument that goes against pol conservative values while spacing somewhat redditish.

>identifying with the flesh instead of rejecting it

I can relate to this.
Some of the "modest clothing" they wear actually shows the figure. And sometimes hair hidden beneath a headscarf is actually more sexy than the "real thing" - especially if it's form (like a braid or so) can be guessed through the fabric.

oh I'm dumb, I didn't even explain wtf I was talking about



>Sup Forums
because there's single carriage returns between greentext



is the problem

Literally, literally, literally, 95% of the time this woman would enter the western world and decide [ / be pressured into taking the route of] "I want to find myself :)", take a million dicks, blow out her pair bonding circuitry and become a roastie


You have to go back

>No point in typing in whatever style that you like, we're not going to focus on content but rather page style

Then you aren't worth being talked to. I report every post on every board that says Reddit spacing btw.

>implying "mah" doesn't originate from Shoop Da Whoop on Sup Forums in 07

Those faces are all you need to know about white women.

>I occasionally call people out on it so I see it worst in
the only reason people mention it is because they are fucking retards who are from reddit themselves i.e. you. reddit spacing has not changed in about a decade and we always had people space lines like that, it's only the influx of new from r/the_turd that we started to get this bullshit
kys back there anytime little guy

>If date as an infidel, my qt 3.14 muslim gf may suddenly get acid through in her face ruining her aesthetic.
Plus you get either raped or beaten up by her brothers and dad.

yeah what you just did is the exact spacing, you're supposed to single carriage return after a >. Reddit spacing is a completely fair callout when someone is saying redditerrific opinions like civic nationalism and are clearly straight off the boat.

if it is about vitamin d, why are these bitches always showing off their asses and titties in the most crowded places?

Pic related