Bids will be starting soon
Where should RNC 2020 be held?
San Francisco
One of those states that flopped over for trump that Hillary 6hought was hers. Michigan or something.
El Paso, TX
Live from Lee Federal Penitentiary. You wouldn't want Obama or Clinton to miss it.
After thinking about it, unironically Detroit. Talk about how black unemployment is down and the economy is picking up. It'd be funny if Republicans start picking up minority voters with this strategy.
That line of thinking is fruitless
Berkeley, CA
Scranton would be good. We almost won it last time, if we held it there we would surely win it, which is key to winning the state.
Other possibilities:
>Green Bay
>Detroit? (a different city in Michigan might be better but I don't know any others)
>St. Paul/Minneapolis
The region we should focus our efforts on is the Midwest. It is the key to the GOP winning the electoral college for now on. If we can make it the new Republican power base, we'll stay competitive for at least the next generation since its not going to be browned any time soon, unlike the south which is a dying cause desu.
Shit forgot about Milwaukee
>Detroit? (a different city in Michigan might be better but I don't know any others)
Denver for the lulz
Pittsburgh too.
Dearborn then, problem with detroit is it'll just end with most of the donors getting mugged, since its Africa 2.0
That would only help really with Philly suburban voters, which don't get me wrong are very important for winning PA, but since they already have mostly high paying incomes I'm not sure this would change their opinions as much as other groups, where the convention would bring a lot more income to them. Also the city government would probably be completely uncooperative.
Minnesota almost went red lmao
Whichever city Drumpf launches his false flag in to justify full-scale war with Iran or NK.
Repubshits did it in 2004 in NYC, so why not now? ZioTrump is the second coming of Bush2.
>More war
>More MIC
>More politician-business corruption stemming from MIC boom
>More power and less regulation for Wall St, to set up another 2008
>Fed res left untouched
>More police state (Drumpf is militarizing police forces and expanding the surveillance state even more than Obama)
>Crackdown on internet freedom by repealing NN (so that when Drumpf lauches the new false flags, information isn't spread because (((Verizon))) and (((AT&T))) can block the sites where it's being talked about, including Sup Forums)
>Exploded the debt with huge tax cuts but increased spending at the same time
>Sending thousands of American men to their deaths to serve Israel's quest for more lebensraum and control of critical regional areas (rivers, oilfields, coasts)
Scranton. The Democrats can't win Pennsylvania anymore without Scranton. Not now that Suburban Pittsburgh is Red.
Las Vegas is the one rumor I've heard. However I also think its the most impossible city to have an event like that in. In Cleveland the entire downtown was closed down for a week. Can't do that with the strip and I think they would need one of the arenas (tmobile or mgm) to hold it in so off the strip isn't much of a choice.
hope you're wrong, think you're right
Seatlle Washington?
kentucky, or some other similar state where they can surround themselves with the fruits of their policies (poverty, economic destitution, inability to graduate even high school, lack of access to health care, govt dependence, etc)
What's the literacy rate in Chicago?
>Las Vegas
>San Francisco
>Trump Tower, New York City
T-Mobile could work. It’s in the NHL’s offseason, so the Knights won’t be using it. They hold events like this all the time, they’d just need to shut down vehicle traffic near that part of the strip. Route around the arena for a week, no big deal.
I don't know I was in Cleveland. I can't imagine that level of security in Vegas with how much was closed down but perhaps. I think it's the best location if so.
Voting for detroit.
I think the U.S. government is literally going to drop a nuke on Hawaii or something to get this one started.
Depends on where Obama is buried following his execution. RNC should be held nearby, so on the opening day delegates can file past the grave and spit on it.