Racial politics aside, what does Sup Forums think about the BAN THE BOX movement?
should an employer be allowed to ask about your criminal record on an initial application for employment?
Racial politics aside, what does Sup Forums think about the BAN THE BOX movement?
should an employer be allowed to ask about your criminal record on an initial application for employment?
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If they can ask about my educational background they surely should be able to ask about criminal
hey I have a great idea lets slowly erode the social punishments and stigma for crime what could go wrong?
They should also be allowed to ask if you are a registered democrat voter and a minority so they can put your application into trash.
Why not just roll it into the race/ethnicity box
>Black (Yes)
>Huwhute (No)
>Mestizo (Yes)
more interesting question;
Do you think there should be a way for felons to eventually get their rights back? eg. gun ownership
You should be able to ask absolutely anything you want.
It's retarded, now fuck off
Should women be forced to work alongside convicted rapists?
Women shouldn't be allowed to work
>get them back
Pick one
Why is the government allowed to use your medical history and criminal history to determine your rights and whether you're qualified for certain government jobs yet private employers can't?
It is because private employers would start discriminating by medical history, which will cause people to not get treatment, so to encourage people to get diagnosed and treated for disorders we made them private. Just as disallowing private employers to check medical history encourages people to get mental disorders, disallowing the checking of criminal history encourages people to commit crimes, because who cares if it doesn't affect your employability?
the box is fine they just need to change the wording
>口 Are you a nigger?
They should. Just so they can commit another felony and get them taken away again.
>should an employer be allowed to ask about your criminal record on an initial application for employment?
affirmative action should be illegal.
How is it going to help a criminal not be a criminal if that person can't get s job because he was a criminal before? There needs to be a way out so that people don't remain in the cycle of joblessness and crime that got them there in the first place. Literally not being able to get a job because of past actions is the scarlet letterman approach to ruining people's lives. At least the military should take them or something.
>can't ask if someone is a convicted felon
I'm supposed to hire a thief to be my cashier? A child molestor as a substitute teacher? Thank God social justice is on its way out, you people are too stupid to live.
FPBP you criminal scum
That's why criminals should all be executed on the spot. Then getting a job isn't an issue
Murder all speeding ticket offenders on sight. Yeah. Kys schlomo.
Supposedly the liberals think it will mean more felons get interviews and a chance to explain themselves
You don't get a criminal record for speeding tho
Based nip bantz
here you have to prove with a police attest that you haven't done anything criminal
sounds great desu.
you're not a regular speeder are you? got your own cow in the ditch eh?
I think an employer should be able to hire you or not for any reason, including race. The market will sort it out.
Why use 'ロ' when your typing system can get you a literal square (□)?
The fundamental problem is retarded US laws. Piss in public and get a lifetime criminal registration and a sex offender registry. Life over.
Get caught with pot, life over. Sexted as a teen, pedophile distribution charges. There’s a reason you have the most convicts in the world and it’s based on your criminal system.
You don’t have to reform to compassionate Euro policies, but for fucks sake have some nuance between the career rapist and some drunk guy showing his cock.
There should at least be a period involved.
Like "in the last 5 years" or something.
Basically the punishment for a crime is serving time in prison. As soon as this is over (fully served), there should not be a difference between a convicted person and a person that had not been convicted.
You shouldn't be allowed to murder people.
You shouldn't be allowed to steal from people.
If whatever you're talking about is not related to these two rules without saying "technically", then you're a fucking cuck who has nothing better to do and you need to reevaluate your mental perdicaments.
It's the 21st century and our main problem is a fucking box.
Not, "We need to find a cure for Cancer" or "How can we all work together to make everyone more intelligent" or "Let us devise a way to explore the deepest reaches of the ocean"
It's "Should we ban the check mark box that lets business owners know you're a criminal."
Great job human race.
Can't wait what's on the news next week.
Considering how most people in jail shouldn't be there , it's fine. Most people are in jail for using weed and or other drugs
only if they're not already doing background checks. even a small company has your social security number, and a free public records search can tell you a lot about a potential hire.
Don't piss in public, don't smoke eeed, don't sext
Just don't engage in degenerate behavior and what's the problem
Stop the inflation of absurd punishments.
If you don't like people peeing in public (or consensually fucking each on an empty beach), fine them $100 and send them home.
Sex offender charges for these things are ludicrous.
Move town until you find a society that cares less about criminality. As an employer you have to screen out problematic people. Why is the onus on employers to take unqualified people in?
When you make a serious faux pas, you're supposed to move town and hope no one finds out. Who provides these private businesses background checks anyway? Am I allowed to get a background check on anyone I want?
I agree, druggies should be shot, not take up prison space that could be used for people that can be rehabilitated.
>being a pot smoking degenerate isn't a crime
he hehe hahaha AHAHAHAH
>flash someone
>"but officer I was just taking a leak and they overreacted"
>get let off with a fine
Yeah no.
Sometimes you don't have an option other than pissing in public
Pissing your pants is free.
Wow someone got a brief view of penis, what a national tragedy, we need a new holiday to remember this horrible and traumatising event
How many people are actually flashers and how many just want to pee?
If a law almost exclusively threatens innocents, it is a bad law.
It's a proxy
as long as it's used to integrate the chat before employment in a useful way
"what did you do, why, how long you been clean etc" it's ok to make mistakes but you should accept that a stranger wants some doubts cleared, it's business not charity
>most people in jail shouldn't be there
Why ask about the past at all? It's all in the past, right?
Anybody from Virginia?
Of course he should. It's common practice in Krautland, and it's a good thing.
Just imagine being the employer. Would you want to hire someone who committed a crime?
Also, if employers have access to the records, they can check precisely what crime an applicant has committed.
I would have no problem hiring people who smoked weed, for example.
However, if I just looked at the person without investigating the records, I could imagine them to be much more criminal than they actually are (judging by the way they look, for example).
The less you know about an applicant's personal history, the more you have a feeling of insecurity.
Having a box like that only serves to increase crime. If you’ve served your sentence you should be clear. If you’re still a danger why should you be released?
People on marijuana charges
Want there a study saying removing the box hurt black employees chances at getting interviews?
White employers in states doing this realized blacks are more incarcerated and would not interview them as often fearing they might have a criminal past
In countries that don't have capital punishment, a murderer may only be sentenced to 25 years, and there's a high chance that he will murder again once released.
>Be german
>Cover your face from the sun with your hand
>Get charged for imitating the roman salute
>Go to jail
>Can’t get a job
>Forced to become a prostitute for food
So just
Then the solution is to change the laws so that people can be detained indefinetely.
Most states, if not all of them, have online court databases. You can type in someones name and see if they've ever been involved in ciminal or civil cases, closed or ongoing. Outstanding warrants, all that shit. All you need is an HR person who knows how to turn on a computer, click, and type
I don't think a hippie named "Moonflower" is a threat to society
a criminal that has been put out of society for that long will objectively have troubles reintegrating in a functional way
not defending them, but you should either make it so that there is a dedicated structure to re employ them or simply never let them out again
no one can re adapt alone after that
Sure they should be able to ask. I mean, if it's public they're gonna find out with the background check anyway. If it's been expunged and shit just lie. Unless it's a government job they have no access to that shit whatsoever.
It would make sense. People already use race as a heuristic for IQ which correlates with criminality.
Yeah, these laws are ridiculous. I completely agree with you on this one.
I'd warmly welcome such a law. I'm already upset that my country doesn't have capital punishment at all, not even for cases of murder or rape.
I think they should, but I also think a lot of crimes should not be crimes.
>Most people are in jail for breaking the law
I think it should be limited to 5 years
>the law is always right
I am one of the few people that supports total rehabilitative punishement. You either should be rehabilitated as fast as possible and given support, or separated from the rest of society, for example by lifelong sentences.
I agree. The vast majority of people who commit crimes here are low IQ immigrants.
Not an argument
This is probably the best way. With proper support, we may be able to change the criminal's mindset, but the longer we let him be in jail, the more angry and isolated they he will get.
What a stupid movement. Of course a business should be able to ask about criminal history! If you owned a small business, would you want a thief manning your cash register?
Obviously, it's going to show up on your background check anyway so it's a test of your honesty.
As someone who interviews people and goes through applications, I fucking miss that box. It saved me so much time knowing if I am wasting time with a person who can't pass the drug test, people who steal, or sexual predators. Now I have "workday" and I often have to waste 20 minutes of my life interviewing people I wouldn't have wasted 20 seconds on before. Showing up smelling like weed, gang tattoos on their face, and just other shit like this.
Absolutely they should be able to ask about your criminal history. Even if you lie they're going to run a CORI. But anyway if you are performing a job that deals with the public, you shouldn't have a felony for murder or rape or something be overlooked because clearly you're retarded enough to be impulsive to make those decisions - I wouldn't want to run a company with the possibility of the customers or other employees having a higher % chance of being harm. But I've met tons of roofers and other hard manual laborers who have a very dodgy past and still get jobs so what do I know
No. They should be eternally grateful that we didn't execute them for their crimes. They are in no position to demand ANYTHING.
Fuck off with this bullshit, justice is served with punishment, not rehabilitation.
Then this fucker throws his 6 year old daughter out of the 10th floor window in front of her mother and then jumps himself. This happened in the building close to me. Will you be responsible for it because you believed he was "rehabilitated" you feel good faggot?
It is
The issue is that the current justice system is not guided by the question: ”how can we improve society”, but rather by the question: ”how to be as vindictive as possible and generate as much money for the legal establishement as possible”.
He doesn't sound very rehabilitated frankly
Obviously, but that won't stop some retard declaring he is and letting him go which is the crux of the problem. This dude was released by a fucking psychiatrist as stable and left to return to his family after a year or so in prison.
So much for rehabilitation.
We improve society by removing people from it. That's the point of prisons sunshine, not feel good rehabilitation.
Prisons are expensive and reduce workforce. Also if one merely punishes people and fails to rehabilitate them, prisons can actually easily increase crime. The issue you’re describing is a lack of enough rehabilitation, and a single case does not prove a statistical trend.
I partly agree with you, and this is also how I originally saw it, but for some reason I'm starting to change my mindset.
A person who committed a crime doesn't automatically lose their value for society, if they had any previously.
Maybe rehabilitation works, but it's difficult to implement properly because human societies in ancient times used to have severe punishments for many crimes, so we don't have much experience with it.
Absolutely. They money thing is one of the biggest sources of problems we have in society.
fuck yes they should.... if they dont want to hire criminals then they shouldnt have to
for a laugh,
you should tick it and in the "explain" box below write
" 1st degree murder" "serial rapist" "terrorism"
i wanna see their face
Bring back penitentiaries already.
what a moronic idea
some people obviously are patological criminals, but a fraction of people in prison commited a mistake for various reason and i dont think it's bad to giving them a second chance
maybe a handful of people, maybe more, but still worth trying
there are also different degrees of prisons, all the scums ends up in the bad ones sooner or later
We have too many laws. At any point in time, you are probably breaking 10 laws without even knowing it. Up to date on your taxes for instance? Are you sure you got the math right? Did you throw out mail that was accidentally delivered to the wrong address? Do you smoke weed?
Criminal background checks would be fine if our criminal justice system was just.
If the law isn't right, then change it. Until you do, it should be applied properly in court since to do otherwise calls into question the impartiality of the judiciary (and then you run into all sorts of societal problems).
No, prisons don't increase crime, releasing criminals from prisons increases crime. You have it backwards.
>reduce workforce
Is that supposed to be a bad thing? Forced labor is a thing.
Will you take personal responsibility when someone you believe was rehabilitated re-offends?
>smoking weed is against the law and getting caught with it leads to imprisonment
>smokes weed and gets caught
>thinks rights can be taken away from him
What a cuck.
It's hard to come to a consensus on some of these. Every criminal will lie about intent so laws based on that can't be successful.