Nassar Discussion thread

Guy deserves his sentence but what's with the extra show by the judge? Totally unecessary.
Not only did she say
>I wouldn't take my dog to see you, sir.
>"I just signed your death warrant," said Judge Rosemarie Aquilina, of Ingham County circuit court in Michigan, who described him as "precise, calculative, manipulative, devious, despicable".
>"It stops now. Speak out like these survivors; become part of the army."
>“Little girls don’t stay little forever,” she added. “They grow into strong women that return to destroy your world.”

And to finish off LOOK AT THIS SHIT
>This GIF of Judge Aquilina throwing away the letter Larry Nassar wrote the court about how hard it is for him to listen to victim testimonies PRETTY MUCH SAYS IT ALL.

Diversity hire

I could get a client a new trial on that kind of bias

>be Nassar
>sexually abuse little girls
>some fat virgin basement dweller on the internet defend me because 'muh meany judge is biased :('
I would say 'lets wait until your daughter get molested' but I don't think any of you faggots will ever father a child. He deserved more then this for his crimes.

He's admitted to it.
Can you read retard? I don't excuse his behavior and honestly I advocate for the death penalty against him, however dropping the standards of such a great power (such as Law in its vast professions) isn't a good thing for society.

I wouldn't want that judge representing me. That was the furthest thing possible from acting professional. I don't care if you're sentencing the fuck to a millennia of hard labour and then painful execution by torture, it doesn't give you permission to act like a cunt.

>>“Little girls don’t stay little forever,” she added. “They grow into strong women that return to destroy your world.”

if men allow it lol

so stronk

in that case a new sentencing hearing at the least

It wouldn't surprise me if there was a higher prevalence of narcissism among judges than the general population.

Trump is our president. Do you think Americans give a shit about bad behavior anymore?

Pretty much this. A judge should never let their personal opinions get in the way of a trial. Even if they do everything as they should, by espousing their opinions in such ways brings clout upon their judgment. Were they letting their emotions and biases effect their judgment or did they evenly and fairly apply the law?

I'm perfectly find with the judge ordering chemical castration and a lifetime of hard labour, untill they're shot in the back of the head when unable to work. So long as they don't act like a cunt with an axe to grind.

I hope he gets stabbed to deat with a tooth brush

>all these insecure pedos going defensive

It does really matter. The trial was for show given that he has to serve 60 years of Fed Time before serving his MI sentence. He will die in federal custody. There is no parole or time off for good behavior.

no this guy deserves to hang
but the judge still went above and beyond and made it weirdly personal

the little girls don't stay little quote wasn't from the judge, it was from a victims statement addressing the creep
but hey if the shoe fits yr narrative then go dance

175 years is way way overkill, murderers get less time then that

She's secretly on his side, so she lined up an appeal for him.

Yeah her comments sounds like it gives grounds for an appeal.

fuck the cunt.
>act like an animal
>expect humane treatment
hope to see more of this to be quite honest, bet there were no formal procedure when old mate was fucking around.
Little girl can't spit in his face, judge can

it's because justice is secondary to acting dramatic for the television cameras

aw poor guy, diddled 100+ girls n caught time for each n every instance, what a miscarriage of justice

Mob Justice
it's the direction your country is going

No we only throw out shit in court based on bias and previous experience when the Cheeto does it. Gawd.

judge was pandering, she's normie famous now on twitter.

But like all politicians, she's just trying to get reelected.

>pizzagate republican who voted for drumpf

>"defend him now!!"


No you couldn't you fucking liar. All of this happened after being found guilty and getting sentenced. This guy deserves to be drawn and quartered and retards in this thread are bitching about the judge being a nonwhite female. If a white man was in her place you niggers would be circlejerking about how he btfo nasty nassar.

ITT right wingers defend another child molester

>ywn be sentenced to life in prison by a smug milf


child molestation is an activity encouraged by the left.
Don't try to align political affiliation with retardation fucktard.

yea judges are supposed to be impartial in their verdicts and sentencing and becoming this emotional shows clear bias. this is no different. this is no different than those judges in the old south who used to sentence niggers to harsher sentences than whites.

>“Little girls don’t stay little forever,” she added. “They grow into strong women that return to destroy your world.”
>destroy your world

judge didn't say that, a victim said it

Gr8 b8 m8. Even a mongoloid understands that a judge needs to be unbiased. Hell, if it were a white judge giving a black accused this showy treatment, I might chuckle a bit about the absurdity of the situation, but deep down both I and Sup Forums would know that would be wrong. Not that any commentary would be relevant, since it would be absolutely overshadowed by the shitstorm about "white supremacy in the courtroom". That fictitious judge would be disbarred (or whatever it's called with judges) faster than you can say "trias politica". Hell even if the judge can't be fired (I believe this is the case, it is in the Netherlands), he would be pressured to retire or they would find a loophole to not give him any cases anymore or declare him mentally insane or whatever

These. I am all for (very) harsh punishments, but they need to be sentenced by judges above all suspicion. Hell, that becomes even more necessary when punishments are graver. You wouldn't want to flay someone and throw him in a glass recycling bin only to find out he didn't do it.

top kek at Sup Forums going SJW on the death warrant comment. boo fucking hoo

>60 years fed sentence for cp
>175 years for rubbing butts
>total 235 years
meanwhile, slash a white girls throat after brutal rape, get 30

Sup Forums wants to have people executed for doing 1% of what this guy did

shits fucked

>show trials
Sure is 1930s over there.

The doc is a jew and the judge is a jew. She's looking out for her kind so by showboating like that the doc can appeal for a mistrial and get a 2 year sentence in a safe and comfy resort prison for the rich.

All of us are quite in agreement for this guy getting the rope. The problem that we have is the judge acting like some kind of bitter bias cunt that has a personal stake in the case. Morons like you fail to acknowledge that and instead twist it to say that we're defending the pedo. Are you people really that stupid or are you being paid to spread this propaganda?

>bad behavior
>not the hordes of leftists that embarrass themselves on a daily basis

Those comments seem like a great way to get a conviction overturned or at least a retrial, they just scream compromised judge.

Not to mention she looks like a washed up brothel accountant.

Kinda looks like the bitch Gremlin in Gremlins 2 as well.

How the fuck do they land these positions of power? What an immature and emotional response from someone who should be calm, straight and professional - not jump on the SJW emotional bandwagon.

I'm being paid

go see literally any american judge, they're all like this. dispassionate blind justice is a thing of the past, if it existed ever at all. snide, high-horsed attitudes at sentencing have been the norm for decades

Yeah and request the judge be male for the sake of professional objectivity because every female is just going to GO GURRRLLLLL the situation.

Judge Judy and Judge Maria Lopez, although great shows, are not real courts of law

ITT leftist too stupid to understand what's actually being debated here and just intreprets the worst sounding thing against the people they don't like.

I thought Sup Forums loves to humiliated degenerates.

>hurr durr all faggot are pedophiles fuck of my loli is pure REEEEE liberals
it's almost kinda ironic

But it says he got life in prison

>If a white man was in her place
You would have a fair and unbiased trial. What she did only served to "harm" these girls as they will have to go through it all over again at the next trial.

>I still don't get that we're talking about judicial integrity, not getting pedos off the hook

Just kill yourself, you can't fucking read and there is no hope you will ever gain the ability.

It's just women adding a bit more fuel to their little #metoo party. The guy did fucked shit and is in turn going to get fucked by justice. Just ignore it and let the hens do their clucking till they get bored.

glad u like tv, but real judges r assholes even when the cameras aren't there

What happens when you put feminists in positions of power.

Hopeful to be the next Judge Judy. Remember the FL judge that went on the crying jag (Casey A.? George Z? Elian G? don't remember) that got his own short-lived program? Everybody's looking for their 15 minutes.

I don't watch TV anymore, but when I was young I liked those shows, used to watch them with my grandmother

>Little girls don’t stay little forever,” she added. “They grow into strong women that return to destroy your world

This was said by Kyle Stephens, not the judge. Fake news

Yeah, sure

why does that phrase bother you, user?

>Hell, if it were a white judge giving a black accused this showy treatment, I might chuckle a bit

Of course you would

>Quoting half the sentence
How was Hanukkah?

>Sup Forums takes a break from calling people it doesn't like pedophiles to defending an actual pedophile muslim who molested 200 kids

sounds like an epic time, friend. glad u could see things my way

Judge has a vagina so she took it extra personal
