Dragon Ball Super

> Tournament of Power is a Battle Royale with all the Universes, at the same time

Nevermind the clusterfuck, but watch the "Recruitment arc" last longer than the actual Tournament.

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>tfw almost 20 transformations and more to come

What will her "Broly form" be called?

Can anyone translate the part of the text that's not hidden?

Talking about how Kale resembles "That legendary Saiyan"
I assume Legendary Super Saiyan

Translation on pic

Leave Sidra to me.

Considering that LSS isn't canon, and that officially they called it "Kale's berserker form"...Super Saiyan Berserker?

No, there's text on Kale's sheet that's mostly obscured by Caulifla's elbow. Is the part that's visible able to be translated?

Lunchtime for Pedro.