Popular vote = win
Why can't you understand that?
Popular vote = win
Why can't you understand that?
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Electoral votes = win actually.
slide thread
Then why isn't """""(((she)))""""" in the Whitehouse fag?
It doesnt matter, Trump won through the electoral college INTENTIONALLY.
He saw how the corrupt system worked, and he used it to his advantage. We can argue for the abolishment of the Electoral College for days, and you might get your wish, but Trump knew what he had to do. He didnt win on a lark.
Because Trump hired hit men to take her out the moment she stepped in office. Fucking educate yourself before typing.
>actually admitting to being a cocksucker
All you had to do was go to Wisconsin once
Fuck off, $hareblue. No one likes you.
I don't understand
She's a cunt, quit posting this garbage. This is why we make fun of the fact left can't meme. No matter how many times we pound your stupidity down, you come back the next day and act like your crippling defeat never happened.
We keep coming back because you can't "pound" facts from existence, she won. But you racists rigged the election get trump in!
ask her VP candidate why he vote to fuck dreamers
So why isn’t she president then
It's hard to believe a year down the road and hillshills are still shitting their diapers lol, I absolutely love it :^)
Still on this shit?
Dead voters don't count. And bussing dems around for multiple votes is fraud.
Having illegal immigrants vote is fraud.
Google's own Eric Schmidt manipulated BOTH Obama elections, and hillary's.
They both need to hang for treason and go away.
>Trump's first year in office has been such a miserable failure that Sup Forums has to go back to the same shitposts from 2016 because they have nothing else
Yeah Drumpf btfo. Quick, put her into the white house while he‘s in Switzerland!
We'll kill all you fags someday.
>Popular vote = win
what did she win? did you give her a fucking trophy or something? cause I'm sure a fuck that's not how you become president.
this is sourceable.
this thread belongs on /bant/
>what do you mean checkmate? I have more pieces left so I should win here?!
> A numerically superior number of niggers, beaners, faggots and women voted for muh candidate!
This is why democracy can go fucking die.
>hurr Hillary only got as many votes because of dead people and illegals
Why do you right wing fucknuts keep spouting this as if it's fact without any proof? More Americans wanted Hillary to be president than Trump. It's that simple, and your broken-ass system completes subverts the will of the people so the racist and sexist bigots get their fascist leader in the whitehouse
It will be leaked very soon trump is in fact the one who is evil and not only supports but funds pedophiles.
Trump would won because he played the game by it's rules, going for electoral votes.
Had it been based off the popular vote, he would have changed his strategy accordingly and still won. It would probably be easier for him to win with the popular vote, as it'd require less flying, much like shillary being laxed with her traveling.
Because we’re the ones pounding facts from existence, despite the fact that we’re one of the few places on earth that you can freely discuss the holocaust and not get arrested or fined for it
lol, I didnt realize comies were still sensitive about this
You're LARPing, right? Everyone knows that about 11 million illegals voted in the election, and so Trump would win the popular vote by about 6-8 million.
not for long nazi
Thank you so much for brining your tears here for the harvest. They are still aging nicely. Very good sellers. We LOVE them.
I voted 3 (actually 4) times in the 2012 election. 3 times in California and once in Montana. Once for Obama. Once for Romney. Once for Big Bird. Fourth time was my mom committing electoral fraud on my behalf in Montana (She voted Obama). No consequences. Point is, it is very easy to vote several times in the US, especially in California. Illegals put Hillary ahead in popular vote.
I see, so you intend to bury the truth and reject reality, and instead implement your own self suiting truths
She is complicit in the trafficking, fucking, and eating of children as well as being corrupt as fuck. How could you possibly think she should be in ANY political position?
Sage for the retards, I can't help but bite.
The truth hurts certain people, why wouldn't you want to help them buy burying it?
commies hate hillary
You guys have been long overdue for a female president. Our Prime Minister got pregnant a week before she came into office. We're making history Hey the 50's called USA, they want their time machine back!
I dont think you understand.
the gloves are coming off.
people will hang.
we're going to burn down the system one way or another.
Because it’s better to know an uncomfortable truth than it is to constantly be lied to all your life
Sorry lad, truth is Trump won.
you didnt 2 years ago, all i'm sayin
You are. You are crying.
Killl all faggots.
>Everyone knows that about 11 million illegals voted in the election
Source: your ass
illegal immigrants =/= votes
How dumb can you be?Both of them played along rules they both udnerstood... It wasn't a shock for Hillary that she lost.
>posting in a slide thread.
This. Minus all the illegal immigrants and voter fraud, she would have lost the popular vote as well, by A LOT. Federal voter I'd, when? HOPEFULLY, soon.
you autists know that he's shitposting, right? fucking christ
Tell that to her superdelegates that screwed Bernie.
What the fuck is the point of a superdelegate again?
>but i’m not an autist even though I can’t see you are shitposting too
Shillary in da house
Damn, are they alright? If not, can make into burger?
You all brought checkers to a chess game, and got your ass handed to you, can't you understand that?
Neck yourself faggot.
Irrelevant. Trump campaign is the Hillary campaign. If you voted, you neither won nor lost. Presidents are bought to serve. The numbers you see on the news are just 'REALLY BIG NUMBERS'
you lost over a year ago. get over it already faggot.
>she won
You absolute retards still give this 2016 pasta, bumps and (you)s... It has been spammed here every day for a year. I swear some of the morons on this site should be stripped naked and flogged. There is no hope for you utter faggots. I truly feel sorry for you.
It wasn't 1 popular voting contest, it was 50 popular voting contests, and she lost the majority of those contests. That's why she LOST.
And she knows this. Remember, this is a woman who helped her husband win the presidency of the US in 1992 and in 1996. At that time, she knew it wasn't one popularity contest, but 50 contests. And because of that, the Clintons won.
When she ran for president in 2008, she knew then it was a popularity contest in 50 states, not in 1 giant meshed together contest throughout the nation.
So either she got serious dementia between then and 2015, or she just became so arrogant that she couldn't even bother to work at winning the majority of the contests.
Which was it?
Just copy pasta this for future threads, and be done.
Just wait until the federal voter I'd is implemented. Demonrats will forget about illegal immigrants faster than the blink of an eye.
The premise of your post is inaccurate. We live in a Republic, not a Democracy. Otherwise there would be no such thing as "US Senators" and every voter in the country would vote on every law ever proposed.
Stupid post, OP. Do research first next time.
Nobody cares, faggot, Commit suicide.
So the Democratic party, and not the Democrat voters, select the candidate. It's the same way that Obama won the 2008 nod from the party. Hillary had won the popular vote, but they gave it to Obama instead. Because they knew she was a horrible candidate, and at least half of the Democrats hate her and husband Billy Boy because they suck up all the donor money for the past two decades.
God, I love these threads. I mean, I know it's bait, but every time I see the "She Won!" Meme, it just takes me back to the heart days just after the election when the Left was in full meltdown mode. You brightened up my morning, OP. Have a well earned (You).
This seriously has to be the most boring post in all the chans. Jesus Christ. It's not interesting even a little bit
sage please
No, that's actually not the case. The primary processes are determined by an electoral college, same as the general is. The parties refer to their electors as delegates. You see how he won 33 contests to her 23? He won more state and territorial conventions than she did, and thus won more delegates. This is not complicated. It's so basic and straight-forward one would think you morons are actually just kidding instead of fucking mentally retarded.
Why you people cannot understand fucking electoral math instead of always ascribing it to some sinister ring of child molesters just fucking boggles the mind.
Man, you fucking people are dumb.
No but I think you can make it into shawarma.
You want to know something OP? Nothing you do here matters. You're pissing in an ocean of piss. You can't change Sup Forums, but it can change you. If you state into the Abyss long enough, it states back.
Welcome to Sup Forums.
You're here forever.
Maybe I am a sociopath but I want to hurt these retards as much as possible for the rest of their miserable lives.
Did you do this just to prove a point or what? Sounds like a huge waste of time for someone with a job.
It's an effective slide strategy, so they keep using it. My problem is it brings up the warm fuzzy feelings the days after the election, so I can't help but respond.
sage and hide