HAPPENING *AUSTRIA* Vice Chancellor office break in

Someone (CIA, Mossad) broke into Austrias Vice Chancellors (FPÖ, The Rightwing) office, and placed surveillance microphones in his office.

Link (Sorry only in German) try to translate it:


The person (CIA, Mossad) almost got caught, but could flee.

The Austrian Rightwingers suspect that the old consultant (((Tal Silberstein))) of the previous Chancellor (((Kern))) is behind of it.
Tal "Die Judenratte" Silberstein was arrested last year for money laundering an human trafficking.
He is Israeli, and not Austrian citezen!
He has contacts to high ranked Mossad people, and the CIA.

So once again the Eternal Jew has striked again!

Other urls found in this thread:


Scheiß Juden!

Wir werden die diesesmal wirklich ausrotten!

may this red pill as many Austrian normies as possible

Death to the Jews!

The comment sections on all Austrian news sites are now full with anti Jew posts.

These things are good, the more the Jude fucks up, the more people get Redpilled.


What I'll be calling farts from now on

The Jews have a limited time here in Europe., That's why they are working double time trying to squeeze their dirty hands every where they can. Now in a couple of months Italy it's gonna wake up to. They are fricking out

bumping for best country

I know, the great awakening has started and the Jude can't do anything about that.

And it's not just in white countries, that people are waking up from the low frequency lies!
People in the middle East, Africa, Asia, and even the people on Island wake up from the lie of the JEW!

Heil Hitler!

Would be hilarious if they spin it as "Russian KGB collusion".

this tal silberstein guy was also involved with romanian politics, he worked for Traian Basescu, one of the worst traitors in our history who basically created a police state that's subservient to america/bruxelles

Silberstein getting exposed basically costed the cunts the election lol and he still is fucking it up for them looool wtf how stupid can one rat be?!

Nope the FPÖ people are already talking about (((Tal Silberstein))) (I know FPÖ people).

And as i said the average Austrian is awake, if you could understand German you would be happy to read how much the Austrians know.

Look at the comments of the arcticle, and check out how many time ((((((Tal Silberstein)))))) pops up!

I really hope the FPÖ will rise (again)...

I know he also did get arrested in Romania last year.

Der Jude can't hide anymore!

Der Führer is with us!

Das Reich wird erwachen, and the 3rd Reich will come back.
If i only could tell you how close we are to liberate earth from the Jews and their father Satan/Saturn/Loki/Moloch/Marduk/Zeus/Allah!

Sieg Heil!

Yeah how about no...
Let the shit past that wrecked us be the past. We are now mainstream and all this 88 crap is only shit optics, at best it gets ignored (good luck) at worst it wrecks the entire right wing back to being insignificant, therefore there is no possible positive outcome larping as a stormfag.
Its only damaging and nothing else.

bump Sup Forums has to see this

If you eat poutine your "giftgas" will be more lethal than the supposed nazis

I find all of this highly unlikely and to be honest very tiring, in fact I feel like taking a nap as the whole ordeal is making me sleepy, I'm sure everyone else is sleepy too.

have a bump austrianbro, good to know!

You are not a very Redpilled person yet!
The Jew wants you to be scared of the holy symbol the Swastika, because the Jew fears it.
The ((((((Alt Right)))))) is a Jewish controlled opposition (Search for Richard Spencers great grandfather Epstein)!

The Jew is scares of our symbol (The Swastika), because it's symbol of Wotan our all father!
The symbol to the Jew, is like the cross to the Vampire.

You have to learn so so much mein Kamerad, but you already took the first step.
Search for Vriel, Thule, and Schwarze Sonne SS geheimgeselschaft.

This is a good channel:


The truth lays in the spiritual world!

May the gods be with our people

Heil Hitler!

You ain't livin if your smoke alarm isn't hot mic'd


Maybe it is a false flag operation from Strache to make himself a victim.

They need to use this to create some kind of special division. An organization with the primary goal of stopping globalist meddling. All nations should follow suit.

Don't think so, because the (((SPÖ))) is literally going insane that the Goyim have now power again in Austria.

haha, yeah it was israelis.

Yes, but things like these are good!
The more the Jew does things like this, the more get Redpilled!

lol the vice chancellor put the micros to blame blumenstein

Only because the operation wasn't successful. If it was a successful operation no one would know about it.

To be honest it sounds like it could be a false flag. Not to say people wouldn't try to bug their office but the story sounds sketchy.

>The person (CIA, Mossad) almost got caught, but could flee.

what a fucking joke lmao
more like people could let him flee OR refuse to and face colossal consequences


just shoot him

he a burglar that broke in, so just light him and and gun him down

Well either way the Goyim know now about the Jew!

Heil mein Kamerad

That's the Jew (((Tal Silberstein))) after he got arrested in Romania last year for money laundering and human trafficking!

I only see comments claiming an FPÖ false flag


>shooting a criminal ever
what are you a fucking murderer racist bigot?

Hahahah you are on the Jew news go on Krone, Kurier and so on.

Der Standard deletes comments, and is the hot bed of the Greens!

Nice try Arie Tafelberg!

checked and heil
It's sealed, the south will rise.

kek, I wonder how they found out that magma-germania has a song about "breaking the 7 million mark"