
If you were to physically murder jews (not by starvation), why not put the cyanide in the food or drinking water? Why bother building gas chambers and wasting yuuuge amounts of zyklon B while waiting hours for it to evaporate?

Seriously, if I was in charge to plan the holohoax I could have done it so much better than that made up story they sell nowadays.

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Yeah like Jonestown, bucket koolaid some cyanide.

Add "hating Hitler because he didn't do the holocaust"


But quarantine and starvation are the cheapest execution methods, Eisenhower knew that and it worked very effectively.
Fine, if that's off the table then trapping people in train cars, use CO2 to choke them to death then grind up their bodies for dog/cat food.

How did so many people survive the holocoasters? The surviors make Auschwitz sound like a haunted house you wander around in for a few months witnessing innumerable theatrical deaths all the while somehow our number never gets pulled and then they send you back home with scary stories that result in a 'jews get to do anything' card.




>The Holocaust didn't happen!!
>But I love Hitler because he killed 6 gorillion Jews!

>The holocaust didn't happen!
>But it should have.
There, I fixed it for you Moshie.

The Holocaust was done to kill Jews that were perceived by Zionists to be "race traitors" and terrorize the rest of world Jewry into supporting Zionism, as well as give emotional pretext for the establishment of the State of Israel.

It happened and Holocaust denial is a Jewish meme designed to draw attention away from the actual orchestrators and reasons for the Holocaust.

Why is it called a "Holocaust"? A holocaust is a sacrifice.


Haha so true, doing manual labor was a holocaust in their jew minds.

No interest to collect, scream genocide

but it did happen, it's definitely been exploited and exaggerated by jews, but nazi germany absolutely tried to get rid of subversive elements of its society

>nazi germany absolutely tried to get rid of subversive elements of its society
you say that like it's a bad thing

desu I believe in the Holocaust, and I'm as alt-right as they come, because:

1. It was Hitler's crowning achievement
2. You seriously mean to tell me as anti-semitic as the Nazis were they didn't try to round up and kill "all" the Jews?

this. nazilarpers are gay as fuck sometimes. but the number of kills is debatable, as is the execution method.

Not to mention Zyklon B doesn’t kill humans.

I've always wondered why they didn't just stop bringing these people water.

Frankl claimed in Man's Search for Meaning that new prisoners were lined up in two rows on their way in to his camp, with those who could not work sent directly to their deaths, including all children ages 13 and younger. Interestingly he recalls his parents refusing to leave Austria despite his insistence, in which he cited rumors that Jews were being executed in these camps. It's unclear when this happened but one thing is sure: They claimed knowledge of the camps while still able to flee the region by conventional means.

Later we see all these starving and dying people who obviously could not have performed any meaningful work. Packed into bunk houses like chickens, but still alive for some reason. Someone is bringing them water to drink or they would die in just a few days. Maybe there was a waiting list for the masturbation machines.

Jordan Peterson makes an interesting point, in one of his mostly wrong talks about wartime Germany and the pointlessness of carrying out mass extermination of people who could have been doing far more serious and back-breaking work for the war than anyone supposes they accomplished in these camps. He said that sometimes when you look at the results of a policy, the simplest conclusion to reach is that the people in charge set out to cause the maximum amount of mayhem possible in the time available. While this may not be true of Germany under Hitler, let's not kid ourselves that it isn't something world leaders do on a semi-regular basis. Cambodia comes immediately to mind, to say nothing of the Soviet Union.

if you wanted to use gas you could just pump in harmless and cheap nitrogen into the chamber to push out the oxygen.

the Jews would quickly suffocate and there wouldnt be a problem opening the gas chamber doors and venting the nitrogen.

Zyklon B was a pest control product not very well suited to the supposed methods of the supposed Holocaust.

The policy was to deport them. The Allies made this impossible so they were kept in the camps, and as the war machine fell apart it became more and more difficult to feed and clothe these people. I have no doubt that cullings took place for logistical reasons, but if there really was a campaign of systematic mass murder, we would have found evidence of this in some measure at every camp instead of just some of them.

>. I have no doubt that cullings took place for logistical reasons

But they didnt. They had numerous hospital blocks at Auschwitz.

That's the finest use of our words for the English slang.
Well done user.

Technically - not philosophically, subjectively, obviously.

>Frankl claimed in Man's Search for Meaning that new prisoners were lined up in two rows on their way in to his camp, with those who could not work sent directly to their deaths, including all children ages 13 and younger.

Women and their young children were sent to the womens' camp, men to the mens' camp.

shut it down

>why not put the cyanide in the food or drinking water
One Jew, one bullet. You have them all locked in cattle cars anyway. Where are they gonna go? If Germany had actually been exterminating Jews, there wouldn't be any.

Cyanide gas is obviously the most stupid and dangerous method to kill millions, there are like 1000 better methods, but you know, the kikes think white people are stupid.

>Cyanide gas is obviously the most stupid and dangerous method to kill millions, there are like 1000 better methods, but you know, the kikes think white people are stupid.

I mean if you have an airtight gas chamber, there is no need for any gas anyway.

People would die quickly from lack of oxygen if they were crowded in. They would be dead before the Zyklon B got into its stride.

like seriously, how can anyone think the germans who were known for their efficiency and engineering, could commit such a shoddy job. It's almost like it was made up by a group of people with little scientific experience, but plenty of experience with emotional manipulation. . .

oy vey goyim
i was masturbated to death in the giant masturbating chair
then they turned me into a bar of soap

Craziest kid's birthday party ever.

I've been red-pilled for so long that truthfully I sometimes forget that people still actually believe that this shit happened. The longevity of this lie is truly amazing.