Ethno-libertarianism Will Rise

> cuck, democracy was good but is now outdated

Democracy is fragile but it is the best way to give power to the people. An electoral and constitutional reform is required to improve democracy and make it stronger.

> we need a strong leader for our totalitarian ethno-state, cuck

Strong leaders are fine as long as they are elected fairly. The market should be as free as possible unless human lives, our way of live, our culture, or our security are/is at risk.

> we LARP as nazis to make ourselves look cool but we are just Alt-right pussies, cuck

Nazis had some good ideas but they abolished democracy and killed millions of retards. They cannot be forgiven.

> weed is cool, man

Recreational drugs are bad and and, in my personal opinion, should be banned. Others may think it should be allowed but this is a moral debate not one on freedom and is for another day.

> abolish the government, man

Governments are natural. If you remove the government, you'll end up with a bunch of competing factions that have some form of government. Do you want to die, fool?

> you violated the NAP, man

sorry for the old meme

It is time for us to get down off of the fence and grow up. Men do not sit on fences as we are not children.

Other urls found in this thread:

The combination of ethno-nationalism and libertarianism is the very essence of Western civilisation at its finest.
Constitutional reform to grant more rights and doubly protect our current ones is required to combat degeneracy. Any constitutional change must pass a plebiscite.

An electoral reform, to make it possible for smaller parties to be elected, is required in order to weaken large and degenerate parties. This gives the individual more power over the government as makes it fairer. Coalition governments would be inevitable and so should political alliances. Working together and getting what the majority of the populace wants is democracy.

Regional governments should have more powers and upper government should be as small as possible. Democracy works better the closer it is to the people. Direct democracy is a nice concept but only works at village/town level governments.

The national government should not provide monetary benefits for unemployed, disabled, or elderly people. It is the duty of the family to provide for their fellow kin. If a local government wishes to help its fellow man, it can but must use its own resources.

Issues on the environment and protectionism are up to the individual but I personally support them both.

Hail ethno-libertarianism!

>Illegal weed

Those libertarians are damned hippies.

You are not a libertarian

I'm not. I am an ethno-libertarian.

It makes no sense to use the word libertarian if you don't believe in people's rights to drink alcohol and/or smoke weed

Libertarianism is about freedom and humans can draw lines. I've drawn a line on recreational drugs. I don't mind people drinking alcohol though.

You posted just as I posted. kek

How is drinking alcohol not a recreational drug

>ban drugs

America legalizing drugs would solve some of the biggest problems in the Americas like the empowering and militarization of drug cartels to the extent that they can run entire countries, the government corruption this causes, the violent criminal gangs who fight over supplying them in first world countries, militarization of law enforcement to deal with them and all the innocent people getting blown away by cops with AR memes that come with it, overpopulated prisons that make criminals more violent and an unjust court system that victimizes innocent people to deal with the massive volume of people being processed, degradation of minority communities who end up in the drug trade and prisons at staggering rates, untreated drug addictions from people who feel they can't ask for help who keep committing property crimes to pay for it, racially charged police shootings when militarized police and shithole minority communities problems collide, middle class teenagers and soccer moms getting addicted to prescription pills for minor things like back pain that weed could deal with better, illegal immigration from people fleeing the failed narco-states in the south, overburdened welfare system from all the people fucked over by all these issues and nation-ruiningly dodgy shit like the CIA using drug cartels as their off-the-books insurgents and having their grubby mitts all over the heroin trade in Afghanistan, ect, ect, ect.

This guy gets it

It is a drug but is part of my ethno-culture so it is allowed. I do not personally drink it. Most people don't think of it as a drug though.

Just because I don't like recreational drugs doesn't mean I am not a libertarian. I am for rights in different areas and I am also fir a fairer democracy. I clearly stated that somethings were my personal opinions and don't affect being an ethno-libertarian.

There are more problems than drugs.

Also, please look at my flag. This is a British interpretation of libertarianism.

How about you just crack down on corruption instead?

This guy gets it

Taking drugs that make you less free isn't exactly freedom. How can a drug supporter be a libertarian?

And how do we do that boy genius? By trying to take over Mexico?

That sounds like a good idea.

You are so fucking retarded I find it really hard to believe you are not a shill

I am not a shill. My people have rights and this is my land. Democracy is the best form of government for my fellow people of this shared and great land. We have our rights and we don't want mudslimes taking over our land nor our laws.

You've stated a position that the majority of Libertarians wouldn't agree with, yet in clinging to the Libertarian label you chose to tie yourself to them.
Recognize the irony in venerating Democracy while your own ideas would never pass the vote.

>Democracy is the best form of government for my fellow people of this shared and great land
Really? Because ever since your fellow people have turned away from Absolutism your country has only gotten worse and worse. All Roundheads will be hung on the day of the rope

Call your system Ethno-democracy, but calling it libertarian when you are denying the most basic principle of libertarianism is just retarded

lol OP we've all been through this stage man... you're a few more books away from fascism, keep at it

That is why we need to talk more about electoral reform and get the people to understand that they are being tricked. FPTP always turns into a two party "democracy" and those are the most corrupt.
Technology has come a long way since Mussolini and I think, if we used meme warfare and SJW tactics, reform could be achieved.

Where is my freedom under fascism?
What if their agenda changes and I disagree with them?

enforcing law on Politicians and others Elites? Maybe Death sentence like in China?

> Ethno-democracy
Hmmmmm.... I could use that label if libertarians really are all about drugs. It is pretty much the only think I disagree on.

RW Lolbertarianism only has two big issues.
Originally it was a home for faggots.
Now it is a Trojan horse for junkies.
OP is a faggot. He's just a faggot who hates niggers and junkies.
Still a faggot though, and would be killed on sight in the ethnostate.

This, drugs aren't bad


Liberty did not arise from people pursuing liberty, just as happiness does not arise from drowning yourself in hedonism.
You want liberty? It comes from duty. America, what we used to be, was not the result of people simply idealistically holding individual liberty on a pedestal. The average colonist wasn't an educated aristocrat waxing romantic about noble ideals and philosophy. He was a dirt poor farmer clinging to a bible. Those people were living a hard life, barely surviving, just providing for their families. Liberty was the fruit of their labor and sacrifice, it was not the goal at the beginning of their efforts.

If you orient yourself around attaining the end goal without understanding the path to reaching it then you will never have liberty. Liberty itself is nothing more than a side effect.

Look into Ron Paul, Murray Rothbard, Lew Rockwell, Hans Hermann Hoppe, it is not all about drugs, but drugs are a basic freedom.

I have learnt today that that libertarianism is a bgger meme (negative one) than I thought.

Ethno-democratism ftw then?



instantly dropped

This guy gets it

You can still use ethno lolbertism. Drug use can go against the NAP.

I dislike hedonism. I just don't want laws to kill the natives of my country or restrict what I can and cannot say etc.

Sorry, but small government and authoritarian control over people's lives just don't mix.

ethno-liberalism aka ethno-sargonism

that dude would be more popular if he embraced ethno-nationalism or even cultural nationalism

small big govt and let regional govts do the rest

I think you're very confused about this all.

I'd like to mention to the amerimutts here that the UK doesn't have a constitution.

Lol no it can't

Libertarian is a philosophy it has nothing to do with a constitution

I meant to say "national" not "big".

Democracy works best the closer it is to the people.

ik but my rights aren't properly protected by law


Idk what to call this.
This is pretty much a version of the Alt-right that has embraced freedom and democracy.

just delete the thread and reflect on the embarrassment you have inflicted on yourself.

>You don't know what freedom means.
>You say you believe in democracy.
What if the majority of your people want marijuana to be legal? What then?

top kek

I am not embarrassed. I am trying to redpill myself and learn new things while preaching freedom and democracy.

Erasing history is what the weak do. One must accept their own faults.

Lines can be drawn on freedom in the civilised world or else we'd be in an anarchy. Drugs make people think differently, get people addicted, and make them less free.

I endorse the invasion. Free brown Qewts for every participant. Deus Vult

It won't happen unless /ourguy/ takes power

You can't get anymore addicted to weed than you can a bag of cheetos

Heres a hint: Trying to create your own system from the ground up is a fool's errand. Seize power and change the system from the top down, force it to conform to your vision.
The people don't know what they want, and in any system of government a charismatic personality has more weight to voters than ideas alone. We're a social animal and we can't get away from the reality of our genetic programming that inclines us towards looking for a leader.
Even George Washington knew that the American people would want him to be their knew king. He fought hard against that natural inclination of the people.

If you want to spearhead political reformation you need to become capable of being a leader before you think about forming a political view.

Don't be too hard on him, he just needs to read a lot more and sort his ideas out.

>small national gubmint
>more responsibility and authority for regional gubmints

i am thinking about this a lot lately
from a lolbertarian perspective it is totally fine for western european nations to cuck themselves (right of selfdetermination of the people), but when merkel tries to force migrants on poland or other eastern european countries it violates given right

the same works for saxony for instance, if the saxonians decide they want a saxonian ethno state or a civic state, that should be totally fine

if state control, authority and juristriction would be given to lower levels of gumbmint, these conflicts wouldn't happen

Weed makes people lazy and paranoid.
If you are too lazy, you aren't free to complete your dreams or be proactive.
If you are paranoid, you are going down the path of madness and worry too much about things to get on with life and think clearly. If you cannot think clearly, how can you be free?

Weed doesn't make people lazy, it just gives lazy people something to do.

Most people don't get paranoid, some people do, and they shouldn't smoke it.

Alcohol kills you.

there is erasing history, and then there is just choosing not to proceed looking like a fool in public. You can accept your own fault by admitting you know nothing, and only there can you begin to really "redpill" yourself in books instead of building a fucking ideology from scratch

seriously if you wanted to genuinely learn new things, just read more (literally google a Sup Forums booklist or something, pic related is one example of many)

>Democracy is fragile but it is the best way to give power to the people.
Yeah but then you must ensure that the quality of people who vote isn't nigger. Democracy isn't rule of the people it's the rule of the mob. Every nigger and roastie having the same vote as normal white human is just wrong since they can't make a well thought out decision. Might as well give zoo monkeys the vote. Actually that would be better because I'd rather have decisions affected by chance as opposed to hysterical emotions of subhumans.

I would just read a Ron Paul book, a Rothbard book, and Hoppe's democracy book. There is more to life than anarcho capitalism, but it is a good backbone

You have good points but I like the idea of us mere peasants choosing the leader. Leaders historically were alphas but, due to corruption, betas get in.
I also think yesterday's betas can become tomorrow's alphas if they work really hard.

this guy gets it

Yes, it can. Smoking in Public goes against the NAP.

ethno-racism... whatever you call it, is stupid and not the future.
eugenics is the future. we can make everyone geniuses via selective breeding with super sperm.

I know alcohol is bad but there would be riots if it became illegal.

>a Rothbard book
recommending pic related while I'm here. It's literally 62 pages, don't be a nigger. available >for free in link

you can also read Frederic Bastiat's The Law as well (also pretty fucking short. no excuses to be illiterate in 2018)

Thanks for the constructive criticism and not resorting to trademark shitposting. :)

You can get addicted to cheetos, my dude. Let's not pretend there aren't people whose lives revolve around weed.

I said "ethno" so the niggers would be kicked out.

that just undermines history and cultures

you seem enthusiastic at the very least, so that's a start. Just remember to read the core texts of ideologies you may not even like; I recommend digging into the Community Manifesto for this reason.

Thank you for defending me but please don't go full KotLK on me in the future. :)

eeeeeeeeeeewwww damned commies
I will give it a shot but I will need a bucket beside me.

The Alt-right will most likely never win anything as they aren't normie-friendly. My mission is to create a viable alternative to the Lib Dems, UKIP, and Conservatives.

that's the objective. make the world one. no nations, no borders, global peace, global prosperity an no crime.

I'd like to point out that I am an Anglo-Celtic pan nationalist.

That sounds like the school of Frankfurt, the EU, and the UN.

if you are scared of even an inert commie's book, I cannot imagine how you can ever deal with actual unironic commies in person. Really, what I recommend next is to talk to lefties in person to understand the magnitude of their mental illness with a polite smile and firm handshake of course. You must be able to convince individuals in person in order to convince a nation to adopt any ideology

oh, so you wish to establish an "alt-right" party? you have long, long, way to go. You will not go very far spamming on Sup Forums either. Try a YouTube channel at the very least and become an e-celeb to gain a cult following (lol)

There is an important lesson you could learn from the Nazi party and their work with state propaganda: You don't win people over by being safe and boring. Your ideas need to be controversial, you need to be bold, even offensive.
You will not build any large following by appealing to the moderates as they are. You must push the moderates in a direction. You have to control the overton window and make your extreme ideas mainstream.

George Lincoln Rockwell reiterated this his one of his speeches. He told people that they needed to be a fanatic in something. Fanatics have passion, fanatics go above and beyond the norm. You have to be a political fanatic, to be polarizing, to dare to challenge the social norms of the day.

If you resign yourself to shying away from the extreme in an effort to appealing to the fence sitting moderates you are ensuring you'll never get off the ground.

listen to this man. George Lincoln Rockwell was a true American patriot can admire, just listen to his speeches

his books are OK, I mean White Power is a classic but GLR's strong suit has always been speeches in my opinion. Such a shame what (((they))) did to him for being just a bit *too* controversial in his time

I sort of agree with everything said here, but i think the biggest problems come from name itself.

Ignore the DUDE WEED idiots. They have done bigger damage to libertarianism than original liberals did to the original meaning of the word.

So you want a retard, with a slight pirate accent, to become an e-celeb. kek
My plan was to join the Armed Forces, then get into local politics, and then go national. I'm not very sociable but neither was Hitler. I'll need to practice speeches in the mirror to increase my charisma level.

>if I combine my autistic libertarianism with nationalism maybe pol will swallow it!

t. 17 year old

I think its a more meta politics about government after the revolution, rather than the revolution itself.

Either in glorious communist takeover, a true pinochet meme revolution or any takeover, soon has to settle down into business as usual.In that case, the bit bland, but acceptable lib-nationalism is one of the flavours the government can go, depending on the people itself.

if a shirtless buck-toothed American who clanks spoons and worships the occult can gain a following, so can you.

That's about it. Peace out

I'm older than that.
I am autistic.
My mental age is about 12 as I am a manchild.

you made me kek and I like you

thanks :)
I may consider it but I am a poor organiser at the moment.





What happens to the sick and helpless? Isn't very "ethno" if you don't take care of your fellow kin, but it isn't very libertarian if you force people to pay for other peoples shit.

don't consider it. do it. Film yourself spouting your ideological ideas and thoughts on books. Pretend you're shitposting on Sup Forums, just in front of a camera and with your mouth verbally. You might even have fun doing this, or earn a bit of coin.

How can you hope to bring justice and order to a world when you have not been able to do it to yourself baka

The UK doesn't have those parties.
UKIP - civic nationalist
BNP - too retarded and too much infamy

The BNP also have many policies I disagree with.

Totalitarianism > everything else

The regional governments and families can take on that burden. I am personally fine with keeping the NHS.

>I am personally fine with keeping the NHS