The golden degenerate

The golden one has been attempting to denigrate the characters of both Styxsexenhammer666 and Sargon of akkad Because he believes that anyone with individualistic values is a liberalist SJW. This just shows how degenerate and akin to the SJWs he really is.

The golden degenerate is quite clearly ignorant to the very values of the western world that he claims to fight for.

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Muh every man is an island with no social responsibility at all because having responsibilities is mean.

he's welcome to it. the golden one is pro-white, styx and sargon both have said they do not agree with identity politics, and while styx is not a dumbass, sargon has gone so far as to say that he's part of the white genocide. they both can fuck right off.

I strictly support pro-whites agendas.


What am I, some kind of retarded monkey? Who watches this shit?

The more I watch this guy the more I like him.

>the very values of the western world
liberalism/individualism are modernist concepts, hardly values of the "west", just like christianity was not the tradition of ancient Roman civilization
at best it is a value of young degenerate countries like yours that are completely detached from actual western tradition

>Because he believes that anyone with individualistic values is a liberalist SJW.
He's right.

I can't support any movement that doesn't embrace rape.
Women are the problem with European societies and rape is the solution.
Hail Odin and keep raping to ensure a future for our white children.

He's not, you can want liberal values in law while social values remain conservative and collectivist

I.e. America before the 60s

ok shitpost. Rape was punished with death in vikingland though.

This guy is a juice head degenerate faggot, who cares what he thinks

You might want the sixties America, but you won't get there with libertarianism. In fact, that kind of individualism pulls you further from your ideal, i.e., you're an SJW. Maybe you say you're not an SJW, but actions do speak louder than words.

>Good morning Mr Silverstein

I never said we would, but I also don't think we'll get there period

>your actions
Lol what are you projecting onto me you faggot?

Advocating for liberalism in law has nothing to do with what the current movement is doing. The people in the current movement are too stupid to even discuss law

Didn't he claimed that he was a monarchist ? kek

To add: I don't countersignal [white nationalism] with libertarianism. They aren't mutually exclusive

>I.e. America before the 60s
Degenerate shithole
Your obsession with abstract freedoms and individualism was always going to turn you into an atomised, rootless, race of consumer drones.

Old Prussian Warrior Ov Chaos is going to destroy him. He stands no chance.

>Muh individualism, fuck the tribe

Faggots like you would get ostracised in a healthy society.

You've convinced me, I want to live in an Orwellian shithole instead
>was always going to turn you
The law had been seriously degraded and illiberal by the time the equivalent of your gay little caricature of the US happened

Golden one is about 40 kilos bigger, 10x stronger, and has done a real mma fight and won.
That kid would get put in a coma.

You are rootless, atomised, individualists with no organic identity, it has all been manufactured for you by the corporations you worship as Gods. You will never reverse your demographics (everyone under 25 is already below 56% white). You don't have the equipment for it, you see yourself as atomised individualists first. That's why the Jews rule over you so easily.

This cunt's proportions are fucked, he looks like one of those plastic surgery freaks

>This just shows how degenerate and akin to the SJWs he really is.
youre retarded, kys shill.

>1post by this id
dont fall for shilling

>Degenerate shithole
>Your obsession with abstract freedoms and individualism was always going to turn you into an atomised, rootless, race of consumer drones.
not really thats after the 60s. Why are brits so dumb? whenever i see posts from bongs its just a gross misrepresentation or understanding of something.

well put

This degenerate homosexual literally had to come up with the most autistic conspiracy in order to avoid debating Destiny --- after he ducking initiated the thing. He thought that manlet wouldn't agree to a debate. Get this literal soy boy fsggot who constantly flip flops out of here.

Daddy can I be an individual AND reap the benefits of the tribe too?
die you faggots

>everyone under 25 is already below 56% white
What did he mean by this?

You're just jealous of his gains, fat american sperging about some blonde chad

This is what white people look like.
Take note mutts.

>juice head
>doesn't know latsbrah 100% natty

Stop saying that, you dumb faggot. It's simply "liberal".

Fuck off with your e-celebs you faggot

>What am I, some kind of retarded monkey?

That the demographics for Americans under the age of 25 is even worse than 56% white
Don't know if its true its just what he meant by it

And btw The Golden One is one of the only e celebs worth following. Sargon is absolute garbage
>muh anita
>muh horshoe

Well put, mr Anglo.

why does he look like a neanderthal

The dude is just as weird and uncomfortable looking as Styx. Neither of them get laid and you know it.

>(everyone under 25 is already below 56% white)
are you literally retarded? Do you not understand demographics? Thats like saying everyone in London is 60% non-white. Holy fuck how dumb can you be.

Sargon's level of individualism is ancap retard shit.
He thinks that if someone's ideology involves the government imposing anything on someone is a gotcha in an argument.

First two posts BP

I bet you are a beta leftist, the glorious pill is not for everyone

>you are
>you see yourself as an atomized individual first
You didn't even read my posts you fucking faggot

>literally thinks 56% means everyone has 44% nonwhite admixture
Twice a fuckwit
And then the people that jerk off retards, reinforcing their idiocy



go fuck yourself with your divide and conquer shit
golden one has been really reasonable against other non alt-rightist

We can't keep doing this shit. The world is garbage enough as it is, we have to support each other in this struggle

What is wrong with that?

Sargon is a muslim faggot and styx is a retarded satanic tranny.
The Golden One has been a sane and reasonable voice.

So what did he do wrong?

How to Diagnose a Homo: The Post

Somewhat inaccurate, even the goods did stuff like this. It's mostly up to the family of the victim they have to declear a feud and try to pressure the other family into allowing them to take revenge.

how can the virgin crusaders even compete with chad "white" thunder cock?


Styx is a literal cross dressing faggot. There are pictures of him waering make up.
He's an IRL faggot.

>Styxsexenhammer666 and Sargon of akkad

Those two are both liberal SJWs, retard.

Shut up styk boy

hes an absolute brainlet who i only watch for the lolz

Sargon is a retard but so are you

He supports plenty of government imposition as long as he thinks it's necessary

In fact it's the easy contradiction of his a person can criticize

That isn't an argument


They are both fine. Styx just needs to have some problems closer to home and he will rapidly turn into an ethno nationalist.
As ive said b4, individualism gives us our likes and dislikes. Helps us develop our skills to use in society. A healthy dose of individualism is necessary for a healthy society

This is wrong.

styx just doesn't want to lose his fans, its quite obvious hes pretty much alt right. he can say he isn't as much as he wants

Varg>(((The goldstein one)))
These are objective facts.

Look at that, I was right

idk man both are good

Varg is king of Sup Forums

Individualism destroys itself
China will rule the world while USA and its puppets are decaying

checked and rekt

I believe Varg had very very serious potential back then. Now he kinda wants to be active but kinda wants to be comfy...

>has been attempting to denigrate
No. Projecting much?
Denigrate in all fields

China is the most individualistic place I've ever been to. Lived there 2 years and saw people constantly screwing each other over for a buck. Chinese have no ideology or religion except "get money for your family"

It works well for them, but it's still individualism.

hmmm its great how they all immediately turned against each other as soon as the monetization stopped

all these people are untrustworthy