Is there any truth to this whole thing? I’m not sure what to believe.
Other urls found in this thread:
Q was a pretty ok character in TNG, don't think he's real though desu
I'm starting to think both Trump and Assange Twitter accounts are AI.
Trump’s is an aide.
Assange died a while ago. Obvious fake account.
QLARP is meant to poison the well by telling half-truths to hide a lot more that's going on behind the scenes. I also suspect that Crowdsource the truth/cia/mossad are using citizen investigators to find incriminating articles/evidence online so that the evidence can be erased from the net afterwards
Thats why the smart people in this fight screen cap things and store them offline.
Those storm threads could have been way more beneficial if we used the momentum(guided by black hats or not) to really get to the bottom of plans of action. Force and violence are diametrically opposed and its time to respond to the violence of government with superior force
How about another method of attack like how Scientologists hammered the IRS on every level from mass call-ins to finding out personal info on agents, all for tax exemption status.
We're using information sharing devices and have the ability to call anyone as many times as needed, fuck even set up robocalls for the effort, the point is we can do this without shedding one tear on this side and set sail on their sea of tears
>I’m not sure what to believe.
That's how being lied to works you idiot.
Ive yet to see any real basis for Q being a larp, other than muh boomers. Just wish the type of stuff they describe would be easier to confirm.
I agree. Normie soccer moms on twitter are quoting Q to their friends. It’s misinfo to make trump supporters look crazy.
No it's not. Q's "LARPING" has done way more damage to the dems. He's openly pro Trump and it's working well.
And you figure because some soccer mom retweets some shit it's made to make Trump supporters look bad?
>Stretching hard here.
Don't say that the pony fuckers will come, he does the voice of sparkling rainbow or some shit, saw a documentary about it.
That's the secondary effect that Crowdshart the truth will claim is their fame, just like the Victory of the LARP claimed "follow the white rabbit"meme their creation
>watches documentaries about pony cartoons
Wait, wasn't Q doxxed and exposed as being an elaborate LARP? Wasn't he a prof at some university? Fuck, I wish I saved that thread.
The elite are planning a false flag in next few weeks to take our minds completely off Vegas, the memo, and Obama fisa.
Can I have a rundown on Q? Is he supposed to be a White House insider? FBI? CIA? So many smart people (for example, a lot of Scott Adams followers, who at least aren't retarded) claim to believe in what Q says. What have I missed? What exactly are his claims?
>So many smart people (for example, a lot of Scott Adams followers, who at least aren't retarded)
I was going to make fun of you but then I realized you probably see yourself as quite low intelligence which is why you'd say something like that which is just a bit sad.
It's perhaps the most impressive LARP on the internet.
More like I'm aware of the Duning-Kruger effect and so I try to stay humble.
Found a decent (biased, but thorough) summary of Q here
attachment related
Just read the entire thing and note what dates he writes what on.
If you cba then just focus on something else.