How do the women of Sup Forums feel about these results? How about the men? What is even going on anymore? How did we let this happen?
It's official: Sup Forums chooses asian women over white
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It happened because of Feminism
It's like how Swedish men are the most likely to go abroad to find a wife.
white broads are spoiled little bitches. fuckin hate dating white grills so I pound Latinas
Non-whites prefer non-whites. This is just proof that Sup Forums is no more than 40% white.
Fuck asians insects.
>300 votes
worthless non-statistic
White women did it to themselves.
Deal with it.
But user, I'm white and prefer asian women too. I can't even help it.
White women are all trashy sluts, it's not rocket science.
Asian women just make way better wives and mothers.
Skewed poll
In an actual poll with a majority of Sup Forums or even a majority of Sup Forums users it would be something like 85% asian 15% white
I didn't vote so does this mean there're only 337 people on Sup Forums?
Or are these 336 official representatives of Sup Forums?
The way I see it is more future Elliot Rodgers the better!
Asian one looks 10x better, and probably won't expect to be treated like a spoiled princess while fucking Jamal all day while you are at work.
There are lots of attractive asian women, don't get me wrong, but the one in OP's pic looks like a ladyboy. The white woman is far superior.
Hi acting is just so bad
what can you do. A lot of this board is browsed by beta boys. I hah my weeb period in my early twenties, when I found asians more attractive but I grew out of it fast.
Because Sup Forums blames everyone else on their problems.
>b-b-but muh feminism
If you are not able to find yourself a woman and train her, you should not reproduce.
Probably because most anons here are fucking losers. Only ugly losers will settle down for some hideous chink (and most of them look like shit, inb4 muh cherrypicking) instead of the much superior white women, not to mention ruin their bloodline
>But user, I'm white and prefer asian women too. I can't even help it.
Let's make another one, not just some sad propaganda probably from some other board
>betas finally find love in asian women and get marriage/sex regularly
>still gets shit on by normies because betas aren't allowed to be happy
what did you mean by this?
>FAR superior
Whitey looks like a plastic doll and I can't even see her soul. Let's not give too much credit to either one.
>wh*teoids prefer asians
The absolute state of whiteys.
I meant that betas aren't allowed to be happy.
Whats with all the leftie shills today. Wa the schedule double booked accidentally
I wonder (((who)))could be behind that poll
>government shutdown ends
>these threads start popping up again
Really makes me think
lol wtf is going on there
to be fair, it's starting to reflect reality. I live in Seattle and see so many wm/af couples it's staggering.
Ahh i see. I noticed theres quite a few today. Was just in a polish thread where a bunch of anglo leftists were using vpns pretending to be poles but pretty fucking obvious
>300 votes
nice sample size
Who could be behind this?
People who don't feel strongly about the issue are less likely to bother opening a thread to vote in a poll and people who like asians are more likely to feel strongly about the issue of fucking asians than people who don't care or prefer whites.
most of Sup Forums prefers white women they just don't care about your autistic poll as much as the minority of /r9k/ losers who think the best they can do is get an asian woman.
can't train a used up degenerate cumdumpster with no father. nor do I want to
men are smart. they will breed with the more obedient and appreciative women. progressing society forward
women are fucking stupid and want big dick jamal instead of whats best for them
moving their society backwards
demographics baby.
I voted asian gf but have a wife and three male children with a (((white))) red-haired green eyed pure irish girl.
>swedencuck crying because his women would rather go with Ahmed
Sit the fuck down cuck.
Fuck of kike
>Sup Forums has 336 people
>the frequent Sup Forums and have Asian gf
Not to defend him but the women don't go for Ahmed, they just turn 40 and hang themselves in their supply closet.
desu i totally get it, i also want a feminine gf (even though your kids will have identity issues)
>(even though your kids will have identity issues)
this is a meme. I know plenty of hapas who don't blame whites for all their problems just like I know plenty of whites who don't blame jews for all their problems.
No it wasn't like a backhanded compliment, i have two mixed race friends and both have identity issues to some degree (even though they both obviously gravitate towards their white halves)
Strawpolls are extremely easy to manipulate.
Post the link and i'll switch the vote myself.
considering white women are essentially nigger tier and marriage in the west can ruin a man, hell one false rape accusation can before marriage, then yeah not shit men are going to start going for asian women
they are better at being white women than white women are and don't have the small chance of ending your life
Hello. Can you provide a link to the poll? And did you make it? Do you have any comments? I might do a writeup on it. Thanks.
Fair point.
Good since pol is full of shitskins anyway this was to be expected
do they get white women or do they settle for for chinks?
I'm a white woman and this kind of stuff is the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I felt desolate at the state if white nationalism, the fact that our goals are so far out of reach, the embarrassment of Charlottesville, the censorship, the degeneracy that pervades to movement. It got me down desu and I slowly drifted away from the movement. Then to realise that even most white guys on Sup Forums are pro-racemixing themselves? To realise that they themselves don't give a single solitary fuck about muh demographic displacement, atleast not enough to do the basic choice of reproducing their own people? I realised the obviousness of the futility of it. No one here is gonna "save the white race", barely anyone even gives a fuck so I'm more or less done with this kind of stuff
still lurk tho
>this destroys the asian auto-thot
>How did we let this happen?
Most of us are millennials who grew up with a generation of ball busting bitches as mothers and their daughters are worse selling out their own kind for the sake of marxist bullshit.
Why wouldnt you eventually jump ship as well?
Man, that wm/af are not that attractive but their children are pretty cute. The bm/wf are both pretty good looking but that poor kid...
The white girl is more beautiful, who ever picked the asian one is probably memeing
>saving amerimutt memes on your 5400 rpm hard drive
>tfw eyes are grey blue not pretty blue
interracial marriages have higher chances of divorce, domestic abuse, and other dysfunctions. they have fewer kids who aren't even white and parents give less support to them because of genetic distance and dissimilarity. all memes aside there's nothing redpilled about it
Nice made up story. Theres no girls on pol and much less in white nationalism. Also youre wrong.
this kike is right. only betas like soulless chinks
>w-w-white women need to stop dating outside their race
>but it's FINE when i do it
Sup Forums never fails to deliver shocking hypocrisy.
I can't be bothered to time stamp, but is it not true? White nationalism is DOA. You guys can't even accomplish the basic act of stopping yourselves from racemixing, what reason do I have to feel hope in this movement? You're all just LARPers.
Asian countries have feminism worse than us look at Korea for ball busting SJW shit, look at japan and china for women pushing men out of the work place and choosing career for maternity to the point the men opt out or are too terrified to court owmen because of sexual harassment charges looming over every single woman's shoulders especially an office woman. I can argue career women are more dangerous than the college thots who doom themselves to being single cat women because its the first few generations of career women in the first place who gave birth to these whores and told them they don't need no man. This is why asian women who are born here are far more liberal than the white women born here. After all., they are far more likely to date outside of their race so they are now a marxist enabling culture detroying auto-thot.
>Believing a shitpost.
When was the poll taken? I wasn't here. Anyone who voted Asian GF was shitposting.
that's probably because the overwhelming majority are between whites and shitskins. find me some data to back up two fair skinned races having bad kids and I'll believe you
First, you know what you have to do.
Second, maybe stop believing every meme and giving up on every truth because of it.
>336 votes
>all of Sup Forums prefers asians over whites wtf happened to this board!1!!??!!!?1!
>i-it's the same exact thing.
**career over maternity
**court women
Older vid of a white dude going to china and cucking some dude right in front of him
This. There are literally resources on the internet to teach omegas basic social skills all the way up to pick up skills. You do not deserve to reproduce if you cannot simply research and apply.
That is fucking disgusting!
The reason any of you like chinks and gooks is because you are weak and pathetic excuses for men that can't even attract a decent white woman, none of you soy filled bitches will make anything of yourselves with your hybridized mutation children
This can't be real. This has to be like a bunch of leftist faggots who decided to LARP as Sup Forums.
based blindyellowfeverbro
>5400 rpm hard drive
Are they still a thing?
>mfw slants fuck guys expecting blonde haired, blue eyed kids and end up resenting their own children for not living up to expectations from within seconds of being born
I'd prefer a white women over an Asian.
But sadly I'll have to balance those two, what do i want personal happiness or preserving the white race? White women are so degenerate, years of an easy lifestyle and living of daddy's money has bred a group of selfish, degenerate, short sighted women.
Preserving white race would mean committing your own emotional suicide, because just like every other single celled parasite, a white woman will consume you until you're just a shell of your former self, then she'll move to another host continuing her parasitic life style
The only reason anybody on the right considers racemixing with asians is because they have positive genetics and actually have feminine and respectful traits. Traits that are extremely rare in our societies that are dominated by regressive marxism. The weak minded obviously fall for this and settle for "second best." Ideally they would date white girls, but quality white girls are few and fucking far between. Most of the guys who espouse racemixing arent actually white nationalist but are simply adpoting that term for lack of identity.
Im a natsoc and i wouldnt settle for anything ither than a respectful and feminine white girl, but i know for a fact that it will take me a fucking millennia to find one.
As for "unattainable goals" thats just your own personal weakness. The process is in motion and will happen within a couple of decades.
take the collectivist lenses off for a second
Almost no one here actually, when push comes to shove, believes in what they say. Sup Forums is anti "degeneracy" yet consume some of the most degenerate porn imaginable. Sup Forums claims to be against what they describe as the fall of Women, yet do nothing to counteract this in anyway. They instead choose to put their faith in "sexbots" and "Artificial Wombs".
While I have no doubt Sup Forums genuinely believes in a Jewish conspiracy they completely neglect to see that since Jews on average are more intelligent, it stands to reason they would be more represented in higher paid jobs. This is the defense Sup Forums provides for Whites when their jobs are in danger of being lost due to diversity quotas. All in all Sup Forums is an awful place, yet it is one of the only places on the web that you can discuss things candidly. It's full of false-hoods and rash emotional decision making and they often commit the same "crimes" as the Liberals they hate so much, but nothing comes close to being able to speak your mind, which is the greatest (and only) thing that Sup Forums is good for.
Seattle is basically happa land
>expecting blonde haired, blue eyed kids
why are gooks so stupid?
just don't ever call yourself a conservative as you failed to conserve your bloodline and countries demographics or your race mixed relationship traditional.
oh its real
>300 votes
mmm actually that's probably about right
>the sweet excuses
You just can't go on about this ethnostate nonsense and lust for women of other races at the same time, no matter how you try and spin it.
>polish education
Doesn't help the poll ion question didn't have a captcha so its also easily manipulated with bots.
Yes you can. Nobody has a problem with italians or or spaniards immigrating to to white countries. Same with asians. It's the darker countries that bring all the trouble.
It's a fucking blue. Whoop dee freaking doo. Nobody fucking cares about you stupid eye.
>kissing the girl
Who knows where that mouth’s been.
336 votes from who knows where
>Japan and China
>not having a men are supposed to be men attitude
Kek, sure, they are so liberal compared to us
Look, you can't blame Anglos for catching yellow fever when 99% of their women look like the orcs from Shadow of Mordor.
It's probably why their men went out to colonize the world as well.
>he doesn't know about HWNDU
fresh 2018 newfag
It's why interracial relationships based on racial fetishisation don't work. They get so wound up about what they want their kids to be and project an image before they're even born that they end up producing mentally ill manlets.
It's why so many mongrels end up like Elliot Rodgers. Mum hates them because she hates her own skin and wanted a white baby. Dad was too much of a beta to wrangle a white woman and settled for an Asian, so he ends up with a kid that doesn't look like him and mentally disowns him like a cuckchild. Also, two low-IQ parents that don't understand basic genetics.
You see some successful interracial couples/children out there, but that's because the family isn't founded on racial fetishes. In most cases, you get fetal alcohol syndrom looking tards making equally ugly and dumb kids.
Sadly, it's real. Although to be fair, those are the only types of autist who'd do a roman salute in public. Anyone who reveals their power-level like that is already fucking retarded
user, if you're women are in the wokrforce like that your country is feminist. Period. In japan Japanese career women are especially insufferable. Its why a lot of men simply aren't getting married because of these two things
A)no suitable wives because of feminist empowering them and giving them an unwarranted sense of arrogance
B)women in the work field have driven wages down and made having families difficult as a result
asian women care. they get disappointed when their children get the same eye color as them