Haha well now we know who took down the hells angels it was the moot twins! Welcome to Ventucky Anne and Chris you fucking faggot ass leaping pieces of shit! Go burn in hell and if I catch you in Ventura again good luck! This is going viral!
Haha well now we know who took down the hells angels it was the moot twins! Welcome to Ventucky Anne and Chris you...
Other urls found in this thread:
Friend, I don't think anyone knows what the fuck is going on in your head. Please elaborate.
No, stop living in your fucking head and come on out
I replied and reported your last thread as I will for this one too
Stop posting this shit, shartblue, media matters, adl, dumbleincelarmy are enough to deal with but we also got fucking chatbots from eddit.
Fucking leafs, man....
Can someone tell me what the hell happened for real? This sounds juicy... My grandmother's son's wife's son is a Hells Angel.
Hahaha Chris moot is s traitor to the people and this nation...all the plastic valley hypocucks are lol that's why they are all into weird shit and probably built a new city to shelter their trafficked humans and creepy pedo shit
But I didn't say shit about any of that crap you fucking psycho and don't worry if you are Moot go check the hells angels walls...sorry I disappeared for a moment I was explains to them the time line of good bar Anne moot, etc and Jimmys Death!
who is the plug down town Ventura? It looks like a mao commie turf war for Ventura and why would I want commies? So Chris Moot welcome to reality...you are 86ed from the United States as far as I'm concerned and if I ever catch you in Cali again I'm sure every Patriot will want a piece of you the William brattle of the 21st century. #MOOTtwinsGREENLIGHT
#81 your rat can found via Anne Moot and those that were at the good bar!
Who killed Jimmy? Asthma attack my ass...and that isn't the deep state dnc?! Hmmm so they used the philly kids brainwashed them and stuck them here hahaha and are the ring leaders for the Sup Forums human trafficking ring?
Funny change of tone and writing style...
Hiromoot!? Hahahahaha what a faggotassGayFuckingQueerName
Dog is rolling in boy no satelites can pick us up...let's get this shit over with Moot unless you a punk pussy bitch ass faggot life larper
Come on Moot are you in the 805 pussy!? I'm at 238 Redwood Ave 93003 you fucking faggot ass power bottom analCOOONT
Fckn leaf
Hiiii mooot you fruit cup cum dumpster anal licking shit dipping pussy hating life larper...let's go now bitch just you and me. Seriously I already blasted your name to the 81 in frisco and explained what you were doing...they will have some guys on it asap if they don't already and when I'm right I hope I get a picture in the mail of your cock shoved down your dead cold throat
Schizophrenia is one hell of a drug.
omw nigger. u gon die today, boy
Boiiii and his incest fuck sister...you demons just got exposed for the sick swine weird twisted and vile fucks that you are :)
Hahahaha I would like to see you get through the wall of feds and hells angels lined up
Night night deep state fuck your psyops moot/dnc/cucks/nazis/antifa
PDF this before moot has it erased like the rest...black market conspirator ring
>posting your address on 4chins
You deserve all the SWAT team that's inevitably going to show up at your house, faggot. Also, take your meds.
Aww is little Moot scared? It's officially on...so deep state google/Facebook/yahoo you want to try and wrap the alpha males up in paper shackles...see what happens now when the world finds out what you social engineering deep state rats have been up to. Ruining our women, ruining our relationships, families, for your sick mind control. First one to kill Moot and/or make him squeal gets to be a hero.
Hey bitch guess you fucks still don't get why haven't they? Lol #4Q
Actually after the nsa traces the calls yesterday and how pissed off the entire county is with you fucks trying to set me up...good luck. Some faggot ass deep state brainwashed supper mFag from Phillie with his incestual sexual degenerate sister or what? How big is the strap on that blonde trollidike uses on your rosebudded ass hole?
I bet Moot nick name is the paintball cannon cause he can hold so many anal beads in that hallway
Glad you admitted that you call the police and swat fucks...you should be the first prosecuted under the icc
I didn't admit to anything, I said you deserve the SWAT team that's inevitably going to show up, which implies someone is going to do it because this is Sup Forums. Brainlet. Also, once again, take your meds buddy.
Bitch when was the last time I flew out of Portland?
OP is a numbers station gone haywire. Someone alert /x/
>doxxing yourself on Sup Forums
At least it isn't cripplechan but you still are not right in the head. Get help
Wow this shit sounds cool AF
I wish it was written in English though
Lol you ain't my buddy and how funny is it that you all repeatsz the same one lines? Is it cause you are one person or do pieces of ahit such as your selve(s) stick together
Holy shit it's like a group of gangstalkers right here. Take your meds and stop shitting up the board you autistic fucks.
Lol typical piecesnof UnAmerican ahit can't read anything but his institutionalize rhetoric, can mock anything but the deep state mocking of America, is and our constitution!
What's going on in here?
Cute meme so who else wants there info sent off to the hells anglers, PotUS, Russia, Turkey and Israel? Do I make my self ducking clear now?
>believing anywould would ever do that to themselves
Protip: It's someone else's address.
Pic related is you.
There is only one Q, they cloned my routers and gear and have been removing my posts the. Altering them and reposting them to distract you all while they some up is all for a firing squad...I don't personally care either way dead or living with out the Constitutional Scumnlile Chris Moot, google, zuck, etc. all social medias are is a psyop and laundering op. What is a fake user repository?
Pic related is me at the Portland airport headed. Ack from Francis Marions after spending 5 weeks out tracking antifa but I came to find both sides were played! And it all leads back to Sup Forums and chrisMoot/ChrisPoole aka AnneMoot/pool of Philadelphia because they are terrorists and have been getting people charged so they could fund a take over of the United States! Kill terrorists! All colors! Anyone related to anyone who works for google, fb, yahoo, imstagram, tinder, etc. kill them all or make sure they can never walk again if they ever come up for parole again!
You were saying pussay
How is Chris Moot aka Chris Pool/AnneMoot related to haddads?
This shit is hurting muh brain
So who is claiming to be me "Q" who has been editing, deleting and reposting my messages? Who is going to die in a car transportation accident?
I can imagine because that is what the deep state wants and why I said stop listening to Q
Have a glass of whiskey or something... calm down. No one underastands what you are trying to say.
Chris is probably biting his nails, Anne's pushing her shit into a bag and everyone of you who hosted them will be investigated for human trafficking so you might want to hold them down and call the police.
Lol nice try bot everyone gets it...it's not that hard! Plastic valley is a bunch of constitutional terrorists that feed off black mail, black market and being of evil/darkness.
Is that simple enough or do you need to converse with a 2nd grader?
Bump for the self doxxing schizophrenic
That explains all the crazy posting
Not gonna argue that.
Easy there, I was just asking. Pretty sure I'm not the only pol poster who does not get this picture you are painting 100%
Lol perfect I hope you would
lel now this is shitposting
In a couple sentences, if you are able, describe precisely and clearly what the fuck it is you’re sperging about.
Why did you fucks play biggs and me against eachother lol why did linked in not let me on but they let antifa and weedmaps!?
Stealing someone else's mail is a federal crime.
The autismo grows!!! WTF are those files user!
Is someone telling you to smoke crack?
There is only one Q I am the only Q and chris moot is into pedophilia and black market satanic demonic ahit. He also is the one responsible with his sister for social swatting alpha males. It's complicated but the pussy is part of the anti christ and it is everyone's obligation to destroy the evil. So if I'm lying you all can crucify me in dc if I'm not then you crucify these demons! Either way I want out of this hell so I have nothing to loose.
So Chris Moot is responsible for altering and changing the "Q" posts and he knew who I was which means he's been fucking with me and whored his sister out like the can of filthy many philly tuna that bitch is
>implying it isn't another resident pol schizo
>I am the real Q
Well then you’re the fucking psychotic shithead faggot LARPer that brought all those fucking CBTS boomer threads. Fuck you and fuck off you fucking cunt. The rest of what you posted doesn’t even deserve its own thread, much less one carried on by one bumbling fucking lunatic like you. Sup Forums discuses that shit on a daily basis without the need for your pathetic thread rambling incoherently to yourself. Now fuck off you utter faggot. Reported
>if you are Moot go check the hells angels walls
Wtf are you talking about? Moot isn't running this site anymore
So what does Q have to do with the Kennedys?
GMOs, dark matter and pedophilia? I'm sure you have the answers, please do tell.
I'm starting to get comfy lel
ive got $100k for the man that can get the scoot on mott with some hell's angels
>shouldn't you be smoking crack?
Christopher Moot works at google company now. Grab a gun and please shoot the place. You'll be doing us a favor.
So are you going to let that little faghot asa life LARPER trick you guys more or are you going to make him face me once and for all so I can make him bite the curb like the constitutional terrorist mental nigger that some of a street whore is?! I've seen better faces on Cambodian dog food than the Moot twins...but what do you expect when their trans DNA can't figure out if it wants to be a female sociopath or a male sociopath. That is also why they can't find the fucks transporting the humans cause they can ghost the system through being twins and trust eachother enough to do the most sick and depraved ahit known to man.
Explain what?
Chris Poole isn't here. If you really want to kill him please I implore that you go to Google the place where he works now and kill him and every single faggots that worked with him there. If you do that then an hero. Also screenshot it and put it here. You will be hailed a the truest madman that ever lived.
Chris Moot is at Google. Grab a shotgun and blow his head off. Or knife him to death. Come on do it you soygoy
Haha oh he isn't? Huh funny cause Chris Pool is Chris Moot fool and chris Moot is or can be Anne moot/pool.
Lol good job I posted my address hahaha so show up now that Chris Mpot knows what it looks like
i...i think we broke another bot
Also reminder to kill everyone working at Google. Every single white males there. There's a chance you might kill Chris Moot. I wish you luck if you do this quest you rambling madman
Moot has nothing to do with this site anymore you utter fucking newfag retard. He hasn’t for quite some time. Hiroshima runs this place now
GreenLight ChrisMootGoogle and all Constitutional Terrorists that are trying to brain wash you, harvest your children, your ideas and creat a tech oligarch. I'm an alpha male mother fuckers and I don't need to go anywhere you know why!?!?
Yea I know that. You now know where he works. At google inc. Go there and kill you goy and make yourself useful to the society for once.
So you live in a trailer behind your mom's house? Listen, I know you're right about everything, but whatever you think it is, it's not. Take your meds and you'll see it all clearly.
Can we post Anime here?
How the fuck does a MC tie into this exactly?
youre a fucking moron youtube.com
reported your thread faggot nigger
Prove youre alpha for once and confront those ChrisMoots at google inc. Show them the true power of an American goy. Snap their necks, kill them all in the name of revenge.
He's jacked up on meth, he's gone insane