Why are homophobes so illiterate?
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Hmmm... doesn't seem legit, desu
It reeks of hate crime hoax spriced up with obvious dyslexia to make fag-haters look bad
Literally fake and gay
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Watcha doin', rabbi?
Similar thing happened in my home town. But I honestly think people were memeing. “Trump Rules” with autistic swastika
Hey rabbi... watcha doin?
oh look another false flag perpetrated by the supposedly oppressed
Also, the letter i looks different. And I want to point out that in spanish and portuguese "pedophile" is written with a f and without a h. So maybe a Latin American mixing up the word in english with the word in his/her mother tongue?
Yo I visited that when the news came on.
Cleaned up within the hour.
Goddamn false faggers, dude.
>pic related
A central Virginia man has been convicted of committing a hate crime against a co-worker.
James William Hill III, 36, of Chester, assaulted a co-worker at the Amazon Fulfillment Center in Chester in May 2015. Evidence showed that he did it because of the co-worker's perceived sexual orientation and, afterward, he admitted to an Amazon manager and a Chesterfield County Police Officer that he dislikes people who are gay.
He added that he thought people who are gay should expect to be assaulted because of their sexual orientation.
On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge John A. Gibney found Hill guilty of violating the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.
He faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison when his sentencing happens.
This case was investigated by the FBI with assistance from the Chesterfield County Police Department.
yep, 100% of those type of incidents are done by the offended group themselves. Thank the (((juice))) for that tactic.
Are the Share Blue PEDO Diaper Snipers here ,
Still, again,
Every FUCKING time , then , the entire pol/ goes to HOMO/PEDO/BULLSHIT/THREADS
Did you Share Blue Faggots REALLY buy this place. Seriously.
Is Share Blue the Current owner of Chan?
you comparing apples to oranges faggot.
hey, faggot
watcha doin?
The controversy of the case began in March 2016, when a University of Iowa student and member of Business Leaders in Christ approached the organization’s then-president, Hannah Thompson, about running for vice president.
The student confided to Thompson “he thought he was gay and that he was struggling with how that related to his faith,” according to the court decision. After the two studied scripture on homosexuality and prayed, Thompson said she’d need to consult the group’s leadership on the way forward. The executive committee then determined “the member did not share BLinC’s views of the Bible and did not appear willing to confess and repent of sinful conduct.”
“Here, the policy is clearly not aimed at any particular view, ideology, or opinion,” Rose writes. “The language is familiar, essentially boilerplate language repeated in similar terms in civil and human rights codes nationwide, including the Iowa Civil Rights Act and the Iowa City Human Rights Code.”
But Rose nonetheless rules in Business Leaders in Christ’s favor on the basis that the school appeared to have selectively enforced its policy. As evidence, she points to Imam Mahdi, a Muslim group, continuing to have official status even though it allows full membership to only Shia Muslims.
>"Hey look guys, somebody got beat up at an amazon place. Had nothing to do with us but let's spray paint our garage anyway and file a false police report."
Yeah. The average joe has caught on to your bullshit and most people are just tired of people like you. Hurting any pro-gay cause you could have more than helping it. Huge surprise for you I know but this isn't 1970 and people have the internet they can research false flags in about 30 seconds.
White gays experience a dramatic decline in new HIV infections:
HIV infection decreases globally by a third:
HIV infection rate in the US falls by a third in a decade
UK HIV decrease:
AU HIV decrease:
HIV came from Haiti to New York
The ironic thing is that you are actually a paedophile. Soliticing pics from a young boy in your server.
Damn it feels good to live in Cabarrus County.
These are always hoaxes these days.
Because most homophobes are non-whites.
The same reason Nazis draw backward swastikas in their graffiti: this is a hoax
Hey rabbi
Niggers can't even read so why would you expect them to be able to write? It's probably fake by some retardfaggot though.
haha we'll spell the words wrong to make homophobes look stupid too
If it wasn't intentionally spelled incorrectly it would have been pedofiles, not fucking piedofhiles
Watcha' doin?
>inb4 a fag is caught red handed spraying this
thats not an "i" .. its the door handle... and it is a fake if they put the h after the f they knew exactly how to spell it because the f would have canceled out the h
>inb4 gay schizo complaining about "box pox"
oh cmon he is funny af
Faggots are self-harming for attention again. Just get some anti-psychotic medications and let's get back to work.
>Whatcha doin' Rabbi?
rainbow garage episode
that's the appropriate misspelling if you're a native spanish speaker
>doesn't seem legit
>false flag
Why are false flags so easy to spot with their obvious distortions of words and symbols? Can the perpetrator really not bring themselves to write the bad words/spray paint the evil runes? Or are they so retarded that they don't even know?
>Whatcha doin' there, sunshine?
They can't help but exaggerate things like this. If they just spelled 'paedophiles' correctly, I would have believed it.
Who's a little VPN user, who's a itty bitty proxy boy.
All (((Sup Forums discords))) are either subverted useful idiots used as spamming bots or pedos.
nooo it's a typo
he ment
fags are piedrophiles
Another one for this site:
My extensive vocabulary will turn you into ash.
discord gg/fhvrVnJ
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maybe they fuck pies
>Rose nonetheless rules in Business Leaders in Christ’s favor
This is a good thing. Faggots always trying to push their fagginess on others, it needs to stop.
Because faggots are hated by the majority of population, both the literate and illiterate people.
Why do faggots believe that anyone has an irrational fear of them? News flash: People just find them immoral and disgusting. That is not a phobia, you illiterate poof.
Hey faggot watcha doin?
The word is "pederasts", rabbi.
It's not spelled piedofhiles. You're mistaking the door handle for an i.
Hey rabbi...
Whatcha doin' there Faggi?