The United States is an illegitimate country ... just like the bandit state of Israel - the Jews have no right to be there..." - Bobby Fisher
The United States is an illegitimate country...
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Can't just say shit without an explanation Obama
Bobby Fischer: the Gentiles Jew
I fucking love this guy
checked everyone does
also checked
>Reddit calls Trump a chess master when this man exists
Also a true contributor to the art of chess, I like how he verbally body slammed Gary kasparov, basically calls him an autistic nothing who is only good at chess and nothing else, while Bobby is an all around genius, and it showed.
one of the smartest men of the 20th century, toghether with kaczinsky and the quantum mechanics kike phsicists
Me too
we was a good boy, dindu nuffin
He really didn't do any kikery though.
Dude was so woke they had to put the (((mental illnesss))) label on him to contain him
checked bobby dindu nuffin fuckin neocon kikes
While his insult to Kasporov was with merit and certainly humourous, he was ten fold more autistic and sperg'd. If he was alive today he would FOR SURE be a Sup Forumslack.
>We will never see Bobby Fischer vs. Deep Blue
Why live?
he only went a bit crazy after he got tortured in prison by psycho japs on order of neocon kikes
Deep blue was a farce, crashed a couple times and needed to be restarted, if you opponent had a complete breakdown, they wouldn't give you time to wait for him. If they really wanted to showcase deep blue, it should've been chess 960, the computer probably would've blown up.
They were autistic in different ways, Fisher was embroiled in a political confrontation, he was forced to deduce the players behind his movements, and he got crucified for it. The man was well aware of the board he was playing on, and I doubt he would be a Sup Forumsack, this place is too heavily influenced by the wrong ideas.
They can't concentrate, they don't have stamina, and they aren't creative. They are all fish. (On women chess players, 1961)
I am the best player in the world, and I am here to prove it. (1971)
I have a crazy quirk, Eugene. I like to say what I think. And if you're gonna work for the Jews, you can no longer say what you think. You can't say the holocaust never happened, for example. That is an absolute no-no. You can't say that circumcision is a crime. There are so many things you cannot say once you get on the Jewish bandwagon. … There used to be a lot of people like me, but little by little the Jewish spirit seems to be conquering all. (Philippines Radio Interview 1991)
America is totally under control of the Jews, you know. I mean, look what they're doing in Yugoslavia... The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense are dirty Jews. (1999)
I object to being called a chess genius because I consider myself to be an all around genius who just happens to play chess, which is rather different. A piece of garbage like Kasparov might be called a chess genius, but he's like an idiot savant. Outside of chess he knows nothing (2001)
(Look at all I've done for the US. Nobody has single-handedly done more for the US image than me, I really believe this. When I won the World Championship in '72, the United States had an image of, you know, a football country, baseball country, but nobody thought of it as an intellectual country. I turned all that around single-handedly, right? But I was useful then because there was the Cold War, right? But now I'm not useful anymore, you see, the Cold War is over, and now they want to wipe me out, steal everything I have, put me in prison, and so on. (2001)
They are subhuman. They are the scum of the Earth. When you talk about Jews, you're scraping the bottom of the barrel of humanity. (1999)
Jews hate nature and the natural order, because it's pure and beautiful, and also because it's bigger and stronger than they are, and they feel that they can not fully control it. Nature's beauty and harmony stands in stark contrast to their squalidness and ugliness, and that makes them hate it all the more. Jews are destroyers. They are anti-humans.(2005)
I grew up with the concept of freedom of speech. So I'm too old, it's too late for me to adjust to the new world, the new world order. (2004)
[Capablanca] wanted to change the rules already, back in the twenties, because he said chess was getting played out. He was right. Now chess is completely dead. It is all just memorization and prearrangement. It’s a terrible game now. Very uncreative. (2006)
They're all weak, all women. They're stupid compared to men. They shouldn't play chess, you know. They're like beginners. They lose every single game against a man. There isn't a woman player in the world I can't give knight-odds to and still beat. (1961)
I'm not as soft or as generous a person as I would be if the world hadn't changed me. (1961)
When I was eleven, I just got good. (1969)
(The Worldwide Church of God) cleaned my pockets out frankly. I have some money left, but not that much. I've got some assets. It's amazing they didn't get everything. Now my only income is a few royalty checks from my books. I was really very foolish, but I thought I was doing what I had to do. When I sent those checks off, I really didn't have the slightest qualms, no regrets, not the slightest. I don't really regret it that much, to tell you the truth, even now. (1977)
B...but he was half Jewish himself
I like this guy.
He wouldnt get the rope if he was still alive.
he would have rekd it
Both valid assertions. I didn't take such instances into consideration.
I still think he'd be a Sup Forumslack solely because of the nature of this board and it's fervent anti-semetic values.
Off topic, but i'm kind of surprised he wasnt more fascinated by computers or computation in his later years. But maybe this was largely in part due to his craziness towards the end of his life. Always have wanted the meet the man and shake his hands.
very wise
Doubtful desu. Would have made for one hell of a battle(s), though.
electrokikes are no match for bobby
You should never go full autistic....
>B...but he was half Jewish himself
How do you think he learned all this shit?
>I have a crazy quirk, Eugene. I like to say what I think. And if you're gonna work for the Jews, you can no longer say what you think. You can't say the holocaust never happened, for example. That is an absolute no-no. You can't say that circumcision is a crime. There are so many things you cannot say once you get on the Jewish bandwagon. … There used to be a lot of people like me, but little by little the Jewish spirit seems to be conquering all.
>Jews hate nature and the natural order, because it's pure and beautiful, and also because it's bigger and stronger than they are, and they feel that they can not fully control it. Nature's beauty and harmony stands in stark contrast to their squalidness and ugliness, and that makes them hate it all the more. Jews are destroyers. They are anti-humans.
based jews are best jews
I wish someone like Bobby Fisher would run for President.
Read each line. RIP.
Wiki Straws...
What was Bobby Fischer's mental illness?
He suffered from various illnesses and he died at the age of 64. He also suffered from mental illness related to paranoid schizophrenia, Asbergers, and possibly OCD. His paranoia was already well established in the 1972 Championship game against Boris Spassky who won the first game.