I've been seeing a decrease in Christianity threads who else here wants to talk about the bible
Why you need God
Jesus was murdered heaven isn't real and Jews worship Satan
God isn't real
Man is in rebellion. We cower in darkness because we fear the light. God, in his ocean of mercy, has pursued us in our rebellion and has sent us a savior because he loves us.
The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts.
>Why you need God
>You need God because I personally have noticed a decrease in Christianity threads which is no good and in fact bad
I'm not myself an atheist but you're going to need a better argument than this to change things around here.
>tips fedora
Who's /Catholic/ here?
We need to resurrect Jesus Christ, by following his preaching.
He preached love, and we have to learn to love.
If we love, if we allow Jesus Christ into our hearts, he will be resurrected in that sense.
It's his second coming.
This world is controlled by greed, envy and lust, for it is lacking love.
We have to practise unconditional love for each other, we have to care and respect each other.
If you want this degeneracy to stop spreading, you have to follow Christ, for he is the way and the truth and the life.
What we need is a /rel/
I'm agnostic. Prove he's real and I'll believe, until then he doesn't exist and is just a way for pussies to make themselves feel better about death.
Kinda busy bombing Mudlsimes
nice meme
Let's start with sects. Which form of Christianity is the true religion and why? Why are the others wrong? Do you have to believe in the right one to go to heaven or belief in either form of Christianity will grant you passage into heaven?
>Heaven isn't real
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
>Jews worship Satan
We can agree on that though
The others are wrong because they are just offshoots of Catholicism and Catholicism is the original and one true church, it "shall not perish"
It is not my right/choice/decision to say who gets in to Heaven
we're in a thread which wants to talk about belief in god. there's no proof here. however, (you) came in here and said he doesn't exist. in this case the burden of proof falls onto you.
prove he isn't real and we'll end this thread
THey stole my cat. I love that cat I have to have her I might become dying without her they're holding her hostage you can't understand what that cat helped me out of I need my cat. She's my 3rd favorite cat of all time.
That's the point of believing: You have to believe without proof.
However there is proof to be found. You get proof for God's existence by believing in him - he will show himself.
But your logic is flawed, you are in an intellectual deadlock. You say:
"Show me proof and I believe". But in order to get proof, you need to believe without proof first.
Once you start believing, God will show himself, which is proof enough just like you wouldn't deny the existence of your parents without having a scientifical and objective proof.
But you reject him, hence you don't belife and won't find proof, even though it can be found.
Why don't you just give him a chance? How can you say "I don't believe", if you never asked him to show himself?
>Why you need God
>proceed to not explain why you need God
That said, I have failed often and haven't done Catholic Generals in quite a long time.
This is incorrect.
>Prove he's real
I did a three part post on the topic. Enjoy.
Catholicism is correct. It is correct insofar as it has apostolic authority still that gives it it's foundation. The others are wrong in varying degrees. Oriental Christianity is just singular bishops who explicitly separated from early church teaching because they disagreed with it. Most of their differences have been settled already but are still autonomous. Eastern Orthodoxy's differences are mainly ecclesial and their understanding of the seat of St. Peter is just incorrect. Oriental Christianity and Eastern Orthodox Christianity are very similar and so still heavily respectable still though. Protestants, however, reject apostolic authority altogether and hold doctrines that run up against the Bible (to which they have no basis for as the Bible's canon is justified by apostolic authority) and Christian tradition generally.
You do not have to necessarily believe Catholicism is correct to go to Heaven but it's advantageous. To die in a state of grace and not in a state of mortal sin is easier when you know the correct path generally.
There is no "true" denomination, there is only Yeshua. People are stupid as hell and cannot follow simple teachings from Him, so He has to make it as simple as accepting Yeshua as your saviour and putting your faith in Him. The works aspect is your ability to follow The Word and live as sin-free as you can.
If it were any harder then nobody would be saved, Denominations and Human-anointed traditions do not matter to Yeshua, only that you believe Him to be the Messiah and you follow Him and His Commandments.
>p-prove he isn't!
And there it is, predictable. Usually christcucks splerg on about >muh bible for a while, but you immediately went to the last resort. Funny.
>That's the point of believing: You have to believe without proof.
I will give it a read. I bet it's going to be something about the "first mover" or "muh bible", like every other argument for God.
People left Christianity when they realized Mary was raped/adulterous, had a bastard child and Joe was a fucking cuck.
God I need my cat return her. I can't go through loosing another cat.
Catholicism just feels too grand and dirty to me, Pope Francis doesn't help either.
It is specifically an argument for Divine Conservation.
Traditional Catholicism
Will repeating prayers daily and reading religious texts make me believe in a God, even though science has proven evolution?
I truly want to lose my fear of death, like this is the greatest gift a human being can possess.
So, OP, what do you think?
It's because of the government shutdown, the shills haven't been at it as hard.
It really is a divide and conquer tactic, twole religion thing.
If you want to talk about the Bible go to church or join a Bible study you fucking autists. Most of us don't want to read that shit every other thread.
Rome lives through the Papacy, the feet of Iron and Clay will be the unification of the weakened Roman Empire, which has lived on in a state of life-support. Once the world religion comes, the one which will unify all the religions of the pagans and will come to mangle the Abrahamic Religions with it. Rome will be the leader alongside the rest of the apostates of Christianity, the elect will be deceived as it is said. and the Catholic Church will play a role.
It comes down to who you'd rather serve, the institution of the Church or the Heart of the Law and God. Hold onto Yeshua and stay strong in these dark times coming, for even your own pew might be set against you when the time comes to die for your Lord as He died for you.
God loves all people, even the pagans and sinners and those Christians who are deceived. He hates our unjust actions against others and our arrogant authority and violence over others, particularly to enforce the Law when Mercy is the Heart of the Law.
The history of Roman Catholicism is quite similar to its Roman counterpart in terms of how brutal and NOT merciful it was.
Yet, God used it to spread the Word across to all nations, as it was foretold. It is both a tool to good and evil and make no mistake it has been and will be a tool for evil again.
Don't let the main leadership of the church give you a negative view of Catholics, love your brothers and sisters even in disagreement and remember to Trust only Yeshua and not the kings and priests of this world, even if they claim to represent God on Earth through a position of power.
I'm confused about hell, Sup Forums. Some modern Christians say there's been misconceptions and translation errors about hell, suggesting that it is just death of all non-belivers after judgement in a fire. So is hell this concept or what we've always thought - eternal punishment in the lake of fire?
Good thing you can click on any other thread
Just reading texts and praying doesn't change your view of the world. Being shown the worldview and it's defense does. I can give you texts on the matter if you can tell me what kind of texts you want.
Also evolution being proven and a young earth being disproven isn't a problem but to Evangelicals. I did an explanation of this elsewhere.
The biggest time for Christianity on Sup Forums was 2014 and 2015. You're obviously new.
>Worshiping YHWH
I'll stick to white Gods, thanks.
Was Christ a roman conspiracy to subvert the Jews that got out of hand?
Rather than the other way round like Sup Forums usually thinks.
>Not a pantheistic Ein Sof
No, Yeshua fulfils prophecies that pre-date Rome by hundreds of years and his death didn't do shit to piss Roman's off, that came after the fact when they rebelled against Imperial Authority.
Plus, why would Rome want to subvert the Judean people when they could just butcher them with ease? Why go through all that trouble just so your own Pagan Institutions and worship would be directly challenged years later.
Doesn't make sense from any perspective, it's just more disinformation to lead people away from Yeshua.
>I've been seeing a decrease in Christianity
What, nigger? Theres more of these retarded shitposting threads than ever. You stupid. Take this bullshit to >Why you need God
A man needs superstition like a dog needs night vision goggles.
I was too late that's already an actual response.
There is alreasy /x/
>my superstition ia true because I think it is
No, retatd, that isnt how things work.
>skin color/ethnicity
>On an immaterial figure
No, that's a 19th century conspiracy theory with no evidence behind it and all the evidence against it.
>literally gave a link to the argument I wrote myself in the post you are responding to
>understands my view as "it's real because I said"
That's just ignorant, user.
Now clearly /ourchristianmovie/ is 'The Passion of the Christ' still I just watched 'Exodus: Gods and Kings' and thought it was pretty entertaining.
Is Ridley Scott the #2 Gentile after Mel Gibson?
Also I've lately been out of work and visiting a dinner that's put on by various churches every week and I've never met a nicer bunch of people. We start with a prayer and then they typically have some musicians play while we eat hot homemade food. Last night at the "Beggar's Ball' we had a string quartet.
Christians truly are some of the most giving and best people.
God Bless.
>Being shown the worldview and it's defense does
Elaborate what you mean by this. I didn't understand, at all. I am asking you nicely. Thanks.
Reading text by people who believe a worldview doesn't make you believe a worldview. Hearing explicitly what the worldview is and being convinced of it by arguments/defenses for it against criticisms does.
Are you trying imply germanic gods aren't white?
Are the traditional European gods immaterial? Of course not.
I didn't come here to convert you to Christianity, I came here with the Sword.
Got it. Do you have any texts to recommend for this?
>Yeshua fulfils prophecies that pre-date Rome by hundreds of years
Hence why they thought it would only affect the jews user.
>why would Rome want to subvert the Judean people when they could just butcher them with ease?
they were having a lot of issues with Jews, read Tacitus on them.
Jesus timed exactly when Rome considered them a pest that had to be eliminated.
They're either fallen angels or Nephilim whose spirits are disembodied and are demonic, Colour is irrelevant when faced with this notion.
Keep worshipping a cabal of angeilic opportunists and their abomination spawns who could give less of a shit about you because you feel insecure by brown people and their Holy God.
I'll talk to you. I'm currently trying to make some big changes in my life and I realize the only way to do that is with the help of God. I've been baptized, and confirmed, and went to church every sunday for 18 years. I still believe in God, but I hate the Jews and that's what half of the bible is about. Help me figure this out
An "argument"(throwing out a load of bullshit) doesn't prove your superstition right. And even if iy did it's another og those "first mover" arguments which just seeks to prove "a god musr ecist, theres no other explanation". How does that lead to "and here's what he wants you to do"?
Edward Feser would be a good intro from the naturalist worldview to a classical theist worldview.
Scholastic Metaphysics: A Contemporary Introduction is his main book properly teaching the worldview and responding to modern criticisms.
The Last Superstition is a response to New Atheist figures such as Dawkins and Hitchens and is basically an anti-atheist polemic much in the style of The God Delusion but with fall less of a stick up his ass. However if that's still not your thing it can be ignored.
From there he has other books on the topic I'd recommend, as to other neoscholastic authors. He's a professor first and foremost and speaks as a commentator than trying to propose his own views. If you can get a hold of his academic paper Existential Inertia and the Five Ways that would be good too, but I'd recommend his books first.
What will happen to a person after death, who lives like a traditional Christian, goes to chruch, has a family and has a high morality?
His live has the same impact on others/the world as a real Christian, would God still put him to hell?
>I realize the only way to do that is with the help of God
That isnt true at all. The only way to make any change is to do it yourself, dont rely on am outside force (especially one tgat doesn't exist) to do it for you.
>No, that's a 19th century conspiracy theory with no evidence behind it and all the evidence against it.
Actually it makes perfect sense if you look at the context.
It explains how it turned on Rome too. Clearly the jews figured it out, so they hired Paul and made up some bullshit about a miracle then sent Christianity right into the heart of Rome.
I think I hit the nail on the head.
It was subversion that ended up turning against Rome. It also explains why Revelations specifically talks about Roman events, because it was intended to be used to create hysteria within Rome and convert them to Christianity easier. Remember, it is likely to represent events that already happened in Rome prior to it being written. I bet they thought the apocalypse really was happening.
Clever jewry.
And it sure didn't as they rebelled mere decades after and did nothing for the Romans, while Yeshua also made various prophecies according to the future, some of which have come true including the return of Jerusalem into the hands of Israel and was done so in the miraculous war Six Day War.
Again, it's easier to just control through violence and fear as the great superpower of the age instead of some convoluted plan involving a vague prophecy from a literal who religion in a literal who nation. Plus that would also implicate John the Baptist and a bunch of other people as well.
Post God kino
Which is why the Jew's love Christianity and Yeshua so much today right?
>even if it is
>calling an argument bullshit before even seeing it
>"making arguments for something does prove it right"
And you can go from saying God exists to stating what God wants by either a defense for natural law or an argument for the historical supernatural claims so to justify revelation. Both are beyond me just phoneposting though.
What does Yeshus say about hating people and what does he say to do when someone transgresses you?
>And it sure didn't as they rebelled mere decades after and did nothing for the Romans
I agree, but see The Jews turned it around. At first it targeted the teachings that only Jews knew. But in order to make it work on Rome they had to:
>1. Include gentiles (using prophets that included gentiles)
>2. Ostracise their own people (the remaining jews) by making it attack Jews (using Revelations)
>3. Take it to Rome (using Paul and his odd miracle)
>4. Romanise it by relating it to Roman events (using Revelations)
It just fits.
But when I turn my life over to a power greater than myself, I feel freed. I physically feel different. explain that?
Jesus never existed but if he did he would have been called a tranny bitch.
>Actually it makes perfect sense if you look at the context.
Except there being no evidence for it
I am
I think you posted the real "tranny bitch" in the form of Baphomet. Anybody who worships Fallen Angel-mandated religions are the biggest "cucks" of all. They fucked you out of your inheritance and relationship with the Holy Father and you still want to worship them and take on their punishment with them.
Best make peace with the Lord before it is too late for you.
Well why would they reveal the conspiracy beyond the highest group of Rabbis, such as those in the temple? And perhaps they underestimated how badly it would affect Rome in the end (and put them and Rome into the dark ages, extinguishing any proof of the conspiracy).
Also Orthodox jews have a touchy relationship with the other kabbalah following Jews, I don't think they would get what's really going on. Explains why they're orthodox actually :^)
>Except there being no evidence for it
Well the dark ages is a major problem because it would destroy the evidence proving what this religion really is - true religion or subversion
We just won't know. I bet modern Jews might themselves not know too if that was the case.
I want mithras barbarians to leave.
Satan tortures Jesus in Hell. Satan is the king of the Earth. Satan is my dark father and your dark father.
satan is a dumb meme forced by the Church to discourage Paganism.
>race is just a social construct goyim
The European pagans shall take back their lands from the Christian Middle Eastern barbarians. Jesus was a deceiver of mankind.
Because they would need a vast amount of people who interacted and witnessed the testimony of Yeshua in order for it to fly. And no, Rome had far more pressing concerns during the day than to pull off such a, again convoluted plan that has no chance of success, and didn't succeed anyways as the Jew's rejected Yeshua, and what if they had accepted Him? Were the Romans going to sweep in and kill everyone? Then why didn't they do that before when they conquered the religion and why would they bother going through all of that just for a Casus belli for one of their own provinces which they have firm control over.
They have a touchy relationship various sects of Judaism because they're so radical and accept Jewish mysticism like the Kabbalah and the horrendous Talmud as evidence against Yeshua.
You don't know anything about the religion you speak of and you're grasping at straws to disprove the coming of Yeshua.
And even if they knew all the prophecies it would've been insanely hard to get all of them.
Christianity is dying and good riddance. The old gods are returning and Europe shall be freed from the tyranny of the Christian barbarians.
you know those horn hands actually used to ward the "evil eye", not being God btw...
Dumb fucking Goat. Go eat some cud you herd animal.
Except the dark ages is a meme no serious historian uses. Paganism died because Christianity appealed to the masses and was in every way superior to the money grubbing pagan priest.
It is flesh, not spirit. I'm done throwing my pearls to swine, Go worship your ((((white gods)))) and hope they have your back when the time comes to your trail and judgement.
The goat is the bringer of free will. Christianity wants you to be a slave sheep.
Satan is the true savior of mankind.
> ((((white gods))))
do you get paid for this?
You're worse than a street preacher.
>Because they would need a vast amount of people who interacted and witnessed the testimony of Yeshua in order for it to fly.
Actually they wouldn't, just a bit of confirmation bias initially, perhaps from his 12 apostles and other followers. Then you need people to push it out like propaganda.
Plus remember, it was initially attacking the Jews and only later got subverted against Rome, with the Jews making themselves "vaccinated" from it. In fact the virus became an antibody to the Jews in some fashion.
Though later the church again responded and the Jews got impacted again by it after the damage to Rome occurred.
May also explain why the Romans went in for the kill against the Jews decades after Jesus (and another reason for the lack of evidence).
Kek trumps jesus. Kek is the bringer of light and will destroy the tyranny Christianity.
Christians are all Middle Eastern barbarians that raped the pagan people of Europe.
>Except the dark ages
I actually brought up another potential reason here , the Jews had a war later with Rome which may explain the lost evidence.
That means the counter attack was seen by the Romans. It also explains why they persecuted Christians so much. They knew it's origins.
Also the Church was notoriously money grubbing as well don't forget. Hence part of the reason why Protestantism and Anglicanism occurred.
These posts only work on non Sup Forums forums. Stop ruining legitimate posters and discussion goaty boy.
There is no historical evidence that Jesus even existed and the Romans were not Jewish they were pagan.
Christianity is a degenerate dying Force. Christianity just like Islam is evil and will die completely.
>and the Romans were not Jewish they were pagan.
Actually the elites had a lot of mysteries back in the day.
Both actually are merely two nationalities using religion to command their herd.
>actually try to discuss the facts of Jesus on a grand strategy scale
>faggot goat spammer tries to derail it.
Hiro needs to fucking die.
Hail Mithra the lord of the Sun!!! Bringer of the True Light!!!
Made a thread about this awhile back. Asked anons for advice bc never read the bible in my life. Started reading the bible for like a week because I was inspired.
Lost inspiration. I don't read it anymore.
>Hail Mithra
>lord of the sheep fuckers
Christians are all degenerate pieces of shit. Paganism is the true traditionalism.
We will take back our lands from the degenerate Christian Middle Eastern Savages.
Old testament is interesting as myths go.
never just read the bible though, read Greek myths too, and babylonian, nordic, roman (though similar to Greek anyhow) and Egyptian.
All are not really that mutually exclusive, and if you read in between the lines you can seem to find some correlation.
Oh and the kabbalah, but don't tell Sup Forums :^)
Except there is, Roman, jews, and Greeks authors all agree on this point.
Bruh Jesus was the first person to kill themselves because of a meme. XD Lil' bitch could have put that firewood down at any minute senpai but he was dedicated to getting youtube famous, and that fucker romulus didn't even start recording baka. Anyway suicide is a sin, jesus offed himself so thus he sinned, impure. #Fake-Profit #-2017 #delete_abrahamic_religions
Christianity just like Islam is degenerate and anti-human.
Nevermind the Jewish Bible.
Become a Neo-Christian-Futurists.
The belief that humanoids evolve into Angel beings in the deep future; who become interdimensional, and ceaselessly evolve into The God State: GOD.
A state connected into all space & time.
With a spirit; known as THE ANIMA SPIRIT, which is tied to all sentient life.
And the goal of humanoids; is to RECONNECT to THE ANIMA SPIRIT, which is purely "innocent".
fuck I can't type certain words
>Be getting used to format