Why are Italians so superior?
What have the gercucks done for the white race (except destroying Europe during 2 worldwars, ruining Roman Empire and creating European Union)?
Why are Italians so superior?
They have east african genes
East African genetics is powerful
Doesnt explain the iq map.
>What have the gercucks done for the white race (except destroying Europe during 2 worldwars, ruining Roman Empire and creating European Union)
Oh and don't forget causing pointless religious wars by causing a huge divide, making nationalism such a taboo that the effects are still felt today and creating communism.
We are full of mafia and people that don't want to work at all, our problem is that we can't work together for be better than this, any italian would tell you that we are not superior, we failed as nation.
Italian unification was our biggest misstake in my opinion
It seems that Adolf Hitler had E1b1b as Y DNA haplogroup. That's why he simpatized with Islam. I do not. Different haplogroup I have.
As an expert on niggers, I can say without a doubt that Italians are among the niggers of Europe
E1b-V13 entered Europe in the neolithic, has fuck all to do with east Africans who got it most likely from Natufians anyway
they’ve been catholic for ages, which causes them to be less cursed etc
given that flag you are most likely some sort of negroid abomination yourself
get out kraut
Every country is now full of people that dont want to work, and I do agree with the unification, smaller states are more efficient and less agressive.
Italy lost a war against Ethiopia lol
>supported by Russia
>outnumbered 1 to 10
>still kill more of them
Italians are great people nothing more to say, i dont understand why losers on this board dislike them
Italians are good. The only problem is the modern italians that look like niggers.
i heard you guy origin are from south east asia,from Vietname to be exactly?
what is a modern Italian? because what Italy is also famous for are its cars, food, fashion, artist/ architects which could be classified as modern 1800s-now
I know why you are sayin' that, hey!
>pic related
Boomers fucked everything up and millennials are catching the shit for it.
Can't wait till all you boomer fucks are dead.
Russia? Are you fucking dumb? Who the hell told you that lie? The only time Russia came into play was during the cold war.
literally read the article about our first invasion of Ethiopia you illiterate americhimp
they provided them weapons and logistics
Takes one to know one.
Implying IQ is a valid measurement of intelligence.
too bad nobody takes niggers opinions seriously
Italians are masterrace in terms of food, no doubt
>>Minilik had russian intelligence
you are retarded
This thread was created by a polish. Stupid Italians don'r realize they are being trolled.
Oh for fucks sake, more bullshit about "social intelligence" from you?
pizza is Greek
pasta is Greek
Greeks were the best Romans
We let the nth german puppet government crash and the ius soli down with it. The only thing Italy cannot do is pay taxes, provide tax cuts to tycoons to bring big companies over here and above all else, they simply cannot have a proper right-wing party.
Italians have the best girls hehe
The new generation of italians. They look like middle eastern. My dad family is all italian all them have blue eyes and light hair.
Social intelligence? Jesus Christ you fucking Americans are so annoying. I cannot wait until I get the fuck out of this country. Why can't Americans just mind their own business. Like little fucking children always want to be involved.
Imagine being a lardass who risked having a stroke to furiously type something that proved that he cannot comprehend his own language.
but it does, look at high IQ nations and how influential they all where to human progress, notice how Africa is literally retarded, Italians are known to be some of the smartest people in Europe just look at their contributions to humanity ancient and modern
>his own language
pretty sure that's Hispano-Ebonics at this point
Too bad they are going extinct
what are you on about? demographics dont change in one generation you dunce what you're seeing are probably immigrants not actual Italians
>Giovinezza! Giovinezza!
>Prima vera di belezza!
First generation Italian-American here. I'll be going to my parent's home town this fall! Can't wait to see all my cousins and eat like a king.
>My ancestors are smiling at me Germanicucks, can you say the same?
thats not only Italy, look at other western European nations
Implying it's not...
Why do you think that I'm trolling? inb4 I'm not saying this because both nations are catholic, cause I'm atheist.
Implying I.Q is the only explanation as to why Africa fell behind. Also implying I.Q is not malleable. This ignorance is going to fuck you idiots royally soon.
you faggits are more emotional than a woman on her period, get a fucking room already.
tumblr doesnt even get triggered as easy as you fucking morons jesus shit.
How does the average Italian looks nowadays?
Let me give you italian muts a little history lesson as to why Italy wanted to be an Imperialist nation. This is simply because Italy was cucked by white supremacy. They wanted to be like their Northern cousins so bad that they rushed into Africa trying to impress their daddy Britian. The Italians got their asses handed to them because of their Arrogance. The people of Italy realized this later on and protested against Imperilaism and the stupid Authortiarian government that wasted their capital. Italy should have been the ultimate power in Europe but they waste their time trying to be like their Northern cousins.
Like this
implying it's not, inb4 you cannot grow crops for half a year in europe either so dont say shit about environment
nice fanfic mutt
we wanted colonies like everyone else in Europe, period
don't you have some war to lose against a handful of rice eating chink farmers?
Why are you trolling your Italian brethren polack? Shame, shame, shame, shame....
>>we wanted to colonies like everyone else
so you just follow what everyone else in Europe does. You just proved my point spaghetti boy.
>>be Italian during Imperialism
>>late to the party
>>want to be relevant
>>pick on east Africa due to arrogance
>>no logistical knowledge
>>Get slaughtered by natives with spears, shields, and horseback.
your knowledge in history is very weak the reason why Italy lost their wars in Africa was because they wanted to use chimerical weapons (gas) on the indigenous population, this made the Brits mad so they fucked everything up by cutting Italy of European trade as punishment, this created an economical depression for Italy that caused fascism to rise to power, also the reason they wanted to colonize Africa was for the boost in resources and land, these African colonies were perfect for Italy's expanding population
The more important detail is that E-V13 only exists in Europe and all over it.
I don't see what is wrong with that.
>Get slaughtered by natives with spears, shields, and horseback.
wrong, they had Russian guns, confirmed for illiterate mongrel
>cucked by hairy Germanic goat fuckers
If the Italians are so superior why did they get btfo by the Germanic barbarians?
stop blaming the Russians for your incompetence. You had war planes and artillery. You can't mess with God's people faggot. You chose to side with demons and you got burned.
I blame the Ptolemaic Egyptians.
>getting nog import by the thousands daily
pick one
>You can't mess with God's people faggot. You chose to side with demons and you got burned
take your meds Josè
Germans contributed to Europe later on. We all have our unique achievements and history, enough dick measuring contests
imperial decadence and loss of citizenship value much like whats happening to the US today
>that image
I don't know why you keep posting Amerimut memes as if I care about what Amerimuts do with their genetic legacy. I would never mix with an American. I would not mind mixing with an Italian though. An actual Italian in Italy not outside. Then again I don't want to deal with Italian prejudice.
weak banter
Why is it that in every thread about Italy, there is a fight between americans and Italians?
Italy is a shithole country for western european standards, the only reason they can survive is tourism. I dislike italian people in general, they're loud and arrogant.
t. IQlet
You are actually talking to a descendant of the people who beat you at your own game. Yes we are in Sup Forums and we watch your actions and psychology closely.
italian heritage, gets them mad
they are extremely butthurt with us
literally every single Italy related thread will have an amerimongrel chimping out, it's quite pathetic
They're obsessed with us. Go to italy and all they talk about is american culture (good and bad), they watch our movies, listen to our music, watch our sports. In the US italians are nothing, you're known for pizza and mafia movies thats it. We are new rome .
Italians are the best together with Poles and Hungarians. It has to do with their catholic faith.
Because of me : )
>You are actually talking to a descendant of the people who beat you at your own game
So which people would that be?
Yeah but wouldn't it make sense for Italian-Americans to be friendly towards Italians? All the Americans with Scandinavian ancestry seem to be very friendly towards us Nords.
I can see, you are seething like there is no tomorrow
38% youth unemployment rate yeah sounds like a great economy. They have to literally flee italy to work jobs as waiters and chefs in other countries. Its a very poor country.
Never play chess with a pigeon.
The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over.
Then shits all over the board.
Then struts around like it won.
The descendant of Italia brought civilization to you cannibals in the north. Especially these fucking brits and Americans descendant of brit muts.
It's because Italians don't make laws, they make suggestions.
It's not that they're disobedient either. Just innate recalcitrance.
do you know why Italy is in the g7 and has one of the most powerful economies in the world? look at all luxury products people actually want products that are made in Italy, also Italy has a high standard of life
Because every single thread about us is spammed by shitskins talking about whiteness. It gets boring after a while
most Italian-Americans are utter scum tho
nah because most of them are sicilian heirs which are subhumans even by our terroni standards and they know we have no respect for them, therefore they attack
the entire heritage thing is a big joke after all, what merits do you have about stuff done by people that arent you?
also americans are always a source of easy and palatable (You)s, just look at this guy he probably looks at a mirror and gives himself a fedora tip after that post
Don't forget about Rocco Siffredi
Italians came to this country and were treated like shit, much like all new comers here. Instead of acting like betas, we started building restaurants and made sure to keep the trash out. Even our baddies, the Mafia had some fucking class and kept families together. The kids grew up working and didnt steal or get in trouble because either the Mob was going to get you or your mother and father would.
The italians who didnt fuck up joined the police and the ones who did fuck up went into the mob.
But either fucking way, when in the neighborhood the cops and the mob were on a truce. Itialian kids got brought up better than some other dirtbags, and we fucking loved America.. Amerigo Vespucci was like a big deal to depression era Italians.
Which is why there are a ton of italians on the NYPD and other agencies and also most are HATED by these globalist fucks because we know they aren't to be trusted.
Newark NJ , cant wait to go back to visit.
Overextension, economic problems, probably also some cultural/religious changes. Being a great nation doesn't mean u do well all the time, nations are sometimes stronger, sometimes they're weaker. The barbarians used the temporary weakness and destroyed Empire that was much greater in terms of law, culture and science. Anyway when they did it they tried to adopt what was left of it which is another proof of how great the Roman civilization was.
compared to eastern Europe its very rich, you obviously dont understand the complexities of countries economical value
Jesus christ does tribalism ever end ? Now you hate your own people and call them sughumans?
Italians were the original niggas. Everything that niggas became started with Italians.
-Fatty foods
-Being obnoxiously loud
-'creative' fashion choices
Modern hip hop culture is a chewed up spit out version of italian culture. That's also why the two species are cross-compatible and why so many italian men end up with black women(and visa versi)
I don't know about race in italy, all I know is that when you come over here you're not looked at as the same as a german/anglo descendant. You are lower on the pecking order.