What was his deal?
How the fuck could someone be so retarded?
What was his deal?
Confirmed for only listening to american educated retards instead of reading a short simple book.
Probably autism
Have you even read a page from it..?
never work a day in your life
bitch how you should get more
the ideal leftist
honestly this
>coats and linen and blah blah blah value is determined by amount of labor put into unit of production nigger nigger bourgeois
Yes I've read the damn thing
ive read the entire thing AMA
Name one thing he was right about
>short, simple
He's not talking about the Manifesto, he's talking about Capital, which is the left-wing response to Wealth of Nations.
I read through the whole thing in high school and I remember being amazed.
>wow, if everyone agrees to this, it would be great!
And then
>if everyone agrees
And then I fell out of it. Now that I pay taxes and see other people who don't have to pay taxes, I feel a little differently.
>How the fuck could someone be so retarded?
ALL kikes are retarded.
Tell me one idea you've read from Das Kapital.
labor value theory
Accept he worked as a journalist when he was younger and in his mid to later life worked 16 hour days writing and researching for his work. Are you going to claim professors and researchers don't work?
The only reason he wasn't a professor is because his work and ideas were too radical and against the power structure.
No you haven't.
Summarise the labour theory of value. Go on.
Explain it.
"accept" bitching for free stuff is not working user
The amount of labor that goes into an object determines its value
That the social structures of a society are determined by the underlying structures of economic power, and not the reverse.
Modern conservatives superficially pretend to hate this point of view because religion forces them to disdain purely materialistic theories, but you can often find conservatives that unconsciously have thoughts that assume it.
I knew you never read it and you're just repeating nonsense you've heard on libertarian websites.
Ok then what determines value?
>That the social structures of a society are determined by the underlying structures of economic power
No they are not
I don't want anything to do with people in my economic class if they don't share my values
>working for 16 hours a day producing nothing of value
Why do people take him seriously on this topic.
>worked 16 hours a day to produce 100 million dead bodies
Still nothing of value.
How about you read a summary and actually find out instead of repeating shit and complaining about things you know nothing about?
The idea that the economic system of any society is the primary influence on the dominant ideas and ideology in society, not the other way around. You don't get liberalism in a tribal stone age economy, you don't get tribalism in a 21st post-industrial capitalist economy. The relationships people form to keep the economy running is what forms the dominant ideology.
This is more or less true, and profound. This is why society is becoming more and more degenerate with right wingers being completely incapable of stopping it.
>Ok then what determines value?
Socially necessary labour. Big distinction.
>don't get tribalism in a 21st post-industrial capitalist economy
Your subjective opinions are not arguments or facts. Next retard please.
What is necessary labor?
Do you think capitalism has built in periods of scarcity?
t. never read it
shut your cunt he was a genius and there's a reason why he's so relevant after 170 years
He was a fucking Jüde
In-group preference isn't tribalism. Tribalism is a specific form of historical social organisation that no longer exists, except in the amazon and in other places among people that have not come into contact with civilisation.
He literally never worked a day in his life and slept on a friend's couch.
I thought you said you read it Capital?
You should know.
>In-group preference isn't tribalism.
why not?
>I thought you said you read it Capital?
No I didnt
Reading books is not a job Mohammed.
But they aren't subjective nor are they opinions.
>why not
>Tribalism is a specific form of historical social organisation that no longer exists, except in the amazon and in other places among people that have not come into contact with civilisation.
the guy never worked a day in his life he was a failure in all regards all his "theory" is just masturbatory garbage that has no application in the real world
you know how dumb sheltered white girls think the world is just sunshine and rainbows and everyone is a good person and all cultures are equal and refugees should be welcome and everyone is just as intelligent etc?
marx is what happens when you take that to the absurd
Not for low IQ brainlets like you.
Thank you, Mr. Gramsci. Now get in the fucking oven.
T. Has never read Marx and knows absolutely nothing.
Actually he was very smart - but he was very wrong about a number of things.
Because it's supervised by larger organization that has no bearings or responsibility to your group.
For example the state has no need to endorse white supremacy and even if it did it has no need to enforce, as it's a tribalist issue that concern the tribe members.
Marx was redpilled on the Jewish questions almost 80 years before the nazi regime.
retard detected
No arguments detected
>believes you have to be left-wing or a communist to value some of the contributions Marx made
hahahah, please stop, you're too stupid
>Because it's supervised by larger organization
Jews are not supervised by anyone
That's what you think...
The only people that find reading difficult are literal retards. What's that say about Marx?
Um...no. Marx wrote:
"The most rigid form of the opposition between the Jew and the Christian is the religious opposition. How is an opposition resolved? By making it impossible. How is religious opposition made impossible? By abolishing religion. As soon as Jew and Christian recognize that their respective religions are no more than different stages in the development of the human mind, different snake skins cast off by history, and that man is the snake who sloughed them, the relation of Jew and Christian is no longer religious but is only a critical, scientific, and human relation. Science, then, constitutes their unity. But, contradictions in science are resolved by science itself."
Marx was in denial about the inner character of the Jew. Why? BECAUSE HE WAS A JEW. "Oh, it's just 'religion' that's the problem!"
>mouth breather calling others dumb
I was wrong, it was written almost 100 years before the Nazi Regime
Written in 1843. Marx advocates the dissolution of Jews as a specific historical people.
Retarded bong on the loose
I am not a violent man, but that guy's face looks so punchable.
You immense faggot. he calls for the dissolution of CHRISTIANS, too. That's what a KIKE would say.
Ever read "On the Jewish Question"?
Thought not.
I'm done supervising you brainlets, got better things to do.
I just quoted it, you immense faggot.
>Lets get rid of one shitskin desert religion but keep the other
Fuck off Christcuck.
Marx hated everyone including himself and his theories sprang from his inability to not be a total piece of shit and blame all of his problems on others. Kind of the exact opposite of what you described.
Prove your psychobabble.
Anglo/jewish bankers, or the closest thing to it, there's a wealthy elite that oversees money transactions and they aren't all jewish, they just keep close ties to the diaspora.
Ah. I get it now. You're an immense faggot. "No, man. Marx was cool, I swear. He hated Christians, and he was a kike but he 'hated' 'Jews' too!"
Ah yes, and the elders of zion were also redpilled on the JQ. Those BASED zion elders!
seriously, you actually are retarded.
but hey, he had tigers.
These faggots don't realise that there is an entirely global elite, with the same interests as the Jews, since the Jews are just one part of the whole. In Europe, Asia, and America, these elites all have shared interests completely opposed to the interests of the common white man. Globalism is good for them. Fuck them, let these cunts whine and complain all day while their countries become ever more non-white and degenerate. These scum deserve everything they get for siding with the enemy for the hope of a stretched out arm with shekels.
>Marx was in denial about the inner character of the Jew
what's the "inner character of the jew"?
Your country is going to be majority non-white soon and there is nothing you can do about it. Your ancestors will be brown and you're going to die defending the mechanism that led to it. Enjoy it scum.
The Jews are the KEY group being international in nature. Kill that head and the body will die. You fucking immense faggot.
Are you serious?
Kill the jews and the others will fill the void, you retarded christ cuck mongrel. The elite of any country all have the same interests.
you said you were leaving, so please leave. you're a sperging commie autist and it's really cringey
They can't stop mongrelization by supporting the global markets and capitalism, that shit won't fly.
But there's nothing we can do really, knowing all this they decided that the best course of action was to support a wall street shark running as republican,
My ancestors? What are you, an immense faggot with a time machine?
>These faggots don't realise that there is an entirely global elite, with the same interests as the Jews,
They are all satanists
satanism = jewdism
he was against religion , cunt , like any other communist , he was calling them out because at that time they were one of the mosts religious people on earth
So...the elites of POLAND or HUNGARY or CHINA will fill the void left by the international Jew? I'll take my chances. Into the oven, Schlomo.
not really just questioning your stupidity and autism
>No new posts
>muh satanism
No, they're just people that want to stay in power and keep the world running in their interests. Go to sleep christ cuck.
>they were one of the mosts religious people on earth
If you consider satanism a religion
China is already cutting out its slice of the market.
Okay. For your edification: renegadetribune.com
Your cucked christcuck religion is literally a cheap copy of judaism with some added faggotry by some hippy jew.
You worship a kike on a stick, you low iq mutt.
This post is proof of Trolling. The second "kike on a stick" is typed, it's over. Immense faggot.
>reading a short simple book.
It's 2521 pages long...
He was literally a trust fund hipster before it was cool.
Hidradenitis suppuratiba
>you know how dumb sheltered white girls think the world is just sunshine and rainbows and everyone is a good person and all cultures are equal and refugees should be welcome and everyone is just as intelligent etc?
Literally doesn't have anything to do with Marx, retard.
No they aren't they publicly and even privately hold all kind of views, even anti-semitism, if they side with you, an ideologically charged individual, you won't detect the scam, as you think it's perfectly logical and reasonable to side with you.
Well that's what Soros did with the ideologically charged left and he will do the same with nationalism, screencap this.
t. pagan brainlet
Fuck all of them. All Jews. All Israelis. They don't have good people to look up too. You jewish fag kikes got nothing on this guy. Here he is reviewing Jimmy Dean's Meat Lovers Microwaveable breakfast bowls! Like the champion he is and you faggot jew kikes can't do shit.
And he can show you how to make some corn casserole for you retarded niggers who can't feed yourselves without a McDonalds.
This man is God. You kikes can't buy to be on his level.
it does , karl stated that communism has to be global and that is what said
>kike on a stick
>low iq
you are ultra cringe. kill yourself.
Some racist biased bullshit.
He based it on personal experiences and the written word of the jewish people.