To you forgive a fellow aryan Sup Forums
Logan paul
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if he had any talent, i would
Haul him over to the right-wing and salvage his underage fans as the seeds of future facism.
He's just a retarded scumbag!
It bothers me that pewdiefuhrer would probably lose to him in a fight.
He's jewish.
>muh eceleb drama
Fuck off.
I saw he had a new trending video titled *suicide tomorrow*
I have not watched but I bet he is being a cocktease
1/16th jewish is not jewish.
The newfags are coming out in droves with this guy.
can someone give me a quick rundown on the drama regarding him?
i used to watch this guy's vines years ago.
He's quite literally a Jew.
Urgh, I see he's already been spoiled by apologizing to the left.
Nevermind then.
Personally I don't think the rage against him was justified, but I also don't watch his videos.
I think it's actually great that he's using this controversy to shed a light on suicide. He seems genuinely remorseful, and I know forgiving people isn't cool any more, but I think he's starting to earn it--especially if he continues highlighting the suicide crisis. My brother killed himself a little over a year ago so maybe I'm just a sucker for it, but his latest video brought a tear to my eye (never heard of him before this). I know that sounds shillish but whatever. I'm not about to start watching his gay videos but he's at least trying to do something positive and I respect that.
well he pulled you right the fuck in
i lost my best friend to suicide too, i suffer from it every day and will do for the rest of my life
paul logan is an actual psychopath, he's not genuine and only appears to be so, you're being suckered in man, and it's fucking obvious if you would just really look at his videos and see him for what he is, can't you fucking see it? that's not how normal people behave or live in reality
i hate that we give attention to these fucking people
from paul logan to other likes of Sup Forums 'heroes'' like varg vikernes, these absolute psychopaths should receive zero attention
Impossible. Jews aren't white.
No he's a homosexual
>t. Amerimutt
Little cartoon hat wearing fag. No thanks.
Forgive what?
Stupid faggots who probally watch muttdoch muttdoch and find it entertaining
this, fuck you for giving these retards attention
I can't believe he is getting away with this by making a fancy suicide prevention ad.
>make a edgy video
>e-celebs start making drama videos for easy money, saying im disgusting and want me fired
>suddenly mob mentality strikes and everyone wants me dead
>get fired by youtube and they blacklist my channel
he did nothing wrong
>messes up his hair
>watch my shit
>acting like a tard jerk
fuck this guy
>this behaviour is acceptable as a tourist
You are either a nigger a jew a german or a brit, show your flag
He has been cursed
Please do not post his image if you do not want to be affected as well
And definitely do not store them in your property
The Japanese do not joke about such things you have been warned
the mutt strikes again
no thank you
I can’t believe people can tolerate watching these fake as fuck YouTube (((personalities))). Almost all of them just scream in the camera and act excitedly about everything. It’s pathetic.
Hang him now
hes actually pretty funny desu. If you don't understand the psychology of attractiveness behind flashy editing and oversocial behaviour you aren't white.
Wtf is with this dudes hair. Trying so hard to have some middle-school hairstyle and it really ain’t workin out. Can smell the axe body spray from here
>hes actually pretty funny
He's not malicious, just an idiot. His brother is worse.
Neck yourself
>hes actually pretty funny
Go and stay go, underage.
no, and you shouldn't be letting your British roots be destroyed by watching this garbage.
>hes actually pretty funny