He's not that much of a threat is he?
Why are the all going after Tucker?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do jews hate everything that's good?
(((Pure coincidence)))
what does racism even mean anymore?
It means someone who doesn't apologize for being white.
Is it because he simply uses socratic debate so well that his guests come away looking ridiculous?
It's because he doesn't let them off the hook when he asks pointed questions. He asks very specific things and when they dance around or change the subject he goes right back to it.
>ask guests all week the same question: how is chain migration good for american citizens
>no one can provide an answer
>tucker raysis!
Kristol is the most butthurt nevertrumper of the nevertrumpers. He is also a literal NeoCon. His dad created neoconservatism. Which boils down to a disenchanted liberal that likes American conservative ideas but still sees big government as the means to implement them.
>Here's your chance to clearly explain your position.
Well, Tucker, you see, I'd rather give an emotional anecdote and if you're not convinced, you're probably a racist.
Daily reminder that this faggot was the main policy pundit if the GOP from 1988-2016
What an absolute joke
it means white women need to take more brown dicks
There is a reason why he is so popular among rural and suburban retards - they are Foxes targeted audience. Of course the comment section will be filled with unconditional praise and massive confirmation bias. To them this dishonest shithead appears honest percisely because he speaks what they want to hear, he functions as a presenter who's opinion pice only confirms their pre-held notions of politics. He is sucking and licking the balls of rural America. There is nothing uniquely special about his intellecual abilities as a reporter. Pre-manufactured Fox shit to be consumed, made in the way that got you mutts enthusiastically supporting neocon arguments for wars 15 years ago.
(((((they)))))) are afraid
The more harmful someone is to (((their))) agenda, the more they will attack them.
He just asks simple questions, his guests do everything in their power to not answer them.
>A one-man gas chamber
>it's real
My sides
The left has no sense of humor.
kristol is irrelevant. nobody cares.
Tucker has done more than anyone in recent memory to make certain questions OK to ask. The answers to them are so obvious that lifting the taboo is all that's needed.
Also, Tucker loves when they accuse him of racism. It gives him a whole segment where he can ask his audience why it's racist to ask about (innocent-sounding-question-about-our-country-being-overrun-by-animals).
Kristol is a morphing kike and the quicker he perishes, the better. He's one of the worst.
to be fair, the question usually is innocent. there is no realistic argument you can make for asking 'how chain migration helps american citizens', is racist
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
He isn't controlled opposition so they are trying to control him. Sam Francis, Joe Sobran, and Jason Richwine all paid the price for telling the truth and Tucker Carlson probably will soon.
Tucker is great. Best guy on Fox. Hope the Jews dont get to him.
>pic. related
He's the one who said he wanted wanted to replace white people, I'm pretty sure. Does that qualify as "racist" or does that qualify as "anti-racist"?
Jesus christ, this is like the ironic titles for Tucker clips that Daily Stormer uses.
>Tucker BEATS Skank Sanctuary Mayor to DEATH with a BEANER’S SEVERED LEG
>Tucker Carlson GOES ON SAFARI to HUNT DOWN and ENSLAVE Uppity Women
(Read his wikipedia page at the bottom, has not published new report in 17 days!!!)
(#presidentmiller campaign designed to get under Trump's skin and try to oust from WH/negotiations)
(hardliner on immigration, can't allow that on TV in comfy establishment O'Reilly's old slot, too much redpill for the boomers)
All three /OURGUYS/..........defend them!!!
It's only racist to say anything even implicitly in whitey's favor, bigot!
And yes, that's Bill Kristol, the subversive neocon kike who shills for open borders and wars for Israel. He was the key person organizing #NeverTrump during the election.
He smugly laughs at whites hooked on heroin because of zero prospects in life and openly admits he just wants them all to die out and wants to replace them with shitskin immigrants, who he says are not just equal to us, but BETTER than us.
Tucker is like that 5 year old who just keeps asking “why?” Sure it is annoying after a bit but it’s only a threat when he proves how dumb you really are. Tucker is simple to defeat. All you need is basic answers about the bullshit he invited you to talk about. His questions aren’t high level but guests refuse to answer even his most simple questions at times. And even then, it’s not like they deflect to something that’s less bullshit, they make up even more bullshit and tucker let’s them dig themselves deeper so he can ask another simple question they can’t answer. When tucker has a guest that explains their posistions rationally enough, tucker thanks them even if he doesn’t agree with them. That’s all you have to do is have a rationally defensive argument but the (((people))) trying to ru(i)n our country can’t do it
Kristol has seen his neocon world slowly eroding, and he's lashing out. Tucker should invite him onto his show. I don't watch any of those talking heads including Tucker, but he does seem to do a good job of exposing the fuckwits.
So kristol is the most prominent Jew in the GOP and also a traitor. Really makes me think.
> be Kristol
> call Trump racist
> Trump wins
> still (((Kristol)))
> call tucker racist
> expect different results
Kristol is a pussy piece of shit. He won't do it.
I'm sure Tucker will invite him on. And Kristol will refuse.
non-white jewish neocuck. this guy has expressed his support for: Evan McMufffin, Ben Sasse, Hillary Clinton, and Oprah, among others. He is a literal caricature of a fat, old, irrelevent kike who's lashing out because his NWO fever dreams never happened and now wont
yessss.... this is how I found my first delicious redpill. Giver others a taste of the dissonance too, let them all see the white rabbit
The neocons ran out of gas, so Fox had gođ out and prep up a new "witty contrarian" face that would appease a ever more right.wing audience. Tucker is fits that spot perfectly; a young ambitious reproter asking "though questions" - ironically he never talks about big business screwing working America, tax evasion and other shit that actually has an impact on low-wage earners. He is the dog whistler for the alt-right crowds while working for the same establishment republican media mogul.
>remove bill o’reilly
>replaced by the tuckinator
>le rural and suburban retard meme
Want to know how we know you are a shill?
Fox News needs to die. The Murdoch family are liberals. Tucker is all they have right now and as you said he isn't even that great.
Normies are being targeted again with lies and smear campaigns to try and undermine Trump by eliminating reliable, supportive voices with lies and dirty kike tricks, pic very related
Kristol may be my most despised politician. Also it's amazing almost all of the worst politicians are Jewish. Franken is the same way.
it means not wanting to give all of your possessions away before committing suicide
Because Tucker is against illegal alien amnesty. I knew this would happen. First they took out Steve Bannon, now Tucker, Ann Coulter will be next. Mark my words.
>Ann Coulter will be next
Why would they go after someone who is largely been brutal, one of Trump's WORST and most DISLOYAL "supporters" to date, by far
Coulter opens the Overton Window wide, so she's a threat. Her attacks on Drumpf are good for him, and he likely knows it.
The left uses conservative politeness and kindness against them, and they take it in the ass everytime. I can’t see Miller or Tucker rolling over but the majority of the GOP will leave them out to dry as usual. GOP should be a party of strength, not cucks. Actual cucks are on the left now.
Isn't this antisemitic against Stephen?
>yeah guys we need more immigrants so we have a labor surplus and can pay workers shitty wages
>das rayciss
she's not a "disloyal supporter", she just supports principles and policies over people.
People will always let you down/
Oh i have no use for anyone out there seeking the fame and fortune jew . just noting that she's been one of the left's favorites to use against far right immigration hardline voters with blaring clickbait headlines every time she says something critical of Trump
Samantha Bee went to Iraq and literally insulted God around a bunch of Kurds. They amazingly didn't cut her head off and stomp her into a mudhole. But she's the kind of "liberal" enlightenment that has so much "compassion" for other cultures that she spits on them to their face yet claims Trump is the problem.
Tucker butthurting since msnbc cancelled his contract. He was liberal boy then.
You seem butthurt because he displays liberals for what they are. You can't refute any of his points that come from common sense so you try to call him mean names instead.
It won't work again.
Was the Jon Stewart incident the best thing that ever happened to Tucker's career? Did it teach him to be specific with his questions and hammer on them rather than getting walked over?
What the GOP dioesn't realize is that they will still receive criticism from liberals. Liberals don't want conservative policies, they only want liberal ones. Those cuckservatives are obtuse.
Kristol is the world's saltiest. He lost his seat at the table and shows his bitterness on his sleeve.
We have a GOP administration and he is on the outside looking in without one of his guys on the inside.
He probably wanted to be the Steve Bannon for Jeb or Marco.
>The left uses conservative politeness and kindness against them
That's like the past 70 years. It's hard to believe what they let get passed because the hippies pushed for it. All the northern conservatives were clueless why the south had segregation.
Do they not realize how utterly stupid and transparent they look when they do this?
Thank you for proving my point. You kikes are so predictable. The establishment is pushing through amnesty for illegal scum and are taking out the opposition.
Good for Coulter. She holds Trump's feet to the fire and keeps him honest. That's how it should be. America first. No amnesty for illegal nightmares.
anyhow, what kind of shit is Lindsey Graham smoking?
He's on some some crazy dust. Over on Breitbart they were making a big deal about all the crazy shit he's saying trying to sell amnesty to Donald.
"Donald's DREAMers."
Stewart killed CNN and Tucker was lost in the wilderness for a decade. He's also why the left can't debate. They watch an edited interview of a comedian smirking and think the interviewee got owned. They then try to copy that gimmick in a real world debate and usually run out of ammo fast.
What? Neocons are communists. Irving Kristol was a major figure in the New York Trotskyite circle, all of those Jews soured on the USSR for good after the commies backed Arabs against Israel. They rebranded as 'conservatives' to push Bolshevism but with low taxes, and endless wars for Israel.
I didn't call him mean names - i described exactly what he is. Bushist turd sprinkled with alt-right talking points.
A lot of truth here.
The Right, being basically decent people, doesn't like being called bad names. The Right thinks that if they compromise with the Left that the Left will stop calling them bad names.
But it doesn't work that way. No matter what the Right does, until they fully agree with all things left, the Left will never stop calling them names.
It was understanding this that helped me accept the title of racist - it just does not matter any more.
t. rural and suburban retard
>when you have to shut it down
>but you can't because you've been exposed
If R's don't wake up they will all be scratching their asses saying the same thing the day after losing control of the House
Dems and media are ramping up their attacks RIGHT NOW, 10 months from voting, see:
>p up a new "witty contrarian" face that would appease a ever more right.wing audience. Tucker is fits that spot perfectly; a young ambitious reproter asking "though questions" - ironically he never talks about big business screwing working America, tax evasion and other shit that actually has an impact on low-wage earners
He actually covers this constantly.
Bill Kristol is the biggest piece of shit currently living in our country, This is one of the men who sold the Iraq war to dubya. He is only capable of deceit and/or fallacy. Literally nothing else. Kristology is a word I formed a few years ago to describe his absolute nature. In any geopolitical or economic issue, when Bill Kristol takes a position, take the complete opposite position. Anticipate the opposite to happen at least and if you can place bets on that happening, do it. Because the opposite of whatever Bill Kristol says is what's going to happen. You would be amazed how accurate Kristology is. Because he is a speak-simple and optimistic pundit who uses sophistry and marketing techniques to sell his neoconservative/Zionist cause, and rarely is he anything that he claims to be. He is a charlatan of the most psychopathic and destructive order. He's currently helping the neoliberal establishment on Twitter by censoring users with the wrong politics, especially conservative, libertarian and nationalist users. Kristol is an Israel first Bolshevik, just like his father and both spent their lives actively working to subvert and deceive American white people, whom the Kristols would prefer to be dead. It would after all mean that the U.S. would be a more compliant vassal for Israel.
The past couple shows he's made great arguments for stopping immigration
He's taken on the Neo-Cohen narrative and openly mocked and ridiculed some of its public figures, including King cuck and Zionist for Hire - Lindsay Graham.
He insults Graham almost every segment now.
Tucker is the only person on public TV worth paying attention to now.
Isn't cute how the Jews thinks they will avoid eradication? They are just begging to be holocausted.
how do people still take this fucking guy seriously
like, how is he still drawing a paycheck
And the holocaust is supposed to have been a bad thing? All these evil Jews' getting gassed is somehow bad?!
It's not an "alt-right" talking point to be against chain migration due to the constraints and measures that the federal government has to make in order to accommodate them, it's purely common sense. All liberals are angered because they can't refute any of his points, so they immediately resort to smearing his character.
You're shamelessly arrogant and idiotic to the point where all you can do is screech "NUHTZEE".
>I didn't call him names
>I just levied a slur
>here's another one
Yeah, they havent learned SHIT from the president if they allow this shit to start so early and get walked all over like Rep. Meehan right now
They’re always on defense. They had a great opportunity to go on attack when Trump won, but they tossed the opportunity in the trash because they listened to fake news (maybe salty the establishment didn’t win as well) and backstabbed his supporters in the process. It was one of the most unbelievable things I’ve seen happen in politics. They worked against the momentum. Incredible.
Im also surprised that the amount of big business the GOP hands are in don’t seem to do jack shit compared to the liberal businesses. Does everyone in DC want the country to burn? It seems like it at times. Very out of touch group of people desu.
Go on twitter and look at all the lefties giving him praise. They love Kristol because he's anti-Trump. Yet know nothing about the destructive policies he's responsible for pushing. They don't care what PNAC is, they don't care that he's the king neocon, they just care that he's got something bad to say about Trump. I swear, liberals are like a bunch of villagers with pitchforks waiting to be riled up.
As for Tucker, though, he got lost in the wilderness and found himself in primetime with probably a younger audience than any conservative host in decades
To be fair to Stewart, liberals get away with that smirking shit because lots of righties can't debate either. Tucker learned.
Kristol Meth.
Not even once.
The issue with the right isn't that they naively believe in the lies of the left, it's that they cave in to leftist policies after they're humiliated and harassed. It encourages the left to do the same shit to other people because that's their method of obtaining what they want.
Tucker's that little bitch who constantly got his ass beat in high school. I'm waiting for his Jim Rome moment.
You should go on his show and show him what an idiot he is.
Liberals know, but they will immediately throw him under the bus and cite his wrongs when Trump becomes irrelevant. Kristol is an idiot who thinks that he's using liberals to win the election, but they're actually using him to cause division in his party and weaken his base.
based as fuck
That was the most jew thing I've ever seen. Leibowitz is a lying clown. He lies and spreads propaganda. When people call him out, he says you can't criticize him because he's just a clown telling jokes. What a scumbag. Hitler was right.
I think rinsed penis is a neocon, just gave trump the bare minimum. Totally out of touch "elites", even worse than out of touch liberal elites.
>they're actually using him to cause division in his party and weaken his base
I’d expand that into dividing and weakening the country. The US needs an injection of patriotism very badly and soon, or these idiots won’t be the only ones taking advantage of the division. I expect other countries to keep taking advantage of it as well. There is no use or time for Lefty political whores right now.
This is about that time he called Tucker a dick? Is what I found on Google.
Because there's an agenda to replace the historical population of the US as a way to increase government size. Tucker speaks out against this pretty frequently.
The attention whore is getting jealous...
In a decent society, Kristol would have been a pariah a long time ago.
Any media that continues to give him a voice needs to be shamed and called into question.