This is a fact and we all should deal with the Polish remembering that their country will never be politically important.
Poland will never be an important European power
Other urls found in this thread:
whip and nae ae
At least poles have their own country
>t. country who tried to become a major power twice and failed and whose third attempt is crumbling apart
Poland was is and will be an important European power, long after Germany is known as Alemanistan
Number 1 exporter worldwide, twice China’s trade surplus in 2017
And it will be forever polish and white, imagine the horror of that
>amerimutt education
Literally the biggest loser down at the bottom with krautland.
Another butthurted kraut from germanistan jelly that we are white country
lmfao, you're China's bitch and you're proud of it.
I can smell the turkposting from here
Go home Ozkan Cemal Ugyur
Are there any good sides to living in Poland?
Helmut, enjoy your diversity
In few years beer and pork will be forbidden in new Sharia conform 'Grundgesetz'
>Number 1 importer of the third world, twice USA's nigger surplus in 2017, on track to be nonwhite in a generation
Allau Akbar
Wait and see
Germany is very important for niggers and german 'woman'.
>Poland will never be an important European powe
so stop kveetching about it akhmed
>And it will be forever polish and white, imagine the horror of that
If Western Europe falls you will too.
1. It's true, Poland won't be a power.
2. Give us a permanent seat at decision table of the EU and you can have the Europe-Empire.
But it won't be run hegemonically by Germans. We are not your asset.
Poland is the most important country in the world to the Kremlin. That's why the Web Brigades shitpost thousands of Poland threads every hour
Not true at all.
Their money is worth roughly half of yours. They have plenty room to grow.
Already their latest generation is highly educated, speaks English, qualified, jobs are already moving from Western Europe to Poland, same in other Eastern states.
And yet they can use Ukranians to do all the shit jobs nobody wants to do, this will fund their economic expansion.
We have silk road with china
Why, Finland?
Who cares. Let's say your country is politically important. How does it help you with anything? More important you are now = more niggers you import.
>the woman are all fat whores
The average good looking German woman only takes selfies with niggers for social points, but it's only a matter of time before they get old and even niggers become a choice for them.
>This is a fact...
No it isn't. You're just embarrassing yourself on here by actually thinking people are going to buy into your soyboy bull shit.
The real FACT is that Germany is a cucked nation that is over ran by sand nigger terrorists. Your government is one of the biggest laughing stocks of the entire world.
Why would you do this to yourself Poland ?
Like berlin in 1945.
Poland will be the premier European power but the second half of this century
Save this post
totally Ahmed!
They're politically important as the thing that we should invade.
Cell phone app based economy
Pine trees
>Muh moomin
>Number 1 importer of the third world
That's still you :^)
>China’s bitch
We owe trillions of dollars to China ourselves, I wouldn’t be so quick to speak burgerbro...
T. Mutt with 1/16 Polish ancestry.
Not with Russia next to them.
>Among these are a second period of confrontation between Western powers and Russia, with the West emerging triumphant and a rise of a powerful Poland allied to the United States.
Poles are the subhumans that brought the majority of the Jews here and gave them power. They interbred with Polish nobles so much, that to this very day, the Polish elite have tons of Jewish ancestry, despite Hitler genociding tons of them. Poles are a race of slav(e)s ruled over by race of slave(e) jew mutts. No wonder Americans on Sup Forums suck so much Polish cock in every thread, you're both the biggest Jew slaves on the planet.
plenty, you Satan you
>Friedman was born in Budapest, Hungary to Jewish parents who survived the Holocaust.
T. Mutt with 90% polish ancestry actually
But that has nothing to do with it, Poland will be the premier power in Europe by the end of this century
>niggers name is white
>But that has nothing to do with it, Poland will be the premier power in Europe by the end of this century
Not it won't.
Your wishful thinking is not a fact.
Poland will get annihilated by Russia.
Actually Hanz, because of your genocidal replacement policies, Poland will over take you in as little as 5 years.
You think it's bad now, just wait for the summer when you get another 2 million
t. Nowicki
pure 100% German genes
and you'll never be white again, what's your point Ahmed?
Russia is failing. Their poverty is too much to overcome without radical economic policies. They fucked it up twice when they had two chances, what will make it any different the third time?
Fucked what up, what are you talking about?
The only reason Poland even exists as a state is because it was given back to Poles by Commies.
Poland is a shithole that is barely better than Russia economically (and only in terms of GDP per capita) and it's propped up by both the EU and USA.
Russia has advanced military tech and constantly invests into it, Poland has nothing but handouts from you and Germany.
Once your Jew state falls into decline and civil war when you reach 40% white in a few decades, you'll have to pull out of Europe and you won't do shit then.
Poles are fucking delusional as are you, not surprising since you have all that slave(e) jew pole blood.
You are overlooking the Russian economy collapsing to 1990s levels. Poland is currently investing their own domestic production of weapons. Poland won't be the most dominate for a while, but they are on the up swing while everyone else is own the downswing.
And Poland's relevance in history was simply a fluke of history. Mongols destroyed Kieven Rus, causing Rus leaders to flee to north east. This left a huge power vacuum, which was eventually filled by Lithuanians, who beat the mongols in several key battles and basically kicked them out the Ukraine. By this time, Russians had regained power and had started to war against the Lithuanians, since it was Russian land in the first place. After about half a century, this led to growing alliances with Poland and eventually to the formation of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth several centuries later. More than half of the landmass of that state was gained by Lithuanians, who took it from weakened Russians. Poland has never had any real relevance in history. And the more you subhumans talk shit, the sooner your big daddy Russia will crush you again.
Rofl. Russia could wipe out your entire shithole country with a few nukes, you cringey diaspora faggot.
I have to agree with the """expat""" Vlasov fangirl here. Of course he doesn't exactly know what he's talking about, but the current borders and ethnic makeup of Poland are what they are thanks to Stalin.
Not because he liked us, mind you, but still.
From the 56th battalion lol
if it isnt important why did america send all those tanks with dead batteries to poland? it was clearly a attempt to show america will be tough on russia but was half assed.
i dont see estonia getting any tanks from america that have dead batteries
>Politically important Mememany
>Certain speech prohibited
>Changes its demographics
>Imposes its views on other countries
>Forces its citizens to provide for non-citizens
>Justified cause 'muh politically importance
>Politically unimportant Sup Forumsand
>Citizens can live in peace
Wow, why are Germans such utter fucking trash?
Once we've dismantled you for a third time and parceled out your territory, Poland will ascend to the pinnacle of European power and wealth over your bloody, desecrated kraut carcass.
Lol, Polish diaspora really is the most delusional.
Source: Nothing but guessing.
1/16th Jews =/= Jews.
Otherwise, Britain would be fully Indo-Arabic.
Can't hold double standards. These people are supposed to be our allies!
I promise, things will get better once Brexit actually finally happens. I don't care how many Jews you kill after that.
All these muhammeds hiding behind flags are salty cause poland knows niggers and mudslimes are raping whatever they can in western europe and refuse to let any more in
Whatever Poland is doing, it is working.
We in the West have greedy gov.s who sold their souls to faster and easier economical growth. (((They))) are literal fucking racemixers.
It saddens myself to see Eastern Europe getting blamed and shouted at for "not being wite". Well, they are the part which didn't sell their souls, and well, they're pretty white. I went to Dankzig some 2 months ago (was supposed to go to Kaliningrad to see grandmother. She died literally two days before my flight, rip. ) and I saw practically no niggas. The occasion I did see one/two, they were a genuine attraction. Children still call them "chocolate man" iirc.
Good going. I want to identify as a Slav. Can I? I'm Prussian, so it should be close enough, right?
>Otherwise, Britain would be fully Indo-Arabic.
We are not interbred with Indians or Arabs like Poles are with Jews. f
Fuck off Polish diaspora faggot.
Polish women are the biggest nigger loving whores in Europe, you deluded American mutt. Poland is also one of the most accepting country for niggers and jews in eastern Europe.
t. angery goy who got rejected by a Polish woman and now wants to kill all poles.
You can't deny the facts.
Poland has big penis, poland will rule over europe
I've fucked 3 Polish women in this country with basically zero effort on my part. That's how easy your women are.
I hate those close-minded polish fucks so much even though im a pole. Fuck poland
>my women
Not surprised you don't want to date English women. Or even fuck them.
(pic related)
if that makes you feel better about what's been happening in England keep lying, but Poland has arguably the proudest most patriotic people of europe. If you really want to help your country maybe you should look to Poland for answers, while Britain has to worry about terrorist attacks Poland has independence day parades where they rejoice their nations culture and their nationality
t.mad kraut
You are not even hiding it, beta.
Fuck off mutt.
Being low IQ slav(e) mutts waving flags around while living off EU handouts is not patriotism. 30 years tops and Poland is just as degenerate as the West. Most young Poles already dress and act like soyboys or whores. You won't know that because you're some retarded 1/8th Pole mutt LARPING over the internet.
my fellow, why is the other brit so angry and hostile towards poland? i'm just confused, he's just trying to slur the people with no evidence
seriously, britts are the scum of west, saltiest nation over there
then i guess they'll burn like the west eventually, but your country will burn first, that is if it isn't already
>my fellow, why is the other brit so angry and hostile towards poland?
I'm hostile towards diaspora faggots like you and other larpers that think Poland is some saviour of the West. You're delusional. And everything I've said is true.
they already were
why is he so salty?? i understand if he's upset with all the foreigners, but why Poland? Poland is one of the last bastions of hope for us
>56% white country telling others they'll burn first
>Poland is one of the last bastions of hope for us
Because you make delusional statements like that, you obese mutt.
Then leave the country. Poland isn't the best place in the world but comparing to west it's comfy here. No niggers, arabs or other problematic immigrants, no trucks or packages of peace. Everywhere you go there are only white faces and families. Economy isn't really great right now but it's slowly changing for the better. Give 10-15 years to switch the elites with younger generation and then we will be in business.
>bongs on full defensive mode
Laughing every love
they were kangs n shiet but now they are not, they lost empire to some niggers and now they are racemixed mutts, it drives them crazy
Sup Forums poles are getting especially sickening lately
Every Germany and even nazi thread is filled with the scum, to shit on anyone speaking well of Germans
I think most of them even still believe the holocaust happened
No, we're not some kind of bastion of hope. Last time we tried defending the west from commies or muzzies we got fucked in the ass and humiliated by the same people we tried to help. This time let the west fix itself or crumble under monsters they have created.
i guess being civil isn't an option with you, or maybe you're a mohamed who hates Poland
either way britain will burn if you and your countrymen don't do something
and good luck, you may be full of hate but i don't want to see your country die, if you hate others, at least try to help your own while you're at it
very well,
then i shall pray for my children, and my childrens children
Godspeed to you and your people
>amerimutt vs german soldier.png
>European power
Good. Most "European powers" enjoy reckless immigration, police states, censorship, and degeneracy that makes fucking Hollywood look like a Church.
So I hope Poland is never like that.
>United Kingdom
If the U.K is a Kingdom then Poland is at least a fucking Empire.
I think there is a resurgence of anti-polonism, because at this point in time Europe has not yet re-learned how to be nationalistic. And I think we are going to be a part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the hopelessly cucked societies they've been for the past couple of decades. Poles are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a nationalist mode and Poles will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.
Best re-use of that copypasta.
Well job Markiewicz.
From, Prussian Hans.
and you and yours too, my man.