Don’t tell me they shipped it to Europe by boat.
What a waste, can’t Trump just take a car from the Zurich or Sankt Gallen airport to Davos? It takes an hour max.
Don’t tell me they shipped it to Europe by boat.
What a waste, can’t Trump just take a car from the Zurich or Sankt Gallen airport to Davos? It takes an hour max.
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There is still plenty of american military bases in Europe.
They probably have helicopters like this in case US president visiting Europe.
So essentially they have them standing around doing nothing all day for months until Trump says he visits Europe?
What a waste.
They put it in a plane with his car and helicopter. But he also travels with a battalion size military force when he is outside the country. Like three chinooks helicopters full of soldiers armed with automatic weapons, and rocket launchers, and about a dozen cars that are basically armored light tanks. That helicopter is just the tip of the spear.
>just take a car from the Zurich or Sankt Gallen airport to Davos?
And close all fucking roads on the way and around for security.
They fold up the rotors and stick it in a massive c5 super galaxy transport aircraft
So basically soldiers? We should have let Stalin have all of Germany... I can't wait until we overthrow your country again.
All military is a waste. Funds that could have went into education, social welfare, riot control and so on far more important parts of our society are burned away for toys like that. A sad reality.
How are you posting on the internet?
Haven't the Muslim rape gangs burned down your town yet?
WTF Islam
Get cracking
There are still sausageniggers posting on the internet
One shot from some mountain ridge in Davos with pic related and ISIS wins. Just saying, there are tens of thousands of Islamic terrorists in Europe and Switzerland has an open border policy.
Pic related is available in Austria for anyone 18 and above, including refugees, a simple background check for criminal records is the only thing they do.
military *is* welfare and for some education and provides jobs/demand for tech + manufacturing industries
They put it in a cargo plane that follows airforce 1. Not a big deal what so ever.
>implying the mountain ridges around davos are not already occupied by army and police
>what are charter planes
t.someone who works in logistics
Military is what education is for.
Military develops tech beyond what businesses can do.
are you threatening Trump you disgusting turkroach?
I will call the police!
Not an argument. The military has no reason to exist and should be integrated into the police force.
Just imagine 3 ISIS guys buying pic related, that is 3 shots with one target. ISIS terrorists could just dug in in the snow and there is nothing America could do.
I have to say cars are a better choice, you can literally get into them from the garage of the hotel, never having Trump put in the line of fire.
>can't he just take a car
>in the most anti-motoring nation on the planet
you think sandniggers are good at long range shooting?
Which is why you are now being forced into austerity to pay for our military. Bitch.
>Military develops tech beyond what businesses can do.
>the private sector is more efficient and comes up with better solutions than government agencies can
capitalists can only pick one
Good point, but my guess is that it is damn hard to really secure a 1km radius around Davos. Look at pic related.
funny Ahmed
If you ever see the president fly out on air force 1, you'll see a big ass military transport plane or two land literally at the same time to load up all the vehicles/security bros. pretty sure they fly it over like pic related although a much larger chopper.
PISSIS isn't a thing anymore, you are just European.
Thats why the battalion of military. American snipers have occupied all of the good sniper positions around the POTUS.
swiss press
>flag is the wrong way.
fucking amateur cunts do every thing for a quick trump bash.
fake news
Most ISIS fighters returned to Europe after their Caliphate died. Greece is letting them in.
My god, and Europeans say Americans are dumb.
guarantee a stealth drone is patrolling with thermal cameras
you mean conquered, congrats.
The couple of times I have seen the POTUS there were also attack helicopters.
None of those would work or even get anywhere near close to taking down Marine 1. They can't into MRE's, but that's not how any of this works.
It's literally the most guarded aircraft in the entire fucking world. They travel heavy enough that they could put down a LOT of hurt to any european army. I'd imagine they could seize any nearby airport and hold it for the required 12 hours to get another bird on site.
You don't seem to comprehend how fucking good we are at logistics and force projection
>t. retarded medkit nigger
it's supposed to be like that
This, you stupid, dumb, kraut scum. Probably a backup chopper based in Rammstein AFB or some other base since your country is an American colony.
>Don’t tell me they shipped it to Europe by boat.
C5 could transport a few of the easily.
i know. but our retarded lefty press doesnt. burgercunt.
they are talking about hitting him when he walks down the airport or wherever he would be walking
>replying to the wrong post
t. still retarded medkit nigger
look mate 2 years ago i was in the army security dispositiv during the WEF in Davos you have around 4500 soldiers + around 1000 policemen in and around Davos there are more then enough people to guard the place and i can garantee you that any "plan" you thougt of has already been considered
I am talking about trying at a target who bords Marine 1. You cannot board Marine 1 in a garage. You have to be outside in the open surrounded by mountain ridges less than 1km away with a clear line of fire.
How are you supposed to know when you’re done wiping?
They don't realize that killing a President these days is harder than it sounds. Every inch of ground the POTUS sets foots on is swept and cleared by security days in advance. Modern presidents have hundreds of assassination attmepts per term but most are rooted out pretty quickly.
security chads have been out hiking, skiing, "partying," everything for a few weeks now and have a pretty good idea of whats going on throughout the whole city. security runs deep. the secret service deals with it.
True, a 1km area is difficult to secure - just look at this place.
Indeed, in a post FISA world, a SS agent has probably already looked at his profile and dismissed him as a potential threat.
Just lol at the Hans.
Because there's no way that a fucking batallion can figure out how to secure an airfield or even just land and use a foreign military base.
There are problems as in every security system, but straight up assaulting the president is never gonna happen. They roll with a couple of these stateside.
The various attempts on Trump as dry runs have show how good our USSS is.
fuck you. you are probably black or brown.
So do you think you can get a hotel room there if you book well in advance? Is Davos being cut off? Is all bagage and are all cars entering Davos checked with airport scanners?
I do not think so. 4500 soldiers and 1000 policemen still cannot cover an area of several km2.
A friend of mine has shot a .50cal in the army on a 800m target and said it was ok to get 2 out of 4 shots in the inner target without practice.
You deny them the tactical advantage and minimize angles of fire. Then you take those minimized angles and patrol the fuck out of the nearby roosts. THIRDLY you shot spotter everything up.
You're acting like there's a Jason Bourne hitman behind every blade of grass.
Also this.
With a C-40B or flying them directly to ZRH from Rammstein...
Marine One is not a single Helo, actually every Helo the presidents of the US boards becomes Marine One till he exits the Helo again.
It's about a 2h drive from Zurich to Davos leading through a small city and many small roads leading to pretty much a traffic collapse.
Finally the last 30 or so km are a shitty narrow alpine road that would cut off 20-30 villages with thousands of tourists from the world just for the presidential motorcade for probably a day or two
Again, as I have already explained, there are US snipers already in every good sniper spot...
>Why does the US keep so many military bases all over the world?
DOTR is coming. Did you think it would be in the US only?
we got this fritz, thanks for the paragliding lessons, canton are great
Bitch, aren't you stupid? All police moneys is a waste. Just put it all into education and social welfare! Even riot control and policing is MILITARY. That's how militaries grew to be so big you know. Study your history if you don't believe me.
>So do you think you can get a hotel room there if you book well in advance? Is Davos being cut off? Is all bagage and are all cars entering Davos checked with airport scanners?
Yes, yes and yes. You also put counter snipers in locations where they can effectively cover the windows. Or close down parts of the hotel room.
>A friend of mine has shot a .50cal in the army on a 800m target and said it was ok to get 2 out of 4 shots in the inner target without practice.
And yet, I can barely make 5/10 at 1000. IT's not easy shooting, you're pretending it is.
It's very, very obvious that you haven't spent any time around the USSS protective details.
you will not get a sniper rifle into davos and then hike up a nearby mountain to a spefiic location where you would have a shot on the heli pad (implying you know on which one he lands) with out anyone noticing
You a dumb nigger. Police are a military. Don't waste society's money on them. Just put it all into education and social programs. You will get more bang for your buck that way.
>Again, as I have already explained, there are US snipers already in every good sniper spot...
I doubt this. There is an areal which is rather large that you need to cover. Some ISIS folks dug in for weeks in Mosul, shitting in their caves and eating there never leaving them. It would be hard to spot them or find them in the surrounding alpine lands.
Then the alternative is to station snipers several km away from Davos where the chopers have to fly over. From pictures it looks like they did not fly that high. Even though a few .50cal would not penetrate Marine 1, it would be am international incident to hit the chopper.
>Police are a military
Amerimongrel education lol
>That's how militaries grew to be so big you know
Militaries aren't actually that big unless you are retarded like the US. Many European countries don't even field full divisions anymore, just a handful of brigades.
Are there swiss security agents currently monitoring this thread, my fellow mountain jews?
You know real life isnt videogames, right? Fucking german autism, worst autism.
>Yes, yes and yes.
Tell that to the Swiss which are not checking cars and bagage with airport scanners.
>And yet, I can barely make 5/10 at 1000. IT's not easy shooting, you're pretending it is.
I have no reason to believe he lied. He was one of the last guys who had to do the draft military service. He never fired guns until he did his military service and before using the .50 they only trained with their standard rifle on 100m and 200m or so and not much really on it as well.
Explain how an ISIS terrorist who uses a .50cal in Syria and Mossul to kill people canmot do this in Switzerland.
You fucking slavs literally call them the militsiya
>I doubt this. There is an areal which is rather large that you need to cover. Some ISIS folks dug in for weeks in Mosul, shitting in their caves and eating there never leaving them. It would be hard to spot them or find them in the surrounding alpine lands.
That is incorrect.
>. Even though a few .50cal would not penetrate Marine 1, it would be am international incident to hit the chopper
So we've moved from taking it down, to putting a couple pot shots into it?
>Poorfag countries can't do this.
It is stupid easy to get the terrorists who try the valley ambush because we have flir. Mostly we just take cover and call in an airstrike to kill the Hajis.
Marine One flies in a special C-130.
I never said a .50cal could take down Marine 1. I said Trump could be hit while walking to the chopper.
If Stalin had all of Germany they'd be 100x worse! The whole reason Germans today are the way they are is because of East Germany.
>US doesnt have a single chopper in Europe
Are all liberals this fucking stupid
Germans don't deserve to run their country America should just an Annex it
How could this journalist make the pic related?Clear line of fire.
A) good luck trying to hit a moving chopper with that and hit Trump, if you can penetrate it.
B around the landing area is a security parameter where you couldnt even take a shit withouth swiss security handcuffing your turd as it emerges from your fat ass.
Because there are chosen spots for the press to take pictures you dumbfuck
That is a big plane.
yeah dude they don’t search the journalists or do background checks or anything so just any random sweaty shitskin muzzie can show up
It’s no joke you people are 80 iq retards
Now I doubt you have ever even fired a gun... Have you ever even held a gun?
Wrong. East Germany is the only uncucked part of Germany remaining. Unlike West Germs they were not fed a steady dose of guilt and degeneracy from Jewish America.
That's why the potential assassins showed up months ago and mounted remote controlled turrets disguised as satellite dishes on top of rooftops and such. And or planted IED's underneath road surfaces at multiple roads and installed remote cameras in order to detonate at the right time.
Because shooting idiot terrorist fucks is way different then taking down the president.
>I have no reason to believe he lied. He was one of the last guys who had to do the draft military service. He never fired guns until he did his military service and before using the .50 they only trained with their standard rifle on 100m and 200m or so and not much really on it as well.
I'm saying it's not easy to be that reliably good. You can take pot shots at a heli, but not reliably bag a person before the shot spotters rat you out and you get counter sniped.
Are all germans this retarded?
>B around the landing area is a security parameter where you couldnt even take a shit withouth swiss security handcuffing your turd as it emerges from your fat ass.
Back of the napkin math, a 1500 meter circle is roughly 7 km squared. Wouldn't that be like 70 square meters, per person, if you had 1,000 men?
Wrong. East Germany did not have the de-nazification program that West Germany did. Today the right wing AFD Party is most popular in the east.
yes unless they camp out in the snow on the airfield for weeks and shit/eat in the same spot until they emerge with their camera for a picture..the absolute state
for you
Inside the mind of a fingol. It's great.
Problem is the IED would have to be command detonated with a physical wire, so that insurgent is shit out of luck.
Plus, we've only had like 14 years of the military learning to counter snipe in iraq / afghanistan.
"Isis will hide in snow caves for weeks, then they will take potshots at the helicopter as it flies away!"
Like the guy that attempted to kill Rep Scalise??? Who failed, and was instantly shot like 300 times???
fucking turkroach, go away.
Even the NY national guard has figured out counter sniper work with the help of shot spotters. Just lol.
No they can pick both because the private sector being more EFFICIENT at doing something doesn't mean the public sector can't develop more advanced tech (alas with 100+ times the funding )
Guaranteed the presidents xhopper which i believe is marine 1 can mid air refuel. They flew it there. Its kind of what aircraft do. Also guarantee they flew it there without the president and he took airforce one.
Could everyone just ignore the autistic German flag?