Please post, I’m trying to red pill a friend.
Please post, I’m trying to red pill a friend
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I got all kinds mate, what you looking for?
The nbc, Fox News, news related ones
Probably the best video to show him would be this one:
pic related, when talking about jewish IQ, bring this up
They’re @ Nehlen’s gab user
These are great many thanks
You could bring up the fact that Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism, wrote a book called "The Jews and their Lies". And literally advocated going out and smashing synagogues
This sentiment towards jews was pretty much the mainstream Christian view until a massive propaganda campaign targeting Middle America in the mid-50's. All kinds of biblical revisionism turned Jews from the killers of Jesus, into "God's chosen people"
pic related, all the neocons were jews
To quote Wikipedia on the origins of neoconservatism:
>The movement had its intellectual roots in the Jewish monthly review magazine Commentary, published by the American Jewish Committee.[5][6]
Neocons were basically this group of super far left communist jews who decided to use the Republican party as a vehicle to advance their ethnic interests in the Middle East. Although they are fanatically pro-Israel, they are completely antithetical to nationalism in America. Nearly all of them were members of the "Never Trump" movement, and many of them endorsed Hillary
These are the corrupt scumbags who pushed the US into war with Iraq, killed millions of innocent people, thousands of American soldiers, and $2 trillion in debt, just so they could destabilize the Middle East on behalf of Israel
Jews can be recognized by certain features of their appearance.
Because they wandered Europe for 2000 years, they picked up a lot of white genes. Therefore they blend in, like a chameleon. But a practiced eye can spot them.
Things to look for:
>long curved nose (or a nose where the tip points downard, such as Chuck Schumer)
>oval eye orbits (whites have round eye orbits)
>typically will be very short (average jewish height is 5' 6" a full 4 inches shorter)
>dark curly hair, although less common some jews have red curly hair
>nasally voice (like Mark Levin for example)
>"beaklike" facial structure (receding forehead, receding jaw)
The Frankfurt school is the origin of modern PC culture
Atrocity propaganda
pic related, if you see an article like this, check the author's name. More often than not....
What was the Jewish population in 1939?
did the jewish kid know why was his picture was being taken? poor little guy.
Fucking LeL
Whenever people talk about multiculturalism, they usually talk about the "great american melting pot". Or they'll quote the statue of liberty at you. More evidence of jewish influence
Strong redpills
Minorities are jew puppets
The thing you have to understand about jews, is that they are deeply insane.
They legitimately do not understand that it's hypocritical to advocate nationalism for themselves, and multiculturalism for everyone else. If you ever see a jew being called out on this, their response will be completely baffling.
Their primary principle is: whatever benefits jews. Multiculturalism for western countries is good for jews, therefore they advocate for this. Nationalism for Israel is good for jews, therefore they advocate for this. In their mind, there is no contradiction.
It's impossible to describe the deep deep insanity of jews, you really have to see it. They are neurotic, paranoid, and mentally disturbed
Jews are rarely white, only if it will benefit their agenda, otherwise they'll cry victim with the rest of the "minorities"
> whites are the global minorities
In the end the Jew wants to Fuck your kids
> what is circumcision
> literally sucking baby dicks
my eyes were closed now they see. ty user I now know the truth
In the end the Jew wants to take your wealth
> what is the banking system
> federal reserve
> what is usery
Pic related, jews will often pretend to be white in order to advocate against white people. But when people accuse them of white privilege, suddenly they're a jew again
This two-faced "chameleon" nature of jews has been one of the primary reasons for their success in western society.
This is why many people consider jews to be "shape shifters", who assimilate the genetic material of those around them in order to blend in. But always, they consider themselves jews.
Right now we are seeing a trend of jews marrying Asians. Soon we are likely going to start seeing an infiltration into Asian societies. This is probably not some kind of deliberate plan, it's just how their culture has adapted them over the centuries. Since only the jews that blended in survived and thrived
>Jews are rarely white, only if it will benefit their agenda, otherwise they'll cry victim with the rest of the "minorities"
Pretty much every jew in usa considers themselves white (and jewish) - just like italian-americans consider themselves white and italian.
See what I mean OP
Bobby Fischer said it very straightforwardly
Pic related, jews have been expelled from the various nations of Europe over 300 times. At one time or another, every single country in Europe has expelled the jews. Either every single culture in Europe are assholes, or there's something wrong with the jews
Death to all Anti White kikes!
That is a lot of dead fucking kikes!
I hate that cunt
With open gates is a good Sup Forums vid to watch
I'm honestly surprised that things head is still attached to its shoulders.
The Jews need our guns before they start the Holomodor in the US