I'd love to make memes and make fun of Britain but it's honestly too depressing at this point
I'd love to make memes and make fun of Britain but it's honestly too depressing at this point
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Absolutely halal.
Raya is cute
How is your country going user?
I hope its not as cucked as the UK
I'd unironically have sex with Raya and Siddiqa.
I felt bad for Big Z at this year's World's Strongest Man desu.
We know, Mohammed.
Pajeets, blacks and Poles are based. Fuck racists!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The United Kingdom
You wish, I've taken the brown pill is all
Poles are getting the fuck out of Bongland, we got overran
I don't think I've ever read about in history societies which genocided themselves as quickly as the U.K
>brown pill
Are you saying you eat shit?
Are they now?
daily reminder that
1 - he punched him and ran away like a pussy
2 - not much could be expected from a literal cuck
t. Paco el Taco, Obama voter.
That's what you getting for letting those Jews get gassed
Are you that nigger Spencer told he would never be British, lol? I’m not a big fan of the guy but him making that ape short circuit and almost cry got a chuckle out of me :^)
I am, yes.
Nuking London is the only way to fix this.
Nice to meet you Fuquan Sharious. Keep showin these weak wh*te bois how superior your melanin enriched kanglords are with these dank vids. Africa super power by 2020 amirite hahahaha
No, India superpower by 2030.
Violent double digit low IQ niggers are the superior sub humans and savages. I completely agree!
Shits becoming rather depressing. When are the RWDS happening ?
I see why (((they))) did this now: to erase national identity and pride so that the populace will be too demoralised for war.
If Churchhill only knew, he would have surrendered to Hitler.
Quintessentially British. Eternal Anglo finally getting what it deserves, nothing depressing here.
We should of listened
>the whitest one has a hijab
wtf britian lel
>dem shoulders
stop posting that tranny you dip
Fucking bbc isnt it?
Of course the presenter is also a big fat bulldycke lesbo.
>look how progressive we are
Fun fact. The flagship soap opera formthe bbc is eastenders, about normal average everyday londoners. They maintain all white families in this show just somthey can have a stroyline outside of
>acid attack
>stabbed with acid
Five nights a week
Dont pay your tv license bongs. Cancel it and ban the fuckers from your property. Dont encourage their agenda
what if I told those kids IQ is probably higher than yours?
brown skin doesn't automatically make you dumb. Being a pol-loser does though.
>don't forget you're hime forever
Lmao when did i ever mentioned intelligence in those posts you dumb cunt?
Being a little faggot who comes to this Natzee animuh forum in the rescue and defense of da poor brown people makes you the most pathetic loser.
he says he wasn't antisemitic
I am a confident white man with a jawline and average 6.5 inch penis. I am sorry you feel threatened by the inferior races...
I for one am a specimen of my race and I know my genes will pass on no matter what color skin the womb where my seed will planted has.
Face it the only whites that actually focus on race don't have the balls and confidence of actually genetically superior people.
Chads are naturally anti-racial while at the same time only associating with high quality individuals of any race.
It's only the poor and dumb white people who have to live with scummy inferiors....
I am sorry if you weren't ready for this pill yet but here you go.
He was pro British and pro European. That is key.
Actually it shows the underlying racism with the bbc liberals. I'll tell how that episode probably came about whilst the execs were busy blowing each other
>lets have all non white school
>Oh wow, that'll show how tolerant england is
>but wait, what if the other school is white and beats them?
>oh fuck, we cant have that, that would appear racist
>lets get two non white schools then, not racist if brown school A beats brown school B right?
>perfect! Another blow job?
>sounds good to me sanjeet
It really was Spencer's finest moment
>I for one am a specimen of my race and I know my genes will pass on no matter what color skin the womb where my seed will planted has.
look up kin selection theory you idiot
Just listen to his interviews. He said that the brits got zogged and they had no place interfering in ww2. He blamed the jews for influencing the government and the governmemt acting on it.
>hahahahaha Britcucks btfo
>tfw the Brits will cease to exist in a few generations
>tfw we'll probably never go to war again
>tfw the British media will never go into full damage control about Irish terrorists beating them again
>tfw it's over
>tfw I wanted to win but not like this
he was
that's why the kikes took him down
Why tho, British is not a ethnicity... So he got that wrong. Great Britain was a union of kingdoms - not a nation state, like Richard claimed. It adapted nation-state characteristics after WW2 where they set clear immigration rules, and then again in 1981. Blacks were considered to be British subjects when Spencer's ancestors were betraying the crown. To a American he might sound smart, to a European he sounds like a joke.
What will happen when London will be >90% muslim? Will the royal family be forced to wear a burqa?
fugg tears are running down my face
At current rates the UK will be completely brown before Germany
Southern Britain is lost. There should be a wall from the Tees to Cumbria.
Ahh don't take it so hard Patel, you'll be neck deep in mudhammads soon enough
its womens fault. they refuse to wake up and smell the fertilizer.
oh well we et the last laugh: whatever remains of the whites will be hardline muslim shariah wifebeaters, and thats a good thing.
the UK is actually a perfect model of pan-european white peoples hating and killing each other for centuries and the finally coming together in modern times.
If the monarchies of Europe were still strong we would've had a pan European crown emperor by now.
>Willow Brook Primary School
Shit, I went there as a kid. It used to be called 'Church Mead Junior School' but they changed it not long after I left, supposedly because it failed some inspection. They probably did it because they didn't want some tard crying about the name being offensive or whatever.
If only hitler invaded this country
Don't tell me you actually believe this?
I wish there were still men like him around
Gib link pls...i miss that one.
Hahahaha holy shit. Explain yourselves Brit bongs!
Virgins build walls. Chads take back what is theirs
Many of my friends have done to avoid roasties, Indians are conservative actually want to be a housewife instead of fucking a different guy every other night.
Wrong flag there Juan
not like this, old friend, not like this...
I appreciate the sentiment but can Americans stop pretending to understand Europe?
Last time I was in Edinburgh it was almost sad...around the University it is all Muslims.
Their little neighborhood they have around the school is a complete shithole too, unironically.
UK is a smaller place geographically though. The effects will be more pronounced. There are still large swaths of the US the size of the UK or bigger that are 95%+ white.
>LE 56% FACE
>85% white
>96% white
>95% white
>Northern Ireland
>98% white
You literally only have 7 states whiter than England and literally none whiter than Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. inb4 btfo
>British children are getting rekt this hard in school.
>Pajit and Mohammed absolutely locking down the top slots in their grades.
>Muscling them out of kids quiz shows because they perform better under pressure due to years of dodging mortar fire in whatever fucked up country they started life in.
Seriously, how can British children compete?
do blacks and muslims racemix?
im guessing muslm women wouldnt date a black because muslims are racist as fuck (how come noone cares about that?)
whats the outcome?
Muslims are far from racists. They'll stop at nothing to convert anyone to their backward religion regardless of colour.
I hear it's super common in France to see Muslim women with Africans.