>M-Muh transgenderds and gays r bad for some reason, I mean them wanting more representation in media and to be treated like human beings is evil. Like I read this article where cis people got yelled at by trans people for calling them "things" like wtf what about my free speech. Trans people should be told what to say and nobody can disagree with me, THAT is real freedom of speech.
M-Muh transgenderds and gays r bad for some reason...
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>duhhh hurrrr muh shitpost hurrr
sodomite enablers remove yourselves from Sup Forums, thanks
>Trannys and fags deserve to be treated as anything other than mentally ill sexual deviants.
Please let Sam Hyde break it down for youyoutube.com
>Hurr muh objective morality, that social construct is totally real guys I mean like every opinionated spook is totally a physical real life force
>we should accept and normalize literal Slaanesh worshipers because it's mean if we don't
Someone post that picture. You know the one.
I dont have a problem with people pursuing their vice, if nobody else is harmed, but i will not ever see that vice as virtuous.
>transgenderds and gays r bad for some reason
Because they destroy the family unit.
You're too stupid to understand that society is built on the family unit and fags and other sexual degenerates corrode that structure.
You're all trash and you need to die.
Everything has a social cost, user. Fags belong in the closet.
Matter is made of waves. Waves are physically nothing.
Kill yourself retard.
Why should less than 3% of the population recieved more exposure again? There I a difference between calling a word hate speech and banning it, and forcing people to speak a certain way. Thus the word faggot can be banned as hate speech against a faggot, but fuck you if you want to force me to call a "he" a "she".
I agree. The leftists are attempting to invert the moral values on which civilization is buit. Any leftist, that is not merely a useful idiot, knows that the plan is meant to destroy democracy in favor of totalitarian Marxism. The part that leftist dont understand is that, if their plan were to succeed , they immediately become a liability to the movement and will be normalized.
Can you present an argument for why the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism is beneficial to society with out pretending to be retarded?
God commands them to be stoned.
Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
red pill these guys, needs more pol discord , gg / zkQt7KC
Tolerance is different from validation and promotion. Tolerance is also not a mandate to allow an infinitesimally small minority to dominate, through altering definitions of words and policing speech.
But user, any good rightist in this day and age should be anti-liberal, which means antidemocratic. The left of today isn't fundamentally against democracy or capitalism or anything like that, they're just anti-white. Anything that hurts white people, including destroying the family, is good to them.
Lgbtwtfbbq. Needs to follow some of the advice that they preach to everybody else and learn to embrace diversity of opinion and thought.
They are fundamentally anti democratic. Their narrative is not up for debate, or questioning in any way, shape or form. Currently they abuse the weakness of democracy to advance their agenda, but will abandon democracy as soon as it benefits them.
Oh come on medpack. You are known for a high standard of posting so why this shit? I am honestly disappointed.
It isn't something I fault them for, I hate them for wanting to destroy our people. Democracy is bad and they're right to despise it.
They are diabolical for weaponizing people’s sense of fairness and sympathy against themselves. Pathological altruism
Mistaking people’s kindness for a weakness and weaoponizing it, is betrayal and will incurr significant wrath.