Varnashrama Dharma

The correct understanding is:

Christians need to be more pragmatic and optimistic and look at “a cup is half full, rather than half empty. “

There is a difference between Christians and Muhammadans, i.e. it is possible to preach to the Christians but not possible to Muhammadans. The only way to preach to Muhammadans is with a sword.

Islam served the purpose for the time being to keep those sand-animals under control.

“Just like in your Christian religion you may not understand all the Biblical injunctions or you may not have the time, but you'll simply, if you follow the ideal life of Lord Jesus Christ, then you get the same result. Similarly, the Muhammadans, if they follow the ideal life of Muhammad, Hazrat Muhammad, so they get the result.” cow&f=261300#261300

I always though Jesus died for our sins sounded really cucky. If old Christians were murderous tough knights and modern Christians are gommie cucks I find it hard to believe we’re practicing the same religion we used to.


Repent heathen or burn.

I have mercy on you

Chant the Holy Names of God

and pray so God bless you with a true eternal Religion


>white people now ruining vedic ideas a well
Extinction is necessary for them before they get hold of any more culture and destroy it

Jesus Christ DID Die for Sin.. His death and his death alone delivers mankind from the guilt and un-payable debt for sin.

May Christ help you to break free your cult.

Fire shall clean the world. This and the next.

>wanting to raise to the heigth's of god's son
>implying men can be sinless
That's not even heresy, that's the serpent talking

The reason why kikes are preaching this to you is because IT S THE ONLY THING THAT MAKES KIKES HAPPY:

To see Lord Jesus Christ crucified over and over again !
To see Christians sinfully degenerate more and more

Wait a second. I’m not sure the op is the old religion either.

Both are true. But His perfect example is impossible for mere human to follow perfectly, lest would law of works be everything one needs to be saved.
It is not. Works alone will not save you. Faith alone WILL save you, BUT in only one instance - you die immediately after baptism.
"Wages of the sin is death", but if there is no allowance and enjoyment that you take from sin, it's merely your body that sins and in body "dwelleth no good thing". Your body will receive payment for sins - death. But your soul - if it have taken no enjoyment from sin - is pure.
Of course NEVER taking enjoyment from sin is impossible, as well as impossible is not sinning. At least in the moment of your falling and sin, you take enjoyment from it. And in that short moment, your soul looses sanctification and what is not sanctified will not enter Heaven.
You regain that sanctification only in sacrament of penance and only out of hatred and guilt for the sin committed. Then soul is not in communion with body and you live by the soul, not the body.
And whoever lives by the soul shall reap what is of the soul:
>7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
>8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
Galatians 6

That He died for our sins, doesn't mean we can't lose justification it freely gives us and we should continue living as we lived.
Nay, for justification is undeserved calling for holiness in Heaven. And if we're called to be entirely holy in Heaven, why should we not try to be as holy on earth, to the extent God strengthened us to?

Repent, or suffer wrath of the Almighty.

I like what you wrote. It has a lots of wisdom in it.
The reason I’m talking about all this is due to my observation how Jews hated Christ so much and (((they))) had to create a religion that can be SATISFYING to both the Jews and the Romans.

I hope you understand

“ why should we not try to be as holy on earth, to the extent God strengthened us to?”

This is my point as well. “ Look at what you have in a cup, and not what you don’t have.”

FYI...I’m part of the oldest religion or eternal religion. The Sanathana Dharma. The Varnashrama Dharma .

The First and Oldest Testament, BHAGAVAD GITA.

The oldest testament would be The Vedas you dummy. And the upanishad and some puranas. And the majority of the itihasa.

Haribol prabhu.

One question: why are you doing sankirtan on Sup Forums?

That’s true. But GITA is the essence of them ALL.

Regarding Biblical/Historical proximity of Bhagavad Gita, Torah and NT, I venture to claim that.

These people need mercy so bad

Chaitanya was a trannie you know.

All of the main Vaishnava gurus of the past couple of hundred years have been pedophile homosexuals.

"Mercy" is what the little boys that were fucked in ISKCON ashrams begged for, but never received.

Jesus wasn't even a real person

>pic related

Silly. Do you have ability to discriminate?
Or you were born without it ?

Ok. Let me break it down for you:
1. The JUDAS disciples poisoned Prabhupada
2. The JUDAS disciples hijacked Iskcon and raped children, men , women and all the cows as well
3. The JUDAS disciples teach that KRISHNA was gay

FYI....(((CIA))) is running ISKCON

>JUDAS disciples poisoned Prabhupada

Name names. Who do you think murdered Prabhupada? The Jew Tamalkrishna? Then, who murdered him?

Yes. Tamal, Bhav....

But the main Jew in it is JAY ISRAEL SWAMI .

Who murdered Tamala Krishna?
And why?
Was it revenge for his role in murdering Prabhupada?

Krishna arranged for his head to get copped off while he was on his way to fly out from Calcutta. His last words to his personal driver were, WATCH OUT ! TREE !

Jesus paid the debt for our sins through the Law of Redemption.

fuck off mutt jew


ironic coming from a mexishit





prime mexican real estate :^)





Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. What you say is heresy and a perverted insult to the sacrifice Christ made.

never forget


christ is a stinking nigger kike, rabbi

>What you say is heresy and a perverted insult to the sacrifice Christ made.

What area you talking about? Jesus didn't exist.




Read Revelation 1,14.




the mexishit is on repeat again


My parents moved us into an ashram when I was a little boy of 11.
I was raped multiple times.
It was Krishna's mercy, prabhu.




sure thing, rabbi
My parents moved us into a convent when I was a little boy of 11.
I was raped multiple times.
It was Jesus's mercy, Father.


>The correct understanding is:

Martin Luther, please go.


Futile efforts, friend. Feeding swine pearls will not imbue them with an appreciation for pearls, it simply makes their shit shinier. To quote the quran:

Indeed, those who disbelieve - it is all the same for them whether you warn them or do not warn them - they will not believe.

Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment.

And of the people are some who say, "We believe in Allah and the Last Day," but they are not believers.

They [think to] deceive Allah and those who believe, but they deceive not except themselves and perceive [it] not.

In their hearts is disease, so Allah has increased their disease; and for them is a painful punishment because they [habitually] used to lie.

This sentiment is also mirrored in the tao te ching, but with different words. Wise men accept the tao, mediocre men waver in their ability to comprehend the tao, foolish men laugh heartily at the tao. You cannot help those who wish to be as beasts. All that we may do is devise means to attract the beasts who wish to become human and lift them up.


¡No entiendo, Pablo!


>Christians need to be more pragmatic and optimistic and look at “a cup is half full, rather than half empty. “
The cup is refillable my friend.

The religion is attractive to homosexual pedophiles, because it's ideology meshes well.
From Chaitanya dressing up as a woman, to their misogyny to the way it idealizes male youths.
It's fucked up.


OP don't even try talking to chriscucks
they are ALL scum



I’m sorry to hear that.

Christ dying for our sins has immense allegorical meaning though. He is the lamb of God, a completely innocent and sinless being. His willing crucifixion and death are the punishment we all deserve to suffer but do not. This is the fulfillment of all Old Testament sacrifice, and the Blood spilled of God's Lamb allows all those who accept him to be washed away of sin. Watch Ben Herr if you have the chance.

Jesus Christ indeed did die for all sins, eternally, and those who accept Him as their savior and believe in Him are welcomed unto the Father.
You're supposed to look at it as one big picture, not separate compartmentalizations. Dammit Sup Forums. Both the bible and the bhagavad gita mention the Godhead. Your mission is to figure out why this is.

sorry, mutt
Christ is a sinful dirty Jew

I've never heard a Kike preach the gospel to me once. Also I don't see how reminding us that the Kikes slayed God in the flesh would help their case?

>Christ dying for our sins has immense allegorical meaning though.

That's what the story is. An allegory. No historical basis at all.

>pic related

Heaven doesn't exist, mutt

Pre-Chaitanya Vaishnavas like Ramanuja are best.
Chaitanya made the religion effeminate and brought all the homosexuals into it.

>he thinks he knows what he's talking about
nice try, Father Mutt

Yes, it does. You know nothing about what you speak. You were also a mutt long before anyone in the states were, bong. Hurr, Anglo-Saxon. Anglo...and Saxon. A joint term of two different kinds of peoples. Deep down you eurofags know this and that's why you push the mutt meme so much. It's projection and insecurity. Did I pull your card or did I pull your fucking card, bong?

user, don’t you think you are a little bit to extreme?
I feel you frustration regarding cucked religion like Christianity.
But there is no need attacking Jesus like that..

>Yes, it does.
you're trying too hard

You will be weak without God. You will not withstand temptation and sinfulness as you would with the Lord. You will perish like the rest if you do not bow to him who is the king of all.

I used to chant namaste narasimhaya thinking it would keep the "sannyasin" from fucking with me.

why not?

jesus isn't god

>streetshitters calling anyone dirty
Apex kek.

Jesus lived as a Jew and died as a Jew on a stick.

Because others might feel encouraged to say the same about Prabhupada.

And then gradually everything boils down

You have to be really stupid and historically illiterate to believe Christ didn't exist. His disciples traveled to Rome, Antioch, and Alexandrea and allowed themselves to be killed for Him. Why would anyone do that for someone that didn't exist? Why would they go through the trouble of making this up and write 4 gospels?

I would expect better from a Romanian

and you think it's all the fault of "transexual chaitanya brining in homosexuals"
nice try again, Father Mutt
christians are already the most foul-mouthed intolerant "religious" people on the planet

>one example of a person claiming to be a Christian speaks for all other Christians
>implying you even know about the different branches of Christianity
>implying you even know the the true Israel is the spiritual body of Christs's believers
>implying you aren't just trying to derail
You just keep getting worse at what you do and I just keep improving. I wonder what the outcome will be?

>Jesus didn't die for your sins.

My heresy detector just went off.

will i be going to Hell?

Christ is you Lord and you will plea for his mercy before him at the Gates of Heaven.

That's not for me to judge or say.

yes yes
then why bother at all

I'm at 5.

Poor rhetoric attempt. You asked a question. I answered it. Now you want to move goalposts into a topic that doesn't mean anything to you so you can continue to try and tear down anything I say while under the false guise of communication. You aren't slick and I don't play games where I'm set up to fail. Nice try. Cheers.