Tsuki Ga Kirei

ITT: we speculate as to whats going to go horribly wrong because nothing has ever gone this well.

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OP thinks akane is going to move as was foreshadowed by her father in one of the early episodes.

Nothing, the show is wish fulfillment for audiences who want the characters to be presented as flawed but don't want their flaws to be challenged. "You're fine the way you are", Kotaro said this in episode 2 and that's the message of the show to its audiences, a naive lie just like the one told in America's self-esteem movement.


yeah gimme kuzu no honkai fuck nice things everything should be as shit as my life

When everyone looked at him i was like don't you guys have anything better to look at?

>don't you guys have anything better to look at?
They're middle-schoolers, what do you think

How did Ryouko-sensei get those photos of Roman?

I wonder if she meant graduation as in middle school or high school?
