Is Trump's current illegals deportation program good? I mean he threw out less of them than Obama.
Is Trump's current illegals deportation program good? I mean he threw out less of them than Obama
Concerning Obama I meant last year of his presidency.
Obama redefined "deportation" as anyone turned away at the border.
There was also a drop in illegal immigration after the inauguration.
That about sums it up.
Previous numbers were inflated, a lot of those "deportations" were simply people who got caught crossing and were immediately sent back.
Sort of like how the US census counts middle-easterners as white, the numbers aren't real.
and turned away meant they pointed them a few miles down the road to cross safely.
AFTER Trump deports 3,000,000 people talk to me about policy
The obama administration turned around more people at the border. That number went way down when Trump was elected because crossing is expensive, so they decided to wait until conditions were more favorable. Arrests within the unirmted states by ICE are way up.
You sound like retarded seagulls
Is that Gina Valentina?
>All these fat fuck Americans
>mfw laughing my ass off
America is inherently a shit country.
The USA wishes it were like Canada.
Because you people are inherently evil.
I wish there would be a movie where my country, the much more superior CANADA, triumphs over the US
But alas, the fat fucks (you specifically) allow themselves to triumph over the rest because they are fat stupid children
Fuck you America
Fuck you for the world wars
Fuck you for Robbing my country of a culture
Fuck you for spreading your degeneracy to the rest of the world
Fuck you for bombing the Middle East
Fuck you for drone strikes
Fuck you not helping Canada in the fire were having right now
Fuck you for Trump
Fuck you for ruining Europe by creating ISIS
Fuck you for 3rd wave feminism
Fuck you for spreading estrogen in the water and making girls grow breasts at the age of 9
Fuck you for normalizing the brutality and racism against blacks and brown people from the police
One day America...
One FUCKING day.
Fucking fat fucks.
>I mean he threw out less of them than Obama.
Where the fuck are you getting your information, OP???? lol
>us latina patrol
omg sauce pls
>canadian hiding behind a larp flag
Can you stop with the copypasta? It’s lane. Thanks.
Canada is gay as fuck.
how do you get a job with the USLP lads?
Sauce pls
That dude is creepy looking, like a homeless person under the bridge dopehead
More illegals are being detained and not deported because of libshit tampering and cucked judges.
I dunno if I could deport that
Well, it's a good thing you're not in charge then.
Confirmed sauce
You're a fucking hero.
1. Canada is shit
>Stop concidering yourself part of the US (you're not)
>Take some prode in your country and stay there.
>if you dont like the US build a wall
2. Obama has deported more people
>Than I have
>Than you have
>Than any president in the history of the USA (so far)