A relic from a bygone era. Be careful with it, it's a priceless antique.
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It's also 90% the one sad guy posting variations on the theme of "LET'S RAPE LAIN"
god that series was weird as fuck
pretty much black mirror before black mirror and somehow more confusing
Anyone remember that old site with the Chiaki Konaka interview?
It was like a circa 2003 site and had a ton of lain related stuff.
I miss web 1.0 autism
He's probably dyslexic, he was clearly trying to spell 'love'.
I don't like present day and time.
No one does, but maybe in the future we will.
Probably not though
Anyone have the webm where he's typing stuff into the computer and then laughing?
Thanks a bunch user.
that pic is glorious
>"ur a faget.jpg" has been uploaded sucessfully
Does anyone know what the Tsukihi project was?
You ever notice how halfway through the series pretty much predicted the major traits of web 2.0 including the post-2007 >le anoysnus r lerjon xD part of it?
>western shit copies from anime and manga
Really makes you think.