Pro lifers are irrational

>how come the census doesn't count fetuses

>how come if a woman has a miscarriage they don't have a funeral

>how come people say we have 2 children and one on the way and not we have 3 children

Pro lifers say life begins at conceptions, intelligent people say life started billions of years ago and it's a continuous process.

Check mate

Other urls found in this thread:


>>how come the census doesn't count fetuses
>>how come if a woman has a miscarriage they don't have a funeral
>>how come people say we have 2 children and one on the way and not we have 3 children
because I dont feel like it

my semen my choice

How can one not support a holocaust of niggers?

Abortion is good for whites, not for blacks, I0m jewish and stop racism now, white race must end now

Murder is murder silencing an unborn life is murder.

As an eugenist I totally support the weaker genetics being removed. We remove over 200k niggers every year, but can always do better.

Is that grammatically correct to place 'an' in front of eugenist? (Not attempting to criticize your stance, but out of pure curiosity).

I thought the holocaust didn't happen?

The word holocaust does not just refer to "The Holocaust" of WWII.

Also, pic related.

Actually intelligent people say your a faggot, so you dont have to worry about
it. Check mate.

The Holocaust definitely occurred, but not the 'six kajillion' that is so pervasive in Jewish propaganda. Neo-NatSoc's that outright deny any Jewish exterminations are attempting to change the general consensus of National Socialism... and are autistic... to the extreme.

not a single person in this thread realizes that OP is literally just quoting george carlin.

More-so not a single person cared. If anything, we're discussing the ideas themselves and not who first concocted them.

Lol. I wanna know what Sup Forums thinks about him. He's from the silent generation but acts like a typical hippie mcdouchebag boomer cuck.

He is a charismatic individual who is capable of relaying holes in traditional philosophies to leftists in a comedic manner.

Yea. He really likes the word bullshit too.

> her body her choice
If baby killers care about their bodies so much, why find they subsidize extrauterine fetal incubation and extraction R&D or adoption agencies?

This is just for a goat. There are cases where children have extracted as early as 6 weeks

>t. pro-life retard
also it is You're, you fucking mong

If a woman is even considering abortion in the first place, why would you curse a child with such a degenerate she-boon? Abortion is what keeps the negroid population at 13%. Why would you allow the 56% of culture-bearing Aryans to contend with even more niggers?

should be a eugenist (same as a european)

>"a eugenist."

Pro-life is a psyop to get the niggers to thin their own herds out of spite

I've known people who have had funerals for stillborns. Pretty depressing way to blow $10k if you ask me

>Her body, her choice.
>Always demanding other people's money.

> weez iz vikangz even though we too dumb to end the welfare state and colonize Mars, because we want to be the new niggers and eat meth all day, not the afrikangz with their crack
Never change Sup Forums. I'll have a front row seat from my citadel in the border of Ancapistan when you rednecks and niggers engage in a huge gay orgy to "prove" who the winner and who's the weiner in your helter skelter

pro-lifers are pawns of big business, more people equals more competition for jobs = more people for big business to take their time to pick through.

Tell me why I'm wrong.

>when you support abortion, but for the wrong reasons

Wtf I love abortion now

>Murder is murder silencing an unborn life is murder.
This kind of extreme emotional shitposting makes me pro-choice hard mode.

>My body, my choice...
> destroy the body of this fetus!
are pro-lifer's brainlets

Romans 1:18.

You know God exists. You suppress that truth through your unrighteousness.

God says it's wrong. The God who created all things.

Where we you when the oceans were created? Where were you when the mountains were formed?
Why can't you say lightning strike this place and it obeys you?

Humble yourself repent of your pride. God is opposed to the Proud. But gives grace to the humble.

>how come shooting a pregnant woman gets you a double homicide

let's say for example we have a low income family, maybe the father is still there but they can hardly make ends meat nonetheless, now they have a kid coming, if pro-life is forced will you want to pay more taxes to support their welfare?

now lets say they have an abortion instead and wait till they're in a better position to have a kid, is that evil, is it bad to avoid having a child born into a shitty situation so that they can be better prepared for the future?

should condoms also outlawed, doesn't sperm deserve the right to live?

>Pro lifers say life begins at conceptions
That's such a radical departure from the 10,000 year old tradition of the miracle of birth, and all the arguments the anti-choicer use are weepy, obtuse and emotional. It's irritating that they can't be logical and sensible. But fallacies are all they have I suppose.

>God says it's wrong. The God who created all things.
No, the God of the Bible says life is breath. And he says that some fetuses are wicked in the womb and should be culled.

Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Genesis 6:17 And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die.

Genesis 7:15 And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life.

Genesis 7:22 All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died.

Deuteronomy 20:16 But of the cities of these people, which the Lord thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth:

Joshua 10:40 So Joshua smote all the country of the hills, and of the south, and of the vale, and of the springs, and all their kings: he left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the Lord God of Israel commanded.

Joshua 11:11 And they smote all the souls that were therein with the edge of the sword, utterly destroying them: there was not any left to breathe: and he burnt Hazor with fire.

Joshua 11:14 And all the spoil of these cities, and the cattle, the children of Israel took for a prey unto themselves; but every man they smote with the edge of the sword, until they had destroyed them, neither left they any to breathe.

2 Samuel 22:16 And the channels of the sea appeared, the foundations of the world were discovered, at the rebuking of the Lord, at the blast of the breath of his nostrils.

1 Kings 15:29 And it came to pass, when he reigned, that he smote all the house of Jeroboam; he left not to Jeroboam any that breathed, until he had destroyed him, according unto the saying of the Lord, which he spake by his servant Ahijah the Shilonite:

1 Kings 17:17 And it came to pass after these things, that the son of the woman, the mistress of the house, fell sick; and his sickness was so sore, that there was no breath left in him.

Job 4:9 By the blast of God they perish, and by the breath of his nostrils are they consumed.

Job 9:18 He will not suffer me to take my breath, but filleth me with bitterness.

Job 12:10 In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.

Job 15:30 He shall not depart out of darkness; the flame shall dry up his branches, and by the breath of his mouth shall he go away.

Job 17:1 My breath is corrupt, my days are extinct, the graves are ready for me.

Job 19:17 My breath is strange to my wife, though I intreated for the children's sake of mine own body.

Job 27:3 All the while my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils;

Job 33:4 The spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.

Job 34:14 If he set his heart upon man, if he gather unto himself his spirit and his breath;

Job 37:10 By the breath of God frost is given: and the breadth of the waters is straitened.

It astounds me how unscientific the pro-choice is. The prolife position is that life begins at conception and that humans deserve human rights, namely the Right To Life.
The pro-choice position is that abortion is within the limits of a woman's Right To Bodily Autonomy.

The issue that comes about is the pro-choice crowd VERY OFTEN seeks to turn down the pro-life argument in the most unscientific ways:

>renaming when life begins
>referring to the unborn as a "clump of cells/blob of tissue", as if its different from any other stage of human life
>referring to the unborn as a parasite
>referring to the unborn as part of the woman's body (tumor comparisons)
>explaining the situation as the woman being tied to the child

That sort of stuff. You just don't see that in the pro-life movement. At worst you see emotional people get upset and making philosophical arguments via Christian scripture.

The pro-choicers are the unscientific crowd in the abortion debate.

Because the government doesn't give those humans rights. That's what the pro-life position is trying to change ultimately.

Who knows, the couples definitely know it as a death though.

>2 children and one on the way

> who is more foolish: the fool or the fool who follows the fool
Do the abortion clinicians hunt down pregnant black women or do the latter come of their own free will into the clinics?

If I had a time machine I would go back in time and convince your mother to abort you.

Maybe your foetus body parts would be fun to rip off your tiny body as you got pulled out of your mother.

It's a shame you werent aborted

I support retroactive abortion on OP.

usually they're low income people so they have an abortion to avoid have a worse living standard than they already have.

Abortion, like all feminist pillars, is based on lysenkoism and Marxism

>how come if a woman has a miscarriage they don't have a funeral

reminder mike pence tried to pass a law that said when an american woman has an abortion she has to pay for its funeral lmao


Abortion is good because we should be glad that those who want to abort are not reproducing as much, especially niggers. Consider this, liberal whites are reproducing well below replacement, while conservatives are producing at or slightly above. This is also good.

> legitimately endorsing the concept of "retroabortion"
I support it too so what are gonna let me use to eviscerate you with?



> honor killing is good
Never change londonistan

Well it is true that a large proportion of nigger children are aborted, so I guess Roe Vs. Wade had SOME good come out of it.


> lysenkoist too
Oh girl

Hey OP, you will get nowhere if you debate people who think "Because God says so, end of story" is a rational response. Leave religious people alone, for they know not the irrationality they speak.

I agree with the leaf. who would have thought that a leaf can have a good idea. margaret sanger was right, that planned parenthood and legal abortion is the best means to get the servile races to control their own numbers, without those of the superior white race having to sully our fingers with the blood of the lower orders. we need to increase funding for planned parenthood, reform welfare to encourage smaller families, and encourage the copious use of planned parenthoods proper services. with judicious advertising and education, we can change the demographics back to what they should be, a white majority for a white america.

thank you planned parenthood.

How come the census didn't count slaves?

>> honor killing is good
>Never change londonistan
Oh nice user, good job refuting my point by completely avoiding it and instead insulting me, nice..

>"Brits aren't a shit people that deserve to be slau-"
>"hmm... Well lemme think about that for a sec"

>life begins at conception

>the soul enters from the first kick
look it up
two thousand years of christian doctrine

>It astounds me how unscientific the pro-choice is.
It astounds me that cognitively-impaired anti-choicers believe they can make such profoundly unscientific pronouncements like that without people laughing at them.

>renaming when life begins
People have always known that new human life begins at birth. We called it the miracle of birth for at least the last 8000 years. Do the rights-grabbers celebrate their Parents Fucking Day? No, they hypocritically celebrate Birthdays like the rest of us normal people. How old are you? Our age is measured by days since our birth, not since fertilization. The "miracle of birth" has been the absolute standard for ten thousand years. It is our history, language, science, culture religion and law since antiquity.

>That's what the pro-life position is trying to change ultimately
That change results in the rights of women no longer being respected or protected by the law. China has seized this authority, forcing women to bear children since the time of Mao, and then later forcing women to have abortions after one child. Hitler forced Jewish women to have abortions. Stalin outlawed abortion. The worst tyrants and despots always deny women their natural rights to decide for themselves if they will bear children or not. Anti-choice is a sign of a sick society based on emotional blather.

>> lysenkoist too
>Oh girl
Not refuting my point, my logic is the same as those that dislike a large amount of immigration

You're advocating honor killings. All your credibility is gone. Get a new IP and try again

>human life begins at birth.
I think you need to go check in with modern science user.

>That change results in the rights of women no longer being respected or protected by the law
Really? Good.


Am I missing something?


>You're advocating honor killings. All your credibility is gone.
No, I'm not.
I'm advocating smarter fiscal decisions for the masses that will help the masses.

>the census doesn't count fetuses
yet it counts niggers. we all make mistakes.
>no one has a funeral for miscarriages
some do, and have for generations.
>how come people say we have 2 children and one on the way and not we have 3 children
because, OP, one should never count one's children before they're hatched.
>life at conception vs live billions of years ago.
two different arguments, neither cancels the other out. You don't call "checkmate" in checkers, dumbass.

> being retarded

We all know you're jealous retroabortionists that have given up on life and are now walking cancer colonies. It's not too late to end our suffering by killing yourselves

The "Her body her choice" thing is a bit retarded, a decision should be made between the parents, if the father wants an abortion while the mother doesn't the mother shouldn't be allowed to claim child support from him.

True, but the baby IN her body is NOT her, nor does SHE, and she ALONE, have the right to get rid of it.

It's pretty simple pro cucks if you can show me the exact moment when a fetus becomes a baby then i will accept your fetus is not a person and other bullshit arguments.

So when exactly does a fetus become a person?

>modern science
Science doesn't advocate for denying women their rights. That's just cheap political theater by the worst of mankind.

Just stop being whores goddamn but this is too much for niggers and modern women.

>He thinks it has anything to do with logics

You are blue pilled son. They simply push laws that benefit women and just justify it with anything they can come up with and if you have any objection to it, you are literally HITLER

When concious thought develops.

>True, but the baby IN her body is NOT her
it's a parasite
>nor does SHE, and she ALONE, have the right to get rid of it.
you can get rid of it like any other parasite
kill it
no moral quandry here

How come if a man kills a pregnant woman he gets 2 murder charges?

>Science doesn't advocate for denying women their rights

Civil rights have nothing to do with science. Go be a cuck somewhere else.

Loki's wager but it's when the sperm meets the egg

When does that happen?

By that logic, you could kill your kids after birth, or leave them to die

That baby didn't just magically appear in her fucking belly....It's not solely her choice. There is no argument here.

There is definitely a diaspora of the Aryan, this was never a question. However, in 'Ancapistan' it would be a pleasure to see the big corporations that would develop, take advantage of the less capable of your people (who just so happen to be the majority), and fill their heads with false ideals and degenerate lifestyles.. all for a fucking dollar. You're kike-spawn and will swing from the gallows on the day of the rope.

>So when exactly does a fetus become a person?
Simple, when the baby can survive outside of the womb without needing life support.

idk, talk to a neurologist, they probably have skme good ideas

Can you survive in space without life support?

Are you suddenly not human if you have failure of both kidneys?

Science shows they are clumps of cells right? Scientists agree we are all just that, only difference being environment and time to adapt.
So, Science shows that the human being is alive at conception, user. You can move the goalposts all you want, doesn't change the fact that we're murdering children.

>Loki's wager


1bitcoin says pro-choicers can't come up with a single explaination other than "cuz da gubmint said so muhfugga"

The absolute state of cucks

>Can you survive in space without life support?
False equivalence.

>Are you suddenly not human if you have failure of both kidneys?
I'd be dead in that situation, I doubt a baby would survive that situation as well.

You're really grasping for straws here aren't you.

There's no answer to that one.

Basically. They go for the tired MUH BODY MUH CHOICE she didnt choose to get murdered so now its magically two people

But niggers aren't people

So second and third trimester abortions should be aloud?

>The absolute state of cucks
That's not an argument, that's just an insult.

You've proved nothing more other than that you can't refute my point.

Why are you making such a big deal about a fetus?
Its never learned anything, its never contributed anything, its hardly even experienced anything.
Just because it was one day going to be human does not warrant this obsession.


>So second and third trimester abortions should be aloud?
You asked when a fetus becomes a person, not when is okay to abort a baby.