Why do Indian immigrants have such a hard time adapting to Western standards of hygiene? I can't remember the last time I walked past a Pajeet who didn't reek like rotten eggs/have clean washed hair.
Why do Indian immigrants have such a hard time adapting to Western standards of hygiene...
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it's almost like the browner an immigrant gets, the less likely they are to assimilate.
Why are you giving hard time to the new Canadians?
Yeah but Indians living in the West are (in general) extremely good people. Indian-Americans are the highest earning group of people in America.
Sure they usually smell bad and aren't very attractive but their good people usually, man.
This is inaccurate. I find that they are very rude and disrespectful people. They roam around the halls of my college in groups of 10-15 being loud and obnoxious. You also never hear them speak in english. They are always yelling at each other in their native language.
This is accurate. Indians are arrogant and stupid.
Their hygiene is none existent, I used to love eating their tikka masala until I see their chef which also their owner because Indians are cheap af, came out from bathroom and didn't wash.
Later I read Indian food consistently tested for fecal matter.
Also, they're rude af
>You also never hear them speak in english
Hey man, they aren't giving out Vans of peace, I'll take what I can get
I don't live in Quebec. When I visit Quebec I speak french to show respect for their culture.
>show respect for their culture
>Still a 3rd world, developing, semi-impoverished country
>Maaaaan they ruuuude as fuck dawwwwggg
Americunts add semen as special burger sauce, so i say do your research before you up inna restaurant , no matter what country you're in.
and yet these FUCKS ARE KEKING us
my entire upper management department is full of pajeets
day of flush when
Indians poo in loo in the west, and have good hearts, so I don't care. def one of the better migrants to have
Don't they give you guys a how2 before coming over? Surely some one some where taught you guys to use the toilet. I work in automotive and have enough Indian customers to know you guys are trainable. You might get shit everywhere inside the toilet but it's still in the toilet. Do thy just leave soap and deodorant out of the seminar?
True story.
2 yrs ago major hospital in Boston Mass General, there was a particularly strong bacteria going around the HUGE hospital actually killing patients. Letters, memos updates etc sent to ALL employees about gloves, booties, masks, hand washing.
6 months later deaths continue and rising. Ma Board of Health steps in and gives STEARN warnings to heads of dept. Emphasis hygiene,hygiene,hygiene. Few months later PEOPLE still dying. WTF. Send in Harvard medical and MIT to get to the bottom of problem. The wipe n swipe everything and everybody in hospital and run comparative DNA.
Weeks and more dead people later results are in.
The HEAD of Surgery in hospital a Fucking Rat Head PAJEET. Was NOT washing his hands after his daily dump and KILLING people. The head guy. Fucking Ignorant Animal . Warned countless times and he still kept wipe his shit stained hands in the open wounds of HIS patients.
Hospital trying to keep it quiet because of dead people lawsuits.
Fucking PAJEETS are actually shit encrusted.
Indians quickly learn to speak in a way people can understand
they adapt to their new location
Indians are not bad
>so I don't care
>anecdote that is unverifiable and probably false
Oh great now I hate Boston.
Traces of fecal bacteria found at Burger King, McDonald's and KFC
Boston hospital area
Jul 21st 2017 8:52AM
Captcha won't let me link stories
They tested restaurant in areas around hospitals . PAJEETS employees predominantly
Oh Yah last story . Have a relative that's part of Faculty/Staff.
Quebecois are subhuman filth
>Captcha won't let me link stories
>It was at Burger King, McDonald's and KFC.
Wow how many surgeries are they doing? Shut down these fast-surgery centers.
>Burger King, McDonald's and KFC
Oh shit they are making us fat so that they can sell surgery and lipo then they used the harvested fat as fry oil.
Charles Lawrence? I thought you were dead.