National Socialist discord

National Socialist discord,
no atheists,
serious discussion




in here and give opinion


FYI, the OP of this server is underage kek

doxing mob fails again

>national socialist
>no atitests checkmate 100% christian etc.

im not a christian

Mudslime then. 1000% worse.

wrong again

It's gay and cringey, probably only neckbeard virgins

wrong again, anglokike

lolol what's this??

This is Reddit-tier. Painful to read. Seems like he does not like atheists as to not outfedora him.

What of the agnostics?

ITT: Government-dependent niggers.

hi autist do you want my ID pic I am 18

I bet you feel all grown-up now, kid.

the real kid is you, shill

18 year-old Sturmgruppenfuhrer right here, boys.

I will not insult you back, because I know many of your compatriots personally and they are true to their nation and race and are not Turk and gypsy shills, maybe even commies in disguise.

Jesus chrism I got kicked for using the word bong