White Leftists have higher lQ than white rightists

White Leftists have higher lQ than white rightists.

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false and gay

>daily mail


Not entirely true. Liberalism generally correlates with intelligence, but people at genius level are often extremely conservative.

>tfw to smart too understand basic biology

Duh. Intelligence is overrated anyways.

>Children with low intelligence grow up to be prejudiced
>Right-wing views make the less intelligent feel 'safe'

looks like they've been to Sup Forums

I've seen some reasearchs say the opposite.


Meanwhile right wingers and centrists are family oriented, everybody likes them as a person and have a steady job

The university intellectuals also play an important role in carrying out the System's trick. Though they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers, the intellectuals are (allowing for individual exceptions) the most oversocialized, the most conformist, the tamest and most domesticated, the most pampered, dependent, and spineless group in America today. As a result, their impulse to rebel is particularly strong. But, because they are incapable of independent thought, real rebellion is impossible for them. Consequently they are suckers for the System's trick, which allows them to irritate people and enjoy the illusion of rebelling without ever having to challenge the System's basic values.

Because they are the teachers of young people, the university intellectuals are in a position to help the System play its trick on the young, which they do by steering young people's rebellious impulses toward the standard, stereotyped targets: racism, colonialism, women's issues, etc. Young people who are not college students learn through the media, or through personal contact, of the "social justice" issues for which students rebel, and they imitate the students. Thus a youth culture develops in which there is a stereotyped mode of rebellion that spreads through imitation of peers—just as hairstyles, clothing styles, and other fads spread through imitation.

to be fair, you have to have a high iq to understand the 32 flavors of gender, and to prep a bull

Worthless (((study))).

Intelligence = indoctrination to these people.

>IQ can measure intelligence differences between ideologies but not races

Lol no they aren't. They tend to be more libertarian, and, on the whole, very socially liberal.

>you just realized Africa is the no child left behind of the world

I wouldn't go as far as to say that, but it has to be measured accurately.
IQ is a great tool for assessing intelligence, but I really think it has some flaws.

Yeah. I mean, at least it's not a straight line like f(intelligence)=liberalism.
The relationship is more complex than that, and I personally believe that there is a turning point from liberalism towards conservatism somewhere up there in IQ.

Remember goy, IQ is a bad measure to test intelligence when it comes to races but it's good to demean conservatives.

This study is actually true, blacks and Hispanics are very conservative, they just vote for gibs over anything else.

See, the reason I don't believe this is because I know damn well blacks and hispanics are not more intelligent than whites. Even the rednecks.


>"IQ doesn't mean anything, you racist!"
>"Haha, racists have low IQ!"

>White Leftists have higher lQ than white rightists
That's not what the study found. They found that the average IQ of what they call "social conservatives" is slightly lower. Even assuming their study is well done and their definitions match the common definition of social conservatism, the result is entirely unsurprising.

"Social conservatives" are a mix of Whites, Browns and Blacks (the latter groups almost uniformly look down on fags and bitches). "Social liberals" are almost 100% Whites. Naturally the group containing a higher proportion of Whites will have a higher average IQ. Duh.

An intelligent person would understand that correlation =/= causation. Our academic institutes are overwhelmingly run by the left. The more intelligent you are, the more likely you are to spend more time in academic institutes, and therefore the longer time you have to be brainwashed with liberal values.

Also things like tradition are easy to dismiss when you're intelligent. "We should have a good reason for everything", "everything should pass rigorous scientific investigation". People who are decently intelligent will tend to be more trusting of science, because they understand the principle of the scientific method, and therefore blindly trust scientific studies.

What they aren't accounting for is that the left excommunicate right wing sociologists so sociology as a field is tainted, anyone who is doing sociology has a political bias they want to prove, obviously, and they wouldn't publish if their theories were disproven, a lot of their data comes from unreliable sources like self reporting, or small data sets. Their funding sources also want them to prove their biases, so they even have massive inclination to e.g. repeatedly throw out data until they get data they like. And then at the end journalists will cherry pick what fits their political views.

A dumb person can say "hey look black people commit more crime, here's some anecdotal evidence". It takes more intelligence to say "yes but that's because of socioeconomic problems, cause and effect".

Arguably it then takes an extra leap, either of intelligence or just general distrust, to then actually not blindly believe what people tell you, crunch the numbers in the fbi database yourself, think of the actual implications of them, ignore what you've been spoonfed. It's a parallel part of personality to intelligence, because we get a lot of dumbass /x/tards here who believe in flat earth. Here just lie people who want to find the truth that they won't be given up front by a propagandistic media.

No problems here, as long as you're willing to publish whites are smarter than niggers and spics. Checkmate kikes.

*checks current news cycles*

well yea

Ah, yes, every hispanic and nigger is now a conservative when they do these studies despite voting for the democrats because they are more socially conservative than the average white person and whalla niggers and hispanics are dumb.

That's how they get data that they want.

Point is, the average person who is smart and not naturally untrusting of what they're spoonfed, will be left. The average person who's dumb and hasn't been brainwashed will be right. I would argue those who are both inquisitive and intelligent would be right wing. I would be very interested to see the actual distribution of IQs between republicans and democrats, especially as most very rich people are republicans, and intelligence is obvs correlated with wealth. I wouldn't be surprised to see a trough around the 100-120 iq range in right wingers but then pick back up again after there.

I Always knew Sup Forums was full of idiots.


if only we could filter posts by flag to get rid of south america, that'd be a good start.


They define conservatives in a way that it includes blacks and hispanics, despite those blacks and hispanics being democrat voters, then they'll turn around and say conservatives have a lower IQ.

Top fucking kek's

Rightists have low lQ and are subhuman animals. They make us whites look bad.

I completely agree. It all depends on how one defines "conservative" and "liberal".

i doubt that, all shitskins vote for the left, there aren't even enough high IQ whites to ever offset that.

came to say this

Does this mean leftists need to check their privilege and give me gibs?

What if I'm not ignorant, learn about Marxism, but still think it's bad?

Good post.

This. I wish pol had more people with higher education capable of noticing fake data.

The data was never presented, bong faggot.

The actual paper the article is based on is here:

If y'all like to skim through it and see what the flaws are, go ahead.

The have two main sources: both childhood IQ studies done in England from 1958 and 1970. Then they ask the adults some political questions and try to come up with correlations between childhood IQ, prejudice, and ideology.

Of course, some of these are subjective, for example they rate the adult question of "should schools teach kids to obey authority" as a socially conservative view, whereas it could very well be a liberal view now. Stuff like this are very subjective and if there are more instances of this in the study, then it means it's a junk science study (amongst other possible points of contention).

Except that isn't true.

Eat shit, cлaв.

>but muh high intellect

>Daily Fail

If you can't accept me, then you're a conservatophobe!

this one is easy. Most left wing whites are a little bit on the average or a but above. However, the smartest of men don't reside neither on the left nor on the right, but on the side that they themselves chose after giving it thought. Left wingers actually give superficial thought and get superficial answers to the problems. If everything looks very linear, then it's easy to see why would you be a left winger. A lot of conservatives are indeed, stupid, many of them are and they get their politics from facebook. However, those who are knowledgeable, and who have studied both left and right politics, and then chose their path having knowledge of both sides, cannot be categorized.
TL;DR : the study tries to make it seem as if right wing politics are for stupid people, when it's a fucking average, and that intelligence doesn't have a correlation with politics and you shouldn't think there is
you are perfectly fine, and a an example for most right wing advocates

A huge generalization between left and right can be the argument of which is morally superior - the freedom of self-determination vs. The wellbeing of the populace as a whole (Don't steal my property/every life is valuable). I'd argue that distinction isn't a matter of intelligence but of personality. If you want to argue the association of intelligence and certain personality traits then fine but it's certainly not a cause and effect

Right wing people are also more mentally stable.
These days I'd much rather hang out with a right winger.
They stab you in the back less as well.


An article like this always comes out every 6 months, and its ALWAYS click bait because it goes back and forth between Right wingers, then Left wingers.

>then why do black people, who have the lowest average IQ among all races, overwhelmingly vote to the left?

>liberals say they are smarter
uh we are all equal remember? ;)

The same reason leftist (((media))) lies about everything. See:

>meanwhile leftists behave like parts of their brains were disabled

I'm going to let you in on a little secret, true conservatism is libertarian. You can't both advocate for a small government and advocate for expanding it to cover your social policing.

This headline is an exhaustive summing up of the mainstream worldview. Outside of these truths, little is known.

Well said


>intelligent =\= correct

So damaging the brain turns you into a leftist.
Good to know.

>the left is one person

A small government isn't going to get rid of the (((unwanted demographics))).

university students get indoctrinated

If you think the difference in IQ between niggers and whites are bad, look at how much higher the average IQ of atheists are to christians. Jesus Christ. Most people on the "right" are boomers that literally can't even figure out how to use the fucking internet and grew up in a time where smoking was good for you. My great grandmother on my mom's side didn't even know what the solar system looked like and her idea of what gravity is was on the level of a primary schooler. She sincerely believes that "scientists" are people that just haven't realized the Big Bang is impossible because "something can't come from nothing lol!!!". As if the depth of her understanding on cosmology/biology/psychology/philosophy was higher than phd geniuses with at least iqs above 140 working years in their field.

Brain damage can result in with self-hatred, self-genocide, and communism. Yep.

Psychologist say...

When only stupid fucks take polls your bound to get odd results.

oh noooo,

just fuck off

Yeah, pretty much.

It's nothing more than an old stereotype.
And as education becomes mandatory, more people have to take a University degree, then they will fall under * high IQ*.

So, I wonder what the sample size was and how everyone knew their IQ from a valid source in order to take this quiz.
Cause I know a lot of retards in University, and hope that isn't the data used.

Why are you making things up and pretending to be mad?

New study says that most (((studies))) are complete bullshit.

>us whites
nice bait schlomo

you have the full study?


the social sciences have been completely compromised by the leftists. ot has finally hit the point where they have thrown science out the window, just to manufacture more and more pseudoscience garbage to bolster their own viewpoints. it's getting to be really sad at this point when the left is more and more becoming the caricature of what they accuse the right of being.

The Nazi party leaders where tested to be on the 130-150 IQ range ie genius level

>statistics without math
I really hope that's not real

If that's the case then why did the Chinese, who are of very high intelligence come up with the derogatory term 'baizuo' for leftists.....

>White Leftists have higher lQ than white rightists.

Really smart people work in high levels of corporate tenure and would never publicly admit to being conservative, myself included. Instead we just devise policy that keeps our agenda intact.

Yup. A fact that is not much known.

This is why they use "liberal" and "conservative" rather then "left" and "right". If you do left vs right in IQ test, the right easily wins because a huge portion of the right self identify as a libertarian of some sort rather then a pure conservative. This is how they rig the results of these bullshit articles to make the right look bad. All you have to do to see that it's false is to look at an IQ map of the USA.

the article

The same article gets put out every week.

Exactly. I want libertarian but have come to accept that it won't work in mixed society.

>daily mail

And niggers have a retarded level IQ and if it weren't for superior White DNA their American counterparts wouldn't be at 85IQ on average. Good to see we agree on the IQ issue.

>family oriented
doesnt make you smart. you need more than that

not that fag......not that fag first time i saw that guy in the pic he creeped the shit out of me

>low iq rural people
>high IQ city people
It's almost like they don't believe in equality.


>daily mail
>says study
>no source(s)

Fuck off.

This.. To have a libertarian society we have to remove civil rights from leftist (which means 95% of other races) and deport them.

where's the 'controversial study' about niggers being dumb as a rock?

Bloompfy BTFO


Is this article just ignoring all the spics and niggers?


>White Leftists have higher lQ than white rightists
Interesting claim; since the study doesn't consider race in its methodology.
>The paper analysed large UK studies which compared childhood intelligence with political views in adulthood across more than 15,000 people.
>The study, by academics at Brock University in Ontario, Canada, used information from two UK studies from 1958 and 1970 , where several thousand children were assessed for intelligence at age 10 and 11, and then asked political questions aged 33.
The sample pop. (n) is sufficient, but there is no explicit claim that all of them are white. "Racism" was also determined using 1950s methodology.
But let's assume a random sample of 15k people in the UK are all white... The article introduces a few more ideas of interest.

>Crucially, people's educational level is not what determines whether they are racist or not - it's innate intelligence, according to the academics.
HMMMMMMMM... If I were a leftist, I would infer that the academics arriving at this conclusion were right wing themselves.

>The study, published in Psychological Science, claims that right-wing ideology forms a 'pathway' for people with low reasoning ability to become prejudiced against groups such as other races and gay people.
>'Cognitive abilities are critical in forming impressions of other people and in being open minded,' say the researchers.
Empiricism isn't exactly open-minded. Science itself (epistemology, methodology) is conservative in nature... I hope someone here appreciates the irony.
The methodology leaves something to be desired, however...
(More in-depth summary)

>that keeps our agenda intact
Boy that worked out well huh

>muh person
Go back to r-eddit with that mongo fuck argument. Dumb mother fucker.