Nice try shill
Shit is going down

The seditious collusion among never Trumpers is being exposed. It will be prosecuted. Bye bye.

>muh 30 gorrilion texts about where to eat for lunch

sure thing trumptard

and 30 gorillion emails about yoga classes

The comments on WaPo articles are pure cancer.

The full court press is on to muddy the waters. Dems releasing their own memo, DOJ wants to review memo before release, Senate wants to review before release, media calling them "partisan memos". It's fucking shameful but the TRUTH will prevail.

it's nothing. natalia was paid by fusion gps and lynch gave her a visa

>literally the Deep State propaganda arm.

>this horseshit spin
the trumps and agalarovs go way back fucknut

It will be funny if the schiff memo is basically russia collusion and the sourcing will be the nyt and the post articles. Meanwhile the nunes memo will have actual sources.

So you be sayin the russian Obama let into the country to frame the opposing politcal party turned over the transcripts of the meeting where they attempted to frame Don Jr?

Shills gonna shill for dem shekels.

I encourage it, it means no more dumb speculation about what went on. It'll backfire on the left like everything else.


And now the end is near, and so I face the final curtain...

The Obama economic policies are still producing GOLD. Wait til fucking fukass cunt loser Trump's tax cuts for the rich roll in. Can you say Trickle Down recession #3?

Thanks, idiot fucking Republicans. You're fucking ANOTHER generation of Americans.

Liberals can't meme

You libtard are shameless cucks

Liberals can't meme, huh? Eat shit and die fucking loser.


Liberal America has morals, character and integrity. Modern conservatives really are deplorable shitbags.

Are those two dips the GOP-led shutdowns? lol you can't make this up

this ones decent but still kys. Or bring your talents to the right side of history and live the red-pilled life.

>the Obama administration illegally gave permission for a Russian woman, previously banned, to enter into the United States via Loretta Lynch in order to attend an arranged meeting, setup by a DNC-aligned Jew, between Don Jr. and herself, in order to create the circumstantial evidence needed to retroactively justify an illegal spying operation taking place under the auspices of a now-fired Jewish FBI agent on behalf of the Clintons
>here's what they talked about, even though this story was already leaked last summer; TAKE THAT DRUMPFIES!!!!

This is like saying "Yes, I held up a liquor store and shot the clerk, but I was wearing a BLUE SHIRT, not a RED ONE!! HAHA CHECKMATE, COPS!"


Haha the spin of the left is hilarious.

Don Jr. saying "I love it!" was high treason.

High treason from FBI employees investigating Hillary and Trump is just a joke.

Fuck off and die faggot. The world is bigger than your mom's basement.


Little Pootie Fuckstain. The manlet mafia.

keep your dayjob

Cry more nigga.
Putin's lawyer bitch and the Agalarovs wanted to keep the money laundering show going, and Don Jr. couldnt wait to sell out.


Tax cuts for the rich you fucking piece of shit? What the fuck you mean rich mother fucker. Eat shit, titty squeeze mcFag. You suck. I obviously work a shit fucking job but going to school to get out, Ether way, Im broke as shit motherfucker and you have the fucking nerve to say Tax cuts for the Rich!? Fuck YOU!
I just got Stock Options, Sick Pay, Increase in Pay, never before seen in this shit job, but it happened, all in 1 as a direct result from Tax Cuts for the rich you speak of. The CEO, stated it was specifically due to tax cuts.
You fucking suck, your policies suck get your head out of your ass or get the hell out of this Capitalistic, non socialist, non commie, best Country in the World, United States of America.


oh, cool, 6 million texts about grandkids and yoga no one gives a shit about. checkmate, eh?

>Obama's economy
kill yourself you retarded shill faggot

Welcome to Communist America. Tax cuts for the rich, welfare for the corporations, and crumbs for the working men and women.

Socialism will prevail. Trump and his ilk are dinosaurs.

If not we'll burn the house down.

>Beating up inanimate objects since the 70's

This is the second article I've seen claiming that Republicans are "panicking" with zero evidence. This is the new narrative.

Schumer is the most kike looking person I've ever seen.

>Muh Russia!
what a retarded faggot

>sources needed

>old stale post pizzagate spam

How is this bad news for Trump?

Hey, do you think you losers could ever, you know, leave America forever? We'd be SO COOL here without scumbag conservatives. You're draft dodging weak racist pukes. Can you just GO!??

Go ahead and tell me how Trump wasn't laundering money thru his condos, tard.
>you can't

haha Its called market confidence dude, Obama's communist business policies are gooooooooone!

Trump Rules

It's always bad news for Trump... according to the MSM who do not receive enough shekels from Trump to not slander him.

This is non-memetic, what were you thinking?

Fuck off kike.

If America isnt now nor ever was a democratic socialist nation, then why do we already have all of those services?

Maybe because we can have a society without going full-commie like you greedy faggots want?

And dont even pretend like you're not greedy. You think you're entitled to everything that's not yours in any way shape or form.

Never trust a bankruptcy queen from the Bronx.

then why wasnt he at the meeting?

yeah seriously. I've never seen so much gaslighting in one news day.

guessing where he orders his pizza


His attorney set it up.
Try to keep up.

LOL. Better luck next time ya weenie fucking faggot! Maybe you can find work in reality TV. Bwahahahahaha!!! Fuck Trump!


You do understand that even if all that were true he is still your president. So what does that make you?


I doubt any of them will be punished there are 2 legal systems in this nation one for THEM and one for us....

Yeah dude, you have a firm grip on economic understanding hahahaha Fuck outta here

>11 posts that do nothing but cement you as a faggot with no argument
Yeah, better luck next time.

Hey, why haven't we heard about the DNC being hacked for a while?

he doesn't give up

Think again, Sergei! Trump is nothing. We're crusing on Obama gas until shitfuck Glomph is GONE!

You mind informing everyone how he DID launder money before we debunk your claims?

This isn't a meme you fucking brainlet...

Only a quitter loser like Trump can fuck up his own life this badly.

The tax cuts are only going to explode the market dumbfuck. Enjoy being wrong for the next seven years.

A toast to President Barack Obama! America's greatest POTUS of the 21st Century!


>What magic wand do you have

not for long

Goodbye cuckfags! Never Trump. EVER again!

Yea sure, right after we lock you commies up for life.

Thought I would remind you all of what a true badass looks like. NEVER TRUMP

>shirt is guns, military, and american flag

I'll be waiting fatty


I see Republican Senators and Congressman on CNN and MSNBC all the time. I see members of the Cabinet on CNN and MSNBC frequently. How often do you see Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, or any other prominent Liberal on Fox? That should tell you all you need to know.

whoms't'v'e is that?

You need to go back.

badass as in his ass is gangrenous from all the penetration?

kek probably took some faggot boomer liberal 3 hours in ms paint to make this. you fucking newfag

You can't possibly believe this

Funny, I never seen a Liberal with an assault rifle on his shirt. More proof the Left can't meme.

It'll be awesome when Barry goes to jail.

That's actually an extremely appropriate GIF desu.

Yep the only left leaning people that goes on Fox are sycophants and shills. None of them have the balls to go.

tell us how he was?

You're actually sick in the head. Can you please comment on Obama bombing 7 countries at once and propelling the destruction of Libya and syria? No whattaboutisms. Comment on those things specifically. Defend them.

Looks like a nigger.

Liberals are too chickenshit.

Bern bros still mad...

Until the justice system puts Clinton in jail, they cannot be taken seriously.