What is your opinion on Mike Rowe?
He seems pretty based.
>Promotes trade schools over (((universities))) >Eloquent speaker and debater
>Constantly BTFOs lefty shills without showing his power-level
Whats not to like?
What is your opinion on Mike Rowe?
He seems pretty based.
>Promotes trade schools over (((universities))) >Eloquent speaker and debater
>Constantly BTFOs lefty shills without showing his power-level
Whats not to like?
>Enjoys working for a living
Before even knowing his political affiliation, I think we could all safely guess he wasn't on the left
He's a good man he knows the shittiest jobs on earth.
Seems like a down to earth guy. Don't know anything about his political leanings other than valuing hard work.
I'm actually a huge fan and he points out all of the things men, and white men, do to keep society working. Blue color work is respectable, I'm blue color, but let's not pretend like being blue color should be a goal.
he’s a good dude
he can sing opera
we can learn a lot from him
not afraid to get dirty
Good guy confirmed
Rowe 2024
I liked him back when he was just a goofy TV show hosts that showed people the jobs others do to make your life so good. He was about appreciating Americans and the things they do for each other.
Then he decided to get into political bullshit and started to parrot baby boomer talking points about "kids these days". He needs to realize no one is looking to him for advice on how to live their lives.
Rowe, pls go.
I remember going to the 2010 nation scout jamboree. It was a huge deal that year because 100 years of scouting. That motherfucker king nig Obama decided to not show up and left a shitty video message for us. We booed that nigger but then He showed up. Mike Rowe. What a dude. What a stand up guy. We cheered for him and shouted MIKE ROWE FOR PRESIDENT!
>i dont have daddy issues
T. boomer fuckwit, remember to kill yourself.
If you want to move up in the world and compete with the big boys instead of 90 IQ retards, trade school isn't going to cut it.
he's cool really motivates me to get the ball moving , but he sounds like a boomer cuck with the
>just grab ur damn boot straps brah
>its so easy bra
He is a good goy. It is wonder Jews let him on (((TV))).
>Blue color work
>I'm blue color
>being blue color
Pretty much this. Trade school is cool of you're happy with 90k for cleaning shit out of toilets but if you want more out of life or your career, university opens a lot of doors.
I was mostly writing that comment as bait,
but yea, sadly, there's a little nugget of truth in there as well.
Certain jobs in the 90 IQ range do pay fucktons though,
like underwater welding and whatnot.
He does big cums.
True. But that's like telling a black kid that if he want's to run with the big dogs, he better practice b-ball and forget about getting a regular job.
It's better to work and add something to the world then to sit around and bitch that your'e not a mover and shaker, and never will be.
A lot of those guys are making much more than 90k. And the trades are never the guys cleaning the toilets. Those are illegals, or people with meme degrees who can't find better jobs
>im blue dabaidabada
It really is though.
>admitting to shitposting
Don't be a faggot user
That's not the point though. You could be making 200k/yr and a still hate your job if you don't find it fulfilling. People who advocate trade schools so much are doing the same thing people did with college. Not everyone wants to be a plumber/electrician/truck driver. College provides you with a lot opportunity and knowledge that you can't get anywhere else. Trade school kinda locks you into whatever that field you studied is whereas plenty of people get degrees in a subject and end up in a completely different field.
this desu
The you should do shit jobs for a living guy.
Blue collar jobs are rebuilding America. Yeah fuck that. Only 56% white it will all be destroyed soon enough anyway.
>an opera singer who claims to know anything about hard work because he watches someone else do a menial job for pennies while he himself is getting paid on a multi-million dollar contract just to make snide remarks about how more good goys need to break their backs for his class
Yeah, no. Trade schools are great, a far better prospect than trying to go to college as a white man in 2018, but I'd rather not be lectured by some rich prat who likes to play dress up as a peon for a couple of hours a week.
if you killed off all of the soyboys, and babymen replacing them with men like Rowe the world would be fixed in a single generation.
in reality the majority of them make less than 90k dude. the 100k a year + trade job is of course real but it is not even close to the norm. just look up the average salaries for any trade.
even the more disgusting ones average less than 100k a year
Insider user here
I know Mike. He lurks /x/. Can’t dusclose much else for fear muh life not is kill
well, damn. there are a *lot* of (((their))) shills in here, pushing for those universities and the big money college loans. or is it more all the guys trying to convince themselves that 100 k debt and that BA is going to make their life just marvelous.