Please refrain from insults
Black user here AMA
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you use Ask body spray?
I actually do. I like the phoenix and the Alaska ones.
It's Axe you were asking about right?
favorite rap song?
post pic amerimut
What happens if you swim in the Red Sea?
I used to listen to Nas a lot. This is a tough question. I have to say It aint hard to tell by Nas.
Are you a basedblackman in a maga hat?
I know you want to see ooga booga big black caku but no.
You turn into the red power ranger
You can't pay me to wear that hat.
Do you even work or study?
Describe your average day.
muh bbc, that will show him I'm a good boi
Thoughts on white genocide?
I am currently studying computer science. I quit my job recently and make passive income trading and mining crypto currency.
Timestamp + nigger skin OR get the fuck out
LMAO at that picture though
How big is your dick?
I am glad you asked this question. I don't think that there is a genocide of white people. I do think that white people need to increase their numbers by having more children because I believe white people are actually committing their own suicide. Not genocide though because this implies that ((someone else)) is purposefully doing this. I think white people need to have a conversation about this with themselves and other races in a more logical matter. The problem is that their is an assumption people would not understand the white mans fears. It's completely understandable in my opinion especially the fear of being wiped out genetically. It's only natural to want to survive.
about 6.5 inches. I used to do jelqing and it actually increased muh dick .5 inches. I became too lazy and stopped jelqing though.
Stop acting like such a typical nigger.
Based STEM bro only differs in contrast ratio, plus crypto tier. You're not from Chiraq.
You say you're #000000, what HEX code more fully describes your melanin?