Are Nazi larpers the objectively worst group of people?
Are Nazi larpers the objectively worst group of people?
Serious question...
How do you consider handing Europe over to the Jews and Soviets a win?
Yes, they are the most retarded and pathetic people on the internet.
Defeating fascism, defending freedom & democracy, saving Germany from a genocidal asshole dictator.
>hur dur I beat the Nazis in favor for Marxists
Which has killed more people, which has negatively impacted our country more?
I don't think Hitler ever wanted to genocide Germans.
>tfw Poland won't exist again 50 years from now
Yes. All races, countries, and peoples universally hate stormniggers. There is a difference between admiring nazi germany and thinking you are member of nazi germany that stormfags can't seem to understand. Plus their vision of nazi germany is so far from the truth its insane. Its like they took whatever Ms.Goldberg taught them in 3rd grade history class and believed it 100%.
What I realized about stormniggers is that they are not very different from normies who believe the nazis were the most evil group in history and that 10 trillion jews were made into lamp shades. They essentially believe the same things, but nazi larpers were the outcasts who decided to make the lies their own to try and be edgy and have an identity.
Pretty much. The thing about fascists is they don't actually love their country, they despise it. Rather, they love the vision of what they think their country ought to be.
>the vision
Who decides "the vision"? Israel? Our Jewish media?
The people.
Did I ask for your opinion mongrel?
Is a fascist less a person than a parasitic jew or nigger?
No, but seeing as to how the American people are not fascists then I don't see how that matters.
At least our leader isn't a full blooded kike. Enjoy your death europoor
[Citation needed]
Can you into space?
See, here in America we have this thing called democracy, which means that if the American people wanted fascism they would vote in a fascist.
Stormcuck larpers make everyone white, male, or to the right of Che Guevara look bad, and they are why we will lose in the ebd.
lmfao when they dont even T I G E R S
>defeat evil Hitler
>your grandson is La Creatura as a result
La Creatura itself isnt wrong on this pic
americans are all (from left to right) mentally ill.
also, rate my first amerimutt. is it any good?
You're right, I'm wasting my time speaking to a poorfag from a poor country.
>vote in anyone who hates Jews
This would never happen. I know something will happen to derail Paul Nehlen's career if he keeps ranting about the kikes.
>Sgt. A Wyatt Mann
America is a constitutional republic kiddo. Also it is clear you don't understand the concept of fascism.
"Country" is nothing. Only biological nation matters.
And there you have it. The American people aren't fascists.
>At least our leader isn't a full blooded kike.
It’s shit, kys
Neither do you, apparently.
>full blooded kike
Where did you get this from? From your mutt ass? Morawiecki is full Polish blood, his parents are hardcore Polish patriots from our eastern lands which we lost after the war.
You bet. Pic related.
Trump has Jewish DNA?
this is also a an amerimutt thread now.
> larpers
At least they're doing something, unlike you faggots
What exactly are they doing?
>we have this thing called democracy
Can American people vote for stopping sending money to Israel? For withdrawing army from Afghanistan? For nationalizing the Fed?
These all are important matters, no reason they shouldnt be settled democratically.
Wow, your anime pic is a riveting argument.. I guess I surrender
Preferable to domination by German Autism.
You want to live in a country where you get a year in prison for sorting your recycling wrong?
>Defeating fascism
Defeating essentially the only viable political ideology for a strong and healthy nation
>Defending freedom and democracy
Empty ideals that in reality mean nothing
>Saving Germany
By letting it get destroyed by the (((Allies))) in WW2 and then occupied by the Soviets for a solid 30-40 years
lol. we wuz whites. americans are the traitors of white race. they left their homeland like a dirty globalist liberal.
Nigger please, conscripted soldiers didn't betray anything. You fight for your goddamn country even if your country are a bunch of fucking idiots. Do you think anybody here would call General Sherman a traitor to the American people for burning down half of Georgia and winning the war? No, and that's coming from an Ohioan that sympathizes with the Confederates. Duty first, faggots.
Yes, yes, and yes.
Anime body pillows are the shit.
Gotta send an argument before you receive one.
I don't live is Portland Oregon...
The term stems from the roman republic, the original fascist state, and what we based a lot of our government structure and thought off of.
my last mutt.
I just heard from my mom that I'm 1/8th Indian and she did speed while I was pregnant in her stomach.
Money isn't everything, my friend. There are things that are more important in life, for instance dignity. We may not be the richest country in the world but at least our country is not as cucked as yours. Your country is full of niggers, spics and feraking cultural marxists. I hope you rot in a melting pot hell.
Poorman's Russia bringing the bantz..
How will I recover ?
I'm not sure what you're trying to communicate here outside of just doing percentage memes so here's your (You) I guess.
I like how the amerimutt meme brought all the european posters together and that we live in a time where amerimutts get blown the fuck out literally every minute of the day because of this.
Not even why we fought WW II. If America gave a shit about Nazis we would have accepted Jewish refugees, instead we turned the ships away from our ports
Tell me again how America is a "democracy "
lol fuck off amerimutt. estonia is more free and whiter than you united states of shithole.
>Anti-Nazi thread on Sup Forums, complete with muttspam
I really miss /new/.
Perhaps I missed something, but I dont remember emerging opportunities for people to change these matters (as those with incorrect opinion on them arent allowed into any publicity), and the only "elected leader" who tried to pull off one of things I mentioned was physically removed and his removers got away with it.
If that guys grandson was a mutt shitskin wouldn't that imply that his gramps did indeed betray his race?
>Are Nazi larpers the objectively worst group of people?
No, that distinction belongs to forum sliding kikes like yourself.
>Defeating fascism, defending freedom & democracy, saving Germany from a genocidal asshole dictator.
t. Jew
>It’s shit, kys
If only the Jews killed themselves...we wouldn't have to deal with you.
Why do mutts feel so threatened when someone says that their country isn't white?
do you like it?
Estonians are barely white .I'm probably whiter then atleast 56% of all Estonians in the country . Estonians all had Russian cock which made them part mongrel . I am pure blooded American of German and Denmark decent . blonde hair blue eyed.
Creating awareness and acceptability of fascist views. The more the jew media talks about it, the less outrageous we become.
ladies and gentleman, this is amerimutt educational system.
Maybe because you've equated whiteness to the idea of nazism & connected it to racial spiraling to attempt to make racial purity uncool. That's the point, after all.
>more free
>slave to the EU
I was in Tallin the day before you guys went to the euro, I remember giving out a hardy chuckle. You guys just jump form sugar daddy to sugar daddy. I recall the ruins in downtown tallin from the Soviet bombing runs. I wonder how your people were so quick to run to another "protector"
Because they know it will be a irreversible trend that will send their country spiraling into the abyss.
>saved Germany?
We literally colonized them we have bases in their country so they can't grow their military we totally reworked their school system and made them hate being German go fuck yourself mutt man I hate the people who live in my country
There is no LARP. The Jews spent the past 70 years willing the Holocaust into existence. Now we will make it a reality.
Man, burning that shitty """"""art installation"""""" was silly but fuck me if that photo isn't fantastic.
before you jump on soviets- tell us how many working shuttles do you have.
Yes but Neo-Nazis aren't to be confused with NatSocs.
Liberals will never draw a distinction between skinheads and natsocs.
Employers, GFs and Political Parties will.
I hope so.
>The objectively
1st semester college student confirmed. Irrational response to information influx. Cute.
>implying that fascism starts and ends at hating jews
I am saddened that I have to share a flag with you
That meme is literally me. My veteran uncle did betray the white race, he sides with the New York niggers on everything.
Will americans become so black they will literally surpass africans?
Amerimutt memes remind me of these guys.
they will stay mutts
No, you are.
>The thing about fascists is they don't actually love their country, they despise it. Rather, they love the vision of what they think their country ought to be.
What's wrong with that?
If your body is out of shape you SHOULD despise your body and love the vision of what your body could be, why would it be any different with your country.
200% bLacK, mY NigGa, -100% white, you can't see me under daylight.
He's clearly not wrong.
americans will eternally be on the wrong side, fighting for pro-jewish democratic values
i am convinced the only way for thw eorld to recover is for america to fall
la abominacion obscura...
Some of the most idiotic, certainly. I certainly agree that multi-culturalism doesn't work and that it's a bad idea, but once you start praising Nazi germany as if it was the best thing ever you've just gone full retard. Nazi Germany absolutely destroyed European countries and brought them to such lows that you had people literally living in mud hovels in some parts.
Towards the later end of the war you had 'poor innocent nazi soldiers' executing people almost every day in the Netherlands on some corner of the street for some stupid offense or to make an example towards the people that were waiting with anticipation for liberation to come.
Anglo jealousy is obvious
i dont understand who makes these memes, surely it cant be literal shitskins living in muslim rapetowns? what are they even making fun of?