I wrote a Christian manifesto that I decided to release for free.
I wrote a Christian manifesto that I decided to release for free.
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Friar wanna watch porn together later my dude?
I pray you burn in hell.
Sauce on these?
They're from the book.
Read the book.
Peacefully change society.
Alright alright I'll save it and read it later.
Bump for you
The website/PDF also works with phones.
If you like what you read, spread the link.
is pic related related?
>posts lewd 2d girls
>claims to be reclaiming Christian society
Fuck outta here, degenerate
which christian sect features anime sluts with fat asses?
based on the pic, i'd say you wrote an anti-christian manifesto.
I ain't clicking that shit nigga
Page 45 explains why 3D pornography should be banned and 2D used as a replacement for those who complain about pornography being taken away.
Christians, Jews and Muslims worship a divine mass murder, a monster. Only monsters would worship a mass murderer. Humans kill monsters. We will exterminate your kind and save mankind. Long live humanity, death to abrahamitic monstrosities.
Christianity is dead, embrace Paganism.
This is probably the most retarded and autistic thing I have ever started to read on Sup Forums you deserve an award.
(most)pagans also worship "murderous monsters".whats your point memeflaggot larper?
begone larping britcuck
Thank you! It's an honor!
M’lady alert
Will read later, saved.
Also, post more Christian anime girls. If there's any way to get the faggots on this site to read your shit, it's kawaii Christian anime girls.
Yeah I am into that kind of porn to. See you at your place.
>I am a christian!
>Let's reclaim chirstianity!
>Posts pornographic material
You are a hypocrite, OP.
Repent from this sin and stop tempting others with your degenerate 2D porn.
Christianity is dying because it is weak.
Or ban it all. Whiners can use their imagination
>ban it all
Won’t happen. They can’t even get it to work in Russia.
This. make a new ideology. Keep the good things, reject the weak things. Nationalism as a religion.
You know what Friar, I like you, you seem like a nice guy
>that pic
schizophrenic virgin trying to drag everyone down to their hell the post
Chr*stianity is a dying desert religion and that makes be incredibly joyous. Atheism is continuously on the rise, sure, but I feel like these people are easier to convert to ethnic pagan religions than murderous race traiting chr*stians. It's good that soon kids will finally learn what chr*stians did to become such a powerful religion in the West, maybe they'll be purged of all the white guilt too.
fuck off kike
Posting autistic christian porn again I see..
I'm about to start writing the script for a JRPG.
Hopefully it gets green lit on steam and we can convince normies to abandon their desire for 3D porn.
Check out page 45 of the book and the pages around it.
>Christian manifesto
>posts erotic japanese art
some Christian you are
Have you ever read "The World and Will as Representation"?
There's no pictures.
I wanted our absurdist views here in the 21st century to be accurately represented.
And writing a book that informs and holds peoples attention is difficult.
I have High-Functioning Autism.
Fuck off and get a job.
>opens link
>scroll down
>a bunch of nip 2d girls like in OP pic
I thought you were just trying to get attention for an actual important subject.
So, what the hell is this? you wrote a giant excuse so you can fap and pretend you're not heretic as fuck?
Thanks a lot.
I've been thinking about starting my own religion for some time now, and you gave me an idea.
The holy book will have lots of hot anime babes in it, but it will be integrated much better than in your case.
Christianity and Catholicism is dying because they are traitorous little shits. They didn't fight for europe and instead pandered to BASED NIGGERS and BASED BEANERS! They dont give a shit.
you truly are a fascinating person. good luck with your script.
I wouldn't do that.
2D pornography is only an outlet for those with pornography addiction.
Enjoy your decaying western society.
>Humans kill monsters.
Wrong, witchers kill monsters
why can't we, christians and muslims, band together and get rid of the jew? after that we can deal with each other, but at least we both know the jew is a problem.
Who said i care about western society?
are you retarded. Christians are literally the only ones fighting for "europe". they make 87% of every white birth. i dont know what you mean by "based" niggers or beaners, but for thousands of years Christians converted the weaker and lesser races(columbus). nothing has changed except the fact that athiestic leftist whites have rejected Christianity(Catholicism) and are not breeding enough to meet the replacement level.
i didn't read much but a bit
you complain of mental illnesses in our society
And you have autism??
>posting anime
well no shit you're autistic
If you are catholic, You have to listen to this current pope and accept that you need refugees and that the current fucking niggers running into your country are "Warriors of Hope".
I am not advocating for Athiest faggotry or any of that bullshit. I think that Christianity actually needs to find its nuts and strike back against these hordes of fucking niggers and arabs, But it seems like the churches all around europe and america are openly preaching to lay down and let muhammed and tyrone to fuck your daughter and mother. also 87% of white births that still aren't making enough fucking kids. And then they let the leftists control what goes into their kids fucking brains. Its no good if you pop out five daughters and all of them become coalburning fucking sluts. The catholic church has largely pivoted to the third world and doesn't fucking care about europe.
If you tell me that the church is trying to fight against leftist filth you are deluding yourself.
Fuck anime, its degenerate. Kill yourself soyboy cuck.
I appreciate your work Friar. I remain optimistic.
Die in a mcdonalds grease fire.
>posting a pic like this
Begone foul beast! Thou are clearly of the Judah tribe.
On a more serious note, if you are not a Judea, you're writing is awful. You need to read more. You arguments are hardly grounded, with very little textual support. Further, you deny Christ by disregarding scripture; your writing does not represent him, you do not follow his teachings. Your writings reek of an edgy basement dweller throwing a tantrum. Your prose is not clear, witty, or civilized. Go read Luther if you want to learn how to properly insult.
You are clearly not a friar. Post proof if are truthful. This 'manifesto' reeks of deceit.
Why no chapters? The medieval scholastics would be disappointed. Tables of contents and order are Good, perhaps even the greatest good.
The papal infallibility is meant to protect doctrine. The pope is not doing that, he is denying scripture. He has received much backlash from within the church.
Read Correctio Filialis
>No index, subheadings, or even indentations.
Before you try to revive the tradition of good society, why not revive the tradition of writing a document legibly
Post said to go to page 45 to see about waifus, but there aren't even page numbers.
pic related must've been user writing this
>I wrote a Christian manifesto that I decided to release for free.
you've just compiled and repeated some ideas you've read on /pol
Stop promoting Christianity with porn.
Also reminder that catholicism is not Christianity.
I was in a hurry to release it.
2nd edition will fix anything that got rushed.
Present your ideas clearly and make it easy to reference your work.
reminder that Christianity is not Christianity
sauuuce pleeease
Hmmmm page 45
Countless billions of viewers
Dude there are only 8 billion people
....you cannot count till 8???
why does shadman have to ruin everything with his shitty art?
Try harder, papist
That didn't make you laugh?
I thought it was funny.
>Reclaiming Our Christian Society
>I wrote a Christian manifesto
>that pic
Heal fake follower of christ
>16He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
i think you mean improved
*destroys your devil cult*
because he loves it and it pays his bills
seriously, i kinda envy him.
Destroys the one true Church yes
The artwork in Project Lifeguard wasn't done by Shadman.
I did the character designs for each of the virgin waifus and had a friend draw the ideas out.
Prove it, that catholic church is the only true and holy™
When are you going to make your jrpg. And will it have christchan in it? Like really man if you made a Christian Jrpg i would literally pay money for it.
You should be ashamed of yourself
>Jews division in history
Pffft, you want to get a proffesional for that.
> ruin
Just admit your a hypocrite living in sin and stop making Christians look like retards.
Where there are no professionals left, stand on your own.
God bless you are an angel.
But everyone lives in sin. I know that OP wants good, but he won't turn many people to Christianity with porn pics, except few neets.
Back in June 2017 I decided that I was going to write a fiction book based on America's current ethical choices and their societal impacts.
However, after getting kicked out of my favorite pub for talking about World War 2 too loudly in July, I decided that I would skip the fiction idea and create a non-fiction book talking about the lack of Christian morals and values in America.
I completed the book in its current form this past December.
I'm currently taking January off but I plan on starting the JRPG script this Feburary.
I found a copy of the script for Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening and after reading it, I'm positive that I can write a better story that draws in Millennial's and Generation Z.
I'm guessing it will be done before Summer but I don't how long it would take to actually create the game itself as I'm not a developer of any kind.
There will be unlockable (and hidden) Christian virgin waifus.
Oh yeah and keep it to yourself a pornography addiction is nothing to brag about, 2d or 3d.
That was literally why used the phrasing "living in sin". One of the biggest elements of the anti-Christian narrative is that we are a bunch of hypocrites so we should stop it where we see it. I don't think OP is wrongly motivated just short sighted.
Are you actually autistic?
Many people on Sup Forums have little purpose and a lot of free time.
The pornography issue currently crippling our country needs to be shown in open daylight and should not be shrunk back from.
It's a taboo subject and if we're the first ones to exploit that taboo we will control the initial anti-pornography frenzy which will consume this country in the coming five years.
When you discuss pornography at the dinner table, discuss it with utter disgust.
Do not make it seem okay even in the slightest.
No one should brag about porn addiction, however that doesn't we shouldn't openly and frequently condemn pornography for the filthy it is. Openly call for it to be banned whenever you can.