Why the hell is he so controversial?
Jordan Peterson
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Because he’s so polite and educated and well-spoken that they cant refute the logic on the basis of emotional outrage for once.
Because university is supposed to be a marxist indoctrination camp and he doesn't conform and is outspoken about it.
Because society is so sick that a man detailing the basic components of how to live a productive life appears revolutionary.
Because Kermit the frog isn't supposed to push back against liberal indoctrination.
suprisingly good comment for a first post.
He is not controversial. Idiots are trying to make him look like that.
Because he’s one of those annoying fucking logic nerds like Ben shapero.
Fact, Ben shapero does his entire podcast from inside of a locker he got stuffed into
Socialist indoctrination.
The fact you think these people are liberals already shows you've been subverted.
If Sup Forums was more like Jordan Peterson we would've already rid the world of leftism
Because he's well mannered, educated, accomplished, family man, highly inteligente and speaks the truth eloquently.
Good link krautbro
He's only controversial in current retarded social contexts.
Why bicker about definitions?
A classical liberal is basically a conservative by today's standards anyway.
He isn't society is just stupid.
He's not. Women, faggots, and tranny shills hate him because he's articulate and promotes personal responsibility - which marxist cunts hate, because deep down they hate themselves.
JBP is /ourguy/
His dialectic falls apart when the JQ is mentioned.
He's a dangerous guy
>jews aren't a problem goy, clean your toilet, and that's that!
Refuses to answer question on jews:
(frame frozen until 0:50, then it goes on normally for the last 2 minutes)
weepy thousand cuck stare
His autistic following.
I won't talk about jews I wont do it, and thats that.
do can't you people just stay on Reddit?
>everything that i dont like or cant understand is autistic
Charismaboi is good.
I liked when he predicted Trump victory, just proved that he is loyal to his views on charisma rather than political views, that takes integrity.
Because he fought against a Bill that made not calling a man a 'nanoboy' hate speech.
That's basically it.
If you have strong enough cultural institutions and traditions, then Jews really aren't a problem. Jews are as much of an issue as we let them be.
Reminder to stop spamming this mentally ill boomer here. Take your cult back to plebbit where it belongs.
Peterson is a brainlet that doesn't understand basic biology or philosophy. This vid exposes his idiocy in excruciating detail:
You're taking life advice from a self admitted mentally ill man that still doesn't have his shit together and is on drugs for depression.
Your hero admits to spontaneously crying for no reason since he was a child. Here he is crying like a mental patient.
Peterson completely deconstructs Soviet era communism, frequently citing 'Gulag Archipelago' by Solzhenitsyn. He completely ignores Solzhenitsyn's book, '200 Years together' and the actors primarily responsible for the Russian Revolution. Here he is refusing to address a question on '200 years'
He has disavowed white identitarians and ethnonationalism but won't dare utter a word against Israel. Here he is telling everyone how great the jews are and how they're the most intelligent people on the planet.
Here Jordan Peterson speaks at a pro Israel event sponsored by The Mozuud Freedom Foundation, a pro Israeli group and The Council for Muslims Facing Tomorrow, a phony progressive Muslim group that loves Israel.
Wow, are you saying, that some opposition, is actually, controlled opposition????
Because he's a professor who isn't a Marxist and knows how people think
Reminder: Jews and /leftypol/ will post with meme flags like faggots.
Good vids. The crying one is especially cringey.
Still overall I think the man has a LOT of good and true stuff to say. As with every Thinker it is up to us to separate the good from the bad parts of what he teaches.
Do you agree that he has a lot of good speeches to learn from or do you discard all his teachings because of the shortcomings his philosophy has?
Genuinely curious user.
>implying any of this stuff works in their favor
the only thing the are achiving is to push people in the far right to an even more radical point of view.
in real life they are even radicalizing the normies.
my younger brother who does not know my political standpoint since i dont talk politics IRL keeps showing me "fun" videos of people making fun of leftist.
his classmates seem to like that "squatingslavtv" guy since he also covers the slav meme.
memes are winning this war on the left.
look at statistics, generation Z has a similar rate of conservatives as three generations before.
and being a hipster is not considered an insult.
the left is doing what they do best witch is close their eyes, cover the ears and artistically screech for their new 160 gender pronouns and a communist west but the only thing they are accomplishing is to make youngsters drift away.
the leftist will be referred more like a joke or an insult than a demographic in the years to come.
example of a meme image that my brother and his friends riposted on their walls after the whole November 4 fiasco.