This was captioned “never sharing with my husband again” clearly showing two males holding hands. How disgustingly degenerate and socialist. This timeline is fucked
The absolute state of Reddit
Go back there and stay. Nobody needs you shitposting here too, faggot.
>Nintendo Shitch
All the time. Is Nintendo the most soy brand in the videogame industry?
Fuck of nigger I only go there to insult niggers and faggots
fpbp, based KENYA
you americans are really fucked up in the head. no surprise you get played by the jews
Only socialist policies breed faggots idiot
At least we head-fucked Americans aren't dumb enough to fall for shit not even pretending to be real
These get funnier every time
someone make more soyoboy nintendo memes pls
Yeah I'm sure that the abolishment of child labour and weekends are the root cause of homosexuality.
>socialism means being gay
american education
The absolute state of socialist jewrope
You realize socialist policies breed weak men which inreturn turns them into dick sucking faggots right? These are NEET homosexuals this can only happen with socialism
>what is national SOCIALISM
>Fascism was heavily socialist
Never change, Americans
You’re fucking right for once britbong Mohammed
Stop perpetuating this meme national socialism and communist socialism are different you Mexican mongrel
Most homosexuals have jobs, where do they come from?
>pretending to be real
you understimate american degeneracy on the internet
Everyone has a job you stupid nigger
You think Americans are the only ones getting "played" by {{them}}? Get the fuck out of here with that ignorant shit!
Do you know what a NEET is, friendo? ;)
Any nation with a central bank is being played also same goes with media
Yeah, based Socialist Sweden is a modern Nazi paradise.
There's a difference between Socialism and National Socialism, you drooling retard
Yeah whatever neet or not still faggots still playing Nintendo at 30 degenerate as it comes
Yes. I am aware of this fact.
Sweden is socialist? Yeah, just like denmark, right?
You americans are brainwashed by the jews so deep into your ass that you don't even realize you're in a bubble. Not surprised you keep vomiting the word socialism without even understanding what it is
Why would visit Reddit and come here to show what is happening there, you faggot? There is clearly your place, so go back there and never come back
So where does socialism come in? ;)
Nintendo is the patrician choice faggot
Stardew Valley is a good game though. It promotes good values like working hard, living off the land, being independent, and marrying a hot wife and settling down, providing for a family. It's comfy and wholesome.
Nordic socialism isn't national socialism Wtf are you smoking
>I go there.
Stay there faggot. You couldn't stop even if you tried
Does throwing fruit at women help irl?
Right? I'm fucking sick of shit, like beyond sick because it's been this way forever. People complain that people post stuff from THAT site here... While they are in the middle of doing just that. I've never touched reddit or don't have an account there, but I get the usual "durr go back" by every faggot here who can't read or comprehend an opinion that's not there's.
Meanwhile every fucking day we get threads like shit "HEY GUYS LOOK WHAT IS GOING ON REDDIT!"... The people just admitting to going there and back and forth are ones telling the Sup Forums Native-Loyalists to go back there. They're just projecting their guilt. We weren't bullshiting and memespouting when we said we don't want to have anything to do with them.
And you had to go ahead and make it about faggotry when the OP didn't mention his gender?
You realize you can marry both ways in SDV right? It’s an alright game but when you add to homosexuals playing it on Nintendo switch you’ve just made it incredibly faggy
Don't know until you try.
I was actually going to post "both sets of hands look male." Then I saw that you said it was two males.
the most soy brand is soyny
Their games are the ones promoting homosexuality, diversity, and race mixing(last of us)
Ninty on the other hand proceeds to never include gay marriage in any of their games, has no diversity, and is filled to the brim with blonde heroines and male heroes who always have to responsible for saving the world
Commies, Marxists, social democrats or any other leftist party were put into concentration camps. But amerimutt education says otherwise.
No, you dumb wop, if you're trying to tell me Sweden is not Socialist, you don't understand what Socialism is.
>so brainwashed by Jews
Our Jews applaud no system more than Socialism, you fucking retard.
Yeah? I don't judge things by emotional, social association like a normie. If the thing is good, it's good. I don't care who else enjoys it.
>fire emblem
Although yeah, they were basically forced.
What’s your point? National socialism is the complete opposite of Marxist socialism if you can’t understand thst you’re a homosexual anyways
isn't it the way you do this in India?
Jesus, the European posts itt are making me nauseous
Not the only one. But the source of the power
>Picking that slut over Penny
It's like you have shit taste in waifus.
>a country has free health so it is socialist
No, it just promotes doing that stuff in a video game, you fucking degenerate loser.
Stop trying to justify your neet-faggotry
>New Load
At least they are being honest about what’s being shot up theor ass and down their throat
>Op is a faggot
>Op is jealous that other men can be happy together, and he will never find a male qt3.14 to play games with in bed
>kys Op
Except its boring as shit
>going to reddit
>scolding anyone for anything
she is trailor trash
who fucking cares what reddit thinks or does
Fuck you sarcastic nigger neet
Which shit country is that nigger flag from
Typical snake flag
Her mom's trailer trash. She's a teacher who hates alcohol and dreams of having a family.
True but it’s teaching children that being a faggot is okay so we cannot just move past it and forget it. It must be an example of degeneracy for the next generation
I'm not kidding, if you're jealous, that's fine
but at least be man enough to admit that
you're jealous, I mean, isn't that the only reason
you were looking at two dudes holding hands
on Cruddit in the first place?
>The news feed implies I was looking?
I found the faggot here guys
>muh homophobia
Stop LARPing as someone who goes outside and has a real life.
Yeah Penny or the artist girl, Leah would have been my second choice. I just felt bad for Penny, once you start getting into her story. In my next game I'll probably marry her. But I went with Haley because she was the hot country blonde girl and she was bitchy and rejected me which brought up real life feelings of being cruelly rejected by girls so I made that bitch love me with flowers and cake everyday like I can't make a real life girl love me.
I bet the bf with red switch is a wild party animal like Michelangelo and the bf with black switch is dark and sarcastic and cynical like Raphael.
I'm drunk. Poor reading comprehension. I agree with you, wanted to relpy to the other guy
Lol I was gonna say you literally have a white pride flag so I was a bit confused 14/88
And they all enjoy pizza.. #pizzagateisreal
gas the gays, degenerates
>gas the gays
Someone quick make a T-shirt
Nintendo is for kids
Sony is for niggers
Microsoft is for thriteen year old boys
PC is for fat neckbeards
Pick your poison
Fruit, or acid. I forgot which one's for which occasion though!
>ever going to leddit
Here's what I don't get about this image. It says that "30 percent of suicides" are gays.
But that means that 70% of suicides are straights. So clearly, straight people have a much bigger problem with suicide than gays.
This image is so stupid it's almost bait.
>Checks flag
Oh, right. Subhuman spic garbage.
I told my boyfriend, OP, but he said you were a faggot.