Why is USA considered first world again???
Police killing rates in G7 members
graph doesn't show who does the killing
aka minorities
Because everyone knows we have a nigger problem, and applauds us for simply not rounding them up and killing them like every other one of these countries has done to their problematic populations at times.
Yes, we are just so backwards and uncivilized to allow our cops to kill people with firearms. We should follow progressive Europe's example and just arm them simply with the power of persuasion. That'll work on those migrants.
Because USA is the best.
If it werent for the niggers and spics the US would surpass most European countries in terms of safety and standards of living.
Literally the reason why its "shittier" than other first world nations it's because it's trying to nanny millions of shitskin third worlders
>If it werent for the spics
Where's the lie in what i said?
You know, I live in a shit skin city, and I don't know a single white person who has ever been shot, and there are shootings within 10 blocks of my house every single day.
>implying my reply was attempting to prove you wrong rather than satirising that you live in one of the poorest, brownest south american nations
I wouldn't have it any other way.
>If we compare the US minus the minorities with Europe including its minorities, US would surpass most European countries in terms of safety and standards of living
No shit burger.
If you kill your enemy, they win
Instead you need to create jobs for statists and siphon money from the working class
More cops more jails more arrests more money more power more corruption
You know there's an issue when your constitution says you can't have a standing army... So you use a discretionary budget each year to keep a standing army
But wait, they can't operate on US soil like that, so train them in third world shit holes to kill brown people
Give them a job as a cop when they get back. Give them all a bunch of military equipment
Success! You've now figured out how to operate a standing army on U.S. soil, funded by a war on drugs and prison economy
One last thing... They're used to shooting brown people... And brown people want to shoot them here again..
Hmm... And they have to arrest brown people since they commit the most crimes...
What can go wrong?!
Brown people hate white people because of their interactions with police
Time to blame racist white cops! Make a big media circus, but definitely not going to whip the house slave... So now you have the media making it look like white guys are getting away with murdering blacks
Blacks hate whites, whites hate themselves, and cops hate everyone. That's how you get numbers like OP. By training soliders and creating a race war under the guise of "serving and protecting"
he's bolivian you retard
>If we compare the US minus the minorities with Europe including its minorities
I don't know if you realize but the countries the US matches the most are pretty homogenous, anyways good job on missing his point and using this opportunity to flaunt your superiority complex.
>Meme Flag
>Opinion Discarded
>101 out of 100 people
Because white folk don't hang around outside anymore
Kind of sad that we've abandoned the side walks and parks to minorities
The more criminals you have, the more the police will kill.
That's as dumb as thinking Jap posters are actually Japanese. Why are you so angry?
>his country doesn't have more guns than people
>Reading comprehension
There are more guns than people in America
As a white male in my mid 20's I own enough guns to account for another 20 people in that statistic since it's per capita
not many ppl are aware of this but if you subtract the nigger and spick crimes from american crime statistics - america is one of the safest countries on earth.