
All of human civilization can be wiped from the face of the earth in a matter of hours.

>durr fearmongering Jooish tricks

Sup Forums is this dysgenic

>in a matter of hours.
How? There's not enough nukes in the world to even destroy every square inch of Texas and Oklahoma combined.

I wish it happened everyday.

im imagining hocking the biggest phlegm ball imaginable, holding your head head back and mouth open then spitting it in

>All of human civilization can be wiped from the face of the earth in a matter of hours.

yeah and? who cares

secret bioweapons

>fallout particles
>ash thrown into the air
>power grid down
>water and air irradiated
>sun blocked out,causing nuclear winter
>crops can't grow
>money is now worthless

Is that a sexual thing Canadians do?

Everything on earth can be wiped out at any time.

>All of human civilization can be wiped from the face of the earth in a matter of hours.
Prove it

I would survive

This. A lot of people I know are freaking out right now because of that doomsday clock thing but the truth is that there is no accurate prediction because it could happen at any time from just about anyone with nukes.

You really don't think we'd survive? We're the most stubborn species on this planet. We put toxic shit in our bodies for fun, kill each other on a massive scale over disagreements, and create all kinds of technology. I don't think humans are going anywhere anytime soon. Unless whites go extinct, then the human race is fugged


Yes... And?

>Filter the water
>Ash from the bombs is negligable to live on the ground
>Fallout depends on whether the bomb iis in the air or on the ground when it goes off, airburst is standard because you get more destruction and less fallout
>Crops could still be grown, though it may become more difficult, as you'd have to make sure they don't take up fallout
>Even if the plants grew significantly slower, the population, and thus demand for food, would be greatly reduced,
>Light some candles
>Money is already worthless

>Implying non-whites are human

whatever, im ready for it



>I came here to say I don't like it here

do it faggot

Please! Fucking do it! DO IT.

Well why don't you go and do something about it, faggot.

but did you brush your teeth yet?

see you tomorrow

Got me there lmao

Those chinese sons of bitches are going down

Even that stupid caption in the meme doesn’t make sense.

>what is switzerland