>in before I hope they offer you a blindfold and cigarette.
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yeah I doubt it
God I wish I could be drafted, I'm bored with my job. Need the military to drop their ridiculous peace time standards. Most peace time soldiers will die instantly in a real war anyway.
the gulf war ended in 100 hours. this will be the same shit
A president standing on the deck of a ship and declaring the end of a war does not mean it is the end. The enemy does not comply with those kind of memos. More U.S. Soldiers died after that alleged " end of the war" than died during the first 100 hours. This is not desert warfare, and the enemy will be supplied with an endless stream of soldiers, weaponry, and muntions from China.
>A president standing on the deck of a ship and declaring the end of a war does not mean it is the end.
Thoroughly dismantling the opposing force does, which is exactly what happened to the 4th largest army in under 100 hours. How is losing 5-6k over the two decades following that war comparable to losing millions as per your picture?
>This is not desert warfare, and the enemy will be supplied with an endless stream of soldiers, weaponry, and muntions from China.
China and Russia have already greenlit military action against NK if it comes to it. Both of them have failed to reign in the norks and now they're paying for it with acknowledgement that they can no longer be supported and will have to help out or take care of NK themselves.
lol im not dying for Israel
>mixing up the gulf war and the iraq invasion
>being this retarded
>Not understanding the " muh hundrid hour" Desert Storm and " The Iraq Invasion" are Campaigns of the same War, which has not ended, but still rages today
Draft put on hold as it does not women and LGBT minorities.
North Korea is blasted by 1,000's of Cruise Missiles and UAV's with laser guided missiles.
Desert Storm and OEF/OIF are two distinctly different military actions and you trying to conflate the two in the context of a Korean conflict is entirely disingenuous.
damage control
Nice. If they start a draft, I’ll just enlist.
They don’t have to draft me I’d gladly sign up but I’m gonna work the mess hall.
Refusing to recognise purely political delineations of a war for purposes of propaganda is not damage control, and you are attempting to distract from The Message, Shill.
you're literally comparing a conventional war to a COIN war with a decade separating the two. the OP is about a conventional war with Korea.
it's just gonna be another shitstomp
So there are portions of Korea 1.0 which are completely seperate and unrelated, not part of the same war? I think not. You are trying to dig yourself out of a hasty un thought out attack. You took your hand off the pawn when you pushed post
>So there are portions of Korea 1.0 which are completely seperate and unrelated, not part of the same war? I think not.
literally what the fuck are you trying to say?
Is war coming to Europe?
Please vote here strawpoll.me
The gulf war was not the same thing as the iraq war.
Sure they both involved Saddam Hussein and the Bush family but that's like saying World War 1 and World War 2 (Similar time gap)
were the same over all conflict.
Is it not?
Things we should be discussing are along the lines of evacuating South Korea and Japan. Tick. Tock.
Just read an article on the change on the clock, they changed it because DRUMPFFFFFFFF!!!!
>Tick. Tock.
you do realize that nork artillery can only target 1/3rd of Seoul, max? They don't have enough ICBMs or TBMs to make the whole "muh coin flip missile defense" theory a reality.
Why do you think there's a draft coming?
desu in a forced service situation you should just kill people on your side out of spite
I'm too old but I'd still volunteer for operation human shield if need be.
I hope everything comes to a head. Can't wait for Civil Insurrections Nationwide or a FullScale War Scenario... Atleast people will be forced into action... The government has been poking the bear for sometime now... The retards can't feel it or just don't care... How many times do you need your mouth SHIT in??
I think he means we’d just be hitting “unpause” if we went to war in Korea again tomorrow, and that it was similar with the Gulf Wars.
If we hit "unpause" tomorrow it would be a conventional war which is exactly the opposite of what happened in the Gulf.
Are you retarded? Gulf war 1 was a conventional war.
The reason the war on terror has been going so long is because it’s not a conventional war.
>Are you retarded? Gulf war 1 was a conventional war.
thanks, captain obvious. my point is that the gulf war electric boogaloo 2 was a distinctly different engagement compared to the first gulf war. A conventional war followed up with a COIN conflict is not the same as a conventional war being continued as a conventional war.
>first strike nuclear war
>first strike nuclear war not conflagrating.