trump BTFO
Trump BTFO
Leave it to a body language expert to forget that men have a COCK AND BALLS that would be painfully crushed if we were to keep our legs together as women can do.
It's not just the twig and berries, but the male pelvic girdle is oriented differently than the female. Legs on males are more in-line with this positioning when spread, females when together.
Leave it to lefites and feminists to be completely ignorant of anything and everything based in reality.
what the fuck how is this news
>body language expert
pick one
>body language expert
AKA professional bullshit artist.
This is an actual headline. What a fucking time to be alive.
heh theresa loves it when trump creams her cat
>may got creamed by trump
What are they talking about? She's slouching. If I had to guess who these people where I would say she was his daughter.
creaming may
OP is faggot virgin
>in a 1 person chair
>Mays pussy got Trumps cream
Fucking English are vial
>but it's May who's the cat that got the cream
what the fuck is this dumb normie shit
Amazing how body language is used when you have no real argument.
Seriously. I thought the complaint was that you crowd your neighbor on the subway.
>sitting in a comfortable position is now offensive
inb4 1 post by this user
What is this absolutely faggoty headline?
shes a sodding millionaire mate honestly tell me now you wouldnt jump behind a bike shed with her for a ride around the block
Man, british normalfags are fucking brainddead. How can anyone stand to listen to someone talk and act that way? Truly embarassing for the U.K.
No goyim you're not allowed to display any sign of masculinity as it is oppressive to womyn.
I'm impressed someone wrote that with confidence anyone would give a shit.
What the fuck is this saying? Can someone translate this title into plain English?
Trump spread May's pussy and creampied it?
May hasn't had cream in her for decades and rightly so
>cat who's got the cream
Sorry anglobros, not native english speaker here, what does 'the cat that got the cream' means ?
Native English speaker here. I have no clue.
you are plain
Her position is forced his is natural
The (((body language expert))) prolly told her how to sit.
Likewise men have penises we don't like to smash them between our legs when we sit.
>trump creampies british whore, news at 11
Welcome to 24/7 news coverage. Gotta fill those slots with something.
This fucking headline seems like it was written by AI predictive text
Sup Forums come up with the counter term.
>woman shrivel?
It means she got dicked by Trump
>in front of PM (insignificant UK Prime Minister, while he is a fucking President of USA)
>Who's the cat that got the cream (what a cream?)
>reveals body language expert
>body language expert
what did they meant by that?
It's the opinion of this body language autist that May looks nervous/afraid, legs and body pulled to one side, playing with her fingers arms closed around her. She's terrified on that stage.
Welcome to News (When There's No Real News to Report)TM
>arriving like prize fighter
literally just waving
Cucks desperate for something to use against the Don
>but it's May who's the cat that got the cream
Did Trump just cuck britain?
Look how weak and insecure she looks.
it is news if you're american
Cucking Britain is a time honored American tradition my Ikea friend.
Got place for a trans american over there? I want to move.
>president arrives and sits down
>that's it
This must be the easiest time to be a journalist ever. Also those leopard print shoes are the real crime here
Man I Love you Sup Forums .....
>cat that got the cream
She sure does have cream. Right between her legs.
Nice try.
But we're full.
Overbooked actually.
Why,oh god why is this an actual article on a news site?
This. Someone post that one where he sits in the background while two women talk.
> manspreads
> single seat
these guys are desperate
I've been of the opinion that May and Trump, with the supposed antagonism to each other. Have been, playing a misdirection game on the EU negotiators. What ever they wanted, they seem now to have obtained.
>manspreading in a single-person chair
literally shaking right now
Clearly it is time to impeach!!
why the fuck's she sitting like royalty? smug old whore
Joke's on you, I'd do it for free.
>the whole "muh manspread" was started by drooling feminist retards on public transportation that didn't have enough room for their house sized purse, toy poodle, shoes from neiman marcus, and 3 mixed race kids running around
>1 seat by itself in an interview room
>man spreading
Just call them women? That's all you really need to say.
Call the police!
holy crap headline gore. anyway his tie was covering up his junk.
why did you do this to him cancuks? Explain yourselves.
What a toxic display of masculinity